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FIRE STATION #5 115 W Eagle Ridge Blvd


Spokane Fire Department (SFD) Fire Station 5 is the newest fire station in the City of Spokane. It serves the Latah Valley and Hangman neighborhoods from its unusual structure at the base of the Eagle Ridge housing development. The house, located at 115 W Eagle Ridge Boulevard, is built like many of the other homes in the area, and previously served as the information center for the housing development. In 2015 the office relocated and the City purchased the house at a cost significantly below what it would have been to build a typical fire station. The biggest difference between a house and a fire station is the space required to park an 11’ tall, 35’ long fire engine. The problem was solved by designing a fire truck that would fit inside a residential garage. The result, “Attack 5,” is a Ford F550 that can pump up to 1200 gallons per minute – just like a typical large fire engine. The creativity that went into providing quick emergency services to a fast-growing part of the city, while being fiscally responsible, earned a write up in Firehouse Magazine. Station 5 operates its single apparatus round-the-clock with a crew of three and provides Advanced Life Support as well as fire protection.

Station 5 Captain - Corey Neman

Station 5 Phone - (509) 625-7105

Spokane Fire Administration - (509) 625-7000

STATION 5 Apparatus

SPOKANE ATTACK 5 - 2014 Ford F550 4x4 Crew Cab with a 400 gallon tank and a 1500 GPM pump.