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Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization Program Newsletter

Program Updates

Recap of Phase 1

  • The City of Pico Rivera is undertaking a comprehensive community-based process to re-envision and revitalize Historic Whittier Boulevard.
  • The City is developing a Specific Plan and a Multi-Modal Plan for Whittier Boulevard and Durfee Avenue, which will lay the foundation for a new “uptown” district that embraces the rich history, culture, and identity of Pico Rivera.
  • Phase 1 of the Historic Whittier Boulevard (HWB) Revitalization Program is now complete.
Phase 2 is Underway!
Historic Whittier Boulevard Booth at Summer Street Fest
  • During Phase 1, the team presented the HWB Program at City Council and Commission meetings, school board meetings, townhalls, Pico Rivera Chamber of Commerce meetings, the Pico Rivera Farmer’s Market, and other special events.
  • A weeklong planning charrette comprised of a tour of the City of Orange, technical meetings, and a community open house was held at the Pico Rivera IDEA Lab at 9201 E Whittier Blvd.
  • In partnership with Day One, a non-profit organization, the City also launched the Youth Ambassador Program, which provides immersive, real-world experience in community planning and designing. All the while, Youth Ambassadors are exposed to education and career pathways in urban planning, public policy, community design, civil engineering, project management, and much more.
  • Any high-school or college-aged youth that are interested in joining the program are invited to sign up on the project website. Altogether, the project team engaged and captured input from over 2,000 community members, stakeholders, businesses, and civic leaders.
  • Valuable feedback and ideas for transforming the Whittier Boulevard corridor, including ideas to improve the roadway, sidewalks, alleys, and buildings to promote walking, biking, placemaking and economic development were captured.
  • A summary of engagement efforts and an extensive analysis of the corridor can be found in the final Existing Conditions Report, now available on the project website.
Youth Ambassador's at the IDEA Lab
  • Phase 2 is now underway and will take place between August 2023 and Winter of 2024. During this phase, the Project team will host a new round of community engagement activities, booth at city events, and collect feedback with community survey #2 now live on our city website and accessible via the QR code on the graphic below.
  • Phase 2 will include another multi-day planning charrette at the IDEA Lab between October 6 and October 12, ending with a communitywide open house featuring interactive displays, stations, models, activities for children and more.
  • Phase 2 will also include an interactive scavenger hunt along Whittier Boulevard where residents will be able to scan codes at locations along the corridor which will illustrate the current condition and a projected model of the future.
  • Everyone is encouraged to provide your valuable feedback visiting the project booth; completing Community Survey #2; or by joining us during the planning charrette week at the Pico Rivera IDEA Lab from October 6th to 12th. Together, we can design the future of Historic Whittier Boulevard!
Take Community Survey #2!

Youth Ambassador Program

Join the Pico Rivera Youth Ambassador's Program!

Pico Rivera Youth Ambassadors!

The Pico Rivera Youth Ambassadors Program is an ambassadorship that will provide students with the hands-on experience and educational opportunities within the sphere of urban planning and design, public policy, project development and public administration.

  • If you’re interested in helping us design the Pico Rivera YOU want to see - join the Pico Rivera Youth Ambassador Program! Meeting details:
  • Date: Weekly on Thursdays
  • Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Boys & Girls Club of Pico Rivera (9115 Balfour St Pico Rivera, CA 90660)


  • Partnered with Self-Help Graphics to give 100 free tote bags to community members for completing HWB Community Survey #2 at the Summer Street Fest.
  • Participated at the El Rancho High School Back to School Night to recruit youth.
  • Partnering with the Boys & Girls club of Pico Rivera to host weekly interactive sessions.

In the Community

Program Booth at Fiestas Patrias - September 15

On Friday, September 15, the Historic Whittier Boulevard team gave away custom HWB screen printed tote bags after completing Community Survey #2! The team will continue to set up project booths at city events, join us to learn more about the program and provide your valuable insight and feedback as we design the future of historic "uptown" Whittier Boulevard in Pico Rivera!

Community Design Charrette Week - October 6 through 12

The Pico Rivera IDEA Lab will host HWB Charrette Week from October 6 - 12

We invite our residents, stakeholders, business owners, and the public at large to review early design considerations and provide your feedback during Charrette Week 2 scheduled for October 6 through October 12th at the Pico Rivera IDEA Lab (9201 E Whittier Blvd). During this Charrette week, the IDEA Lab will open its doors and host several presentations, exhibits, stakeholder meetings and a community wide open house. A detailed list of events will be shared with the community as soon as its available!
