

Principal's Message

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have attended the McMillan Coffee Morning today. We have been honoured to host this event and are grateful for your attendance and donations. Many thanks to Miss Grant our Pastoral Support Worker who has organised this event and the in school baking! We have raised £220.25 so far for this great cause.

Reminder – Please ensure that children do not use the exercise equipment before or after school.

Reminder – Please label school clothing as we already have had lost blazers and ties.

Reminder – Studs only should be worn in school. You child may be asked to remove sleepers or dangly earrings.

Reminder – Healthy snacks only at playtime. Some children may need a reminder not to eat their lunchtime crisps at playtime

Allotment Project

Requests: We are currently working on developing the area an allotment and the area under the trees we are looking for donations of:

  • Bamboo that could be taken from any that you are currently growing/over run with not bought
  • Tractor tyres

Possibly contacts you might have:

  • If you have any contacts who might be able to give us discount or donate we are looking for outdoor plants.
  • Traffic barriers to section off the area in the playground whilst it is being developed – a bit random!

Learning Round-up

Maple: It has been another busy week in Maple class this week! The children have been working hard with the new routines. This week we have been busy comparing stories to our model text “The squeaky story” in writing, in geography we have been learning about London and the London underground, in PE we practised our chest passing and in art we have been learning about Barbara Hepworth. Well done maple class Keep up the hard work.

Silver Birch:Another brilliant week everybody. We have worked hard in all our lessons and have been making brilliant progress. We have all been working hard with our addition and subtraction unit we started this week, looking at number bonds to 100. We have also continued to look at our model text this week in preparation for writing our own version next week.

Elder: We have had another brilliant week in Elder class. In Science we have been learning about how our muscles move, RE we have been learning about the relationship Jews have with God and writing some suspenseful paragraphs in Talk for Writing. Well done Elder.

Pine: Another fantastic week in Pine class. We have been using our knowledge of place value to help us solve maths problems, including problems involving currency. We have also been practising our reading fluency with our model text in Talk for Writing, improving our character voice and expression. In history we were learning all about Roman Emperors and considered whether we would prefer to have Emperor Augustus or Emperor Nero in charge of our school. What a great week Pine!

Willow: Another great week Willow. They have enjoyed writing their descriptive toolkits and boxing up their amber writes ready for next week. Willow have been analysing sources in history, looking at the Mayan Classic Period and discussing how it was the height of their civilisation.

Sequoia: We’ve had another amazing week in Sequoia! We have looked at the composition of blood in Science, looked at some of the sacrifices Sikh people make for their religion in RE and started our new addition and subtraction topic in Maths. We had a great time completing some field work at the Country Park where we made some sketches of the area and used our senses to explore the world around us. Keep it up Sequoia!

Acer: We have had another jam-packed week in Acer! In maths, we had great fun trying to reach target numbers using strategic thinking and our knowledge of place value. We also explored a new super-efficient method to add numbers in a sequence. In writing, we have collectively boxed up our information text, The Mountain Troll, and are eager to start planning our own texts next week! In the afternoons, we have delved into understanding how Egypt built such a great civilisation and enjoyed researching key features of the Amazon. Keep working hard, Acer and striving to be the best that you can be!

Oak: This week Oak class has been focusing on core addition and subtraction facts and strategies. They have been looking at the structure of our model text and creating an informative toolkit. The children have been debating what does it mean to be a loyal friend and how main characters in Mortal Engines showed devotion to each other. In the afternoons, children gained an understanding of how Egypt built a great civilization, how to plan a fair test and carry out a successful investigation to check whether solids were soluble or insoluble and researched key features of the Amazon, discovering that over half of existing animal and plant species live in rainforests. Well done, Oak!

Jeans For Genes raised £150.00

Thank you so much for your donations. It was gratefully received.

