Creating Graphics with Adobe Express


  1. Creating a Brand
  2. Starting a New Project
  3. Applying Brand Settings
  4. Replacing Images
  5. Replacing Type
  6. Applying Custom Colors
  7. Adding New Text
  8. Text to Image
  9. Downloading and Sharing
  10. Additional Resources

1. Creating a Brand

Click on "Your Stuff" then select the "Brands" tab and click "Create new brand."

Add the downloaded assets to the respective locations, or feel free to use your own. The University color HEX Codes are Red: #AB0520, Blue: #0C234B and Cool Grey: #E2E9EB.

By clicking on the three dots you can assign hierarchy to any section with multiple elements. On the right side of the screen you can see a preview of the elements arranged according to your settings.

For more information about developing a brand and implementing it in Express please click on the link below.

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2. Starting a New Project

Scroll through the "suggested" section and click on "Infographic." If it is not apparent type "Infographic" to the search bar at the top.

Creating from a blank document can be overwhelming so when you open a new project the "Template" tab on the menu to the left will be open, showing you some examples that you can choose from. Search for the Infographic Template shown above, or by searching "infographic pink purple temperament."

To use the template click on "Start new file."

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3. Applying Brand Settings

Click on one of the dark purple elements to start making changes to the template. Once selected the menu to you left will change, select the "Fill" color. Click on the three lines to the right in the "Brands" section and select the "Wildcat" brand we created. This will load all of the colors associated with that brand.

Many templates will have sections of grouped elements, click on "Ungroup" in the lefthand menu to separate all the parts. Continue to change all of the dark purple color to the U of A's navy blue.

Continue to convert all the pink color to the the Brands "Cool Grey."

Use the "Ungroup" feature to separate the titles from the oval backgrounds and change them to the U of A's Red.

Convert all the type clocks to the same U of A navy blue.

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4. Replacing Images

To replace existing graphics, select the element and click on "Replace."

Express accesses Adobe Stock when you search for any graphic. To get the same image type "red and blue" into the search bar on the lefthand menu. This will replace the existing image with the image of your choice.

Select the first circular photograph and click on "Upload from device" and navigate to where you saved the downloaded assets.

Select the "92 Graph.png and click "Open."

Replace the remaining images with the other graphs as pictured above. The order should be 92 Graph.png, 75 Graph.png, 5- Graph.png and App Percentage Graph.png.

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5. Replacing Type

To replace existing type, double click on the desired section. Once highlighted, type "ADOBE Usage Across Campus." To change to color of the type make sure it is highlighted and click on fill, in this case navigate to the brand colors and select "Cool Grey."

Replace the four titles with "Assigned, Activated, Active and Top Apps."

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6. Applying Custom Colors

Highlight and delete the text in the "Top Apps" section and write "Acrobat: 5,991." Select the type and click on "Fill" in the lefthand menu and then select the "Eyedropper Tool" before clicking on the red section of the adjacent graph. This will copy a color directly from the document.

Copy and paste the text by clicking "Cmnd/Ctrl + C" and "Cmnd/Ctrl + V." Assigning the color of the graph to each section using the eyedropper tool respectively.

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7. Adding New Text

To add a new block of text to a project click on "Add your text" in the lefthand menu.

With the text selected type "The University of Arizona" and assign the typeface "Adobe Garamond Pro Regular" from the character drop down menu in the Wildcats Brand section if you have it downloaded.

Using the Bounding Box click on a corner and drag inward to shrink the size of the type until is fits neatly below the "Top Apps" section at the bottom of your project. Assign it the "Cool Grey" from our Wildcat Brand.

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8. Text to Image

in the Media tab on the lefthand menu click on "Text to Image" and select "Square 1:1."

To get a similar type of image type "creative cloud" in the prompt window. Keeping in mind that every time you search using the same prompt it will generate a different result.

With the image still selected utilize Express' "Remove background." This can also be achieved by editing an image in Photoshop or Illustrator and saving it as a .png which supports transparent background but takes much more time usually. Scale the image down before placing it below the "Assigned" section.

With the element still selected click on the "Adjustments" tab and make any adjustments you might like. If you are unhappy with your results, click on the "Reset all" button at the bottom before moving on.

After creating another graphic using the prompt "student working on computer" I used Express' "Erase" feature which allows me to more selectively remove portions of my images.


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9. Downloading and Sharing

To Download a copy of my project, click on "Download" and then select the format you would like and click "Download." You will also be presented with a "Share a link for easy access" which will generate a URL for the document when you click on "Get Link."

Clicking on "Share File" will allow you to share a URL link with users by entering their email address.

Clicking on "Share" will provide you with the previous options as well as allow you to "Schedule Posts" through the Express' Scheduler feature. You will also have external storage options listed at the bottom.

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10. Additional Resources

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