Dates for your diary

Macmillan Coffee Morning: Friday 29th Sept 9:00am http://www.justgiving.com/cm23065935

Anaphylaxis Awareness Week: Sun 1st October - Sat 7th October

Individual Photos: Wednesday 4th October

Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 4th October 2023 - 9AM & 11AM

Winter Shield: Thursday 12th October 2023

Parents Evenings: Monday 16th October 4pm-7pm & Tuesday 17th October 4pm- 6:30pm

Parker Headteacher Visit to see Year 6: Friday 20th October

Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 8th November - 9AM & 11AM

Children in Need: Friday 17th November

Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 6th December - 9AM & 11AM

Christmas Jumper Day: Thursday 7th December

Daventry Carol Service (Choir): Tuesday 12th December

Santa Run: Wednesday 13th December

Christmas Party: Friday 15th December

Reports: Monday 18th December

Football team won Monday 25th Sept 2023
500 Words, the UK’s most successful children’s writing competition has now opened for submissions and will run until Friday 10 November. 50 finalists, along with their parents or carers, will be invited to attend a grand final next February at Buckingham Palace! What is BBC 500 Words? The creative writing competition is split into two age categories, 5-7 and 8-11 year olds, and there will be gold, silver and bronze winners for each age group. The idea is to write a 500 word fictional story on whatever you want…dogs in space? Food coming alive? Aliens taking over? We want to hear it all. Stories will be judged on five things: characterisation, originality, plot, language and enjoyment. How can your child enter? Email your child's typed story to office@falconershillacademy.co.uk by the 3rd November and Mrs Young will help to submit your entry. If you have a great idea but do not have access to an electronic device to type your story, please come and speak to Mrs Young.


Overall Attendance: 94.8%

Maple: 94.6%

Silver Birch: 98.0%

Elder: 98.2%

Pine: 94.2%

Sequoia: 91.0%

Willow: 91.7%

Acer: 91.0%

Oak: 99.3%

After School Clubs - Term 1

  • Mondays: Recorder Club
  • Tuesdays: Pro-Sports Football Club
  • Wednesdays: Pro-Sports Multi Sports
  • Thursdays: Pro-Sports Tag Rugby
  • Fridays: Shakespeare Club (Y5 and Y6 Only), Elite Football (Invitation Only)

Healthy Eating and Well Being

We are working hard to promote healthy eating in school. Caterlink provide a wide range of salads to accompany our school meal offer. Their meals are nutritional and well balanced. Below is a link to the Better Health website where you can find guides to healthy meals and lunchboxes.

Healthy Eating Award

We are working towards out Healthy Schools Award. Please take a look at our draft Healthy Food and Physical Activity policies. Please remember to send your child in with water in their water bottle and a healthy packed lunch. Don't forget to consider the fresh cooked balanced meals from Caterlink.

Reminder - snacks at playtime must be healthy e.g. fruit, low sugar/salt bars. This should not be crisps. Water bottles need to contain water and not squash OR fizzy drinks.

Allergy awareness - we are a nut-free school. Please ensure Nutella sandwiches and Celebrations and other sweets containing nuts are not brought into school.

Notice Board

We use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour. My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, free online classes and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.

My Family Journal App - Find patterns and triggers to make sense of your child’s behaviour and find helpful ideas to try with our free journal app. Your journal is completely confidential to you. We don’t offer prescriptions, just more ideas to consider to help you understand the reasons behind the behaviours you’re seeing. Enjoy the benefits of journaling with all the advantages of our free app. Using the power of the My Family Journal, we can help you find and tackle the reasons behind the behaviour. https://www.myfamilycoach.com/journal/



Our Vision

To ensure all our children are engaged in the present and prepared for the future. Our children will leave us motivated to take on new challenges and with the confidence to persevere in all they do. Through a world class education, all our children will develop the ability to become lifelong learners. Our exciting, engaging and innovative curriculum will ignite a passion for learning in all of us.

Our children are members of a diverse community that is kind, responsible and respectful to all. Everyone is valued and celebrated. Everyone is encouraged to be ambitious and aspirational. Through our active collaboration between home and school, we develop resilient, confident and independent learners.

Keep in touch


01327 703132


Twitter: @FalconersHill

Facebook: Falconer's Hill Academy

Term Dates 2023-2024

Term 1

Training Day 1st September & 4th September 2023

Term starts 5th September 2023

Term Ends 20th October 2023

Term 2

Term starts 6th November 2023

Term ends 20th December 2023

Term 3

Training Day 3rd January 2024

Term starts 4th January 2024

Term ends 16th February 2024

Term 4

Term starts 26th February 2024

Term ends 28th March 2024

Term 5

Term starts 15th April 2024

Term ends 24th May 2024

Term 6

Term starts 3rd June 2024

Term ends 22nd July 2024

Training Day 23rd July 2024 & 24th July 2024