
A LITTLE R&B Updates from your friendly neighborhood SSFF conservation co-chairs Rebecca Ramirez and Bernard Yin | SSFF-CLUB

Brown Trout Photo (pictured above): Andy Reynolds

Bernard Yin & Rebecca Ramirez | SSFF Club Conservation Team

Meadow Restoration

The Sequel

We are excited to share this follow up to our Ramshaw Meadows report. See initial report here: https://ssffclub.org/blog/2023/8/1/ramshaw-meadow-recap

Basically, with the help of other members of the meadow restoration team, Bernard Yin and Rebecca Ramirez compiled a detailed report of the previously unknown presence of Brown Trout in what was considered a Golden Trout only habitat.

To be more specific, this is above barriers in the upper Kern River watershed; barriers designed to protect Golden populations from invasive species. The report was then submitted to appropriate parties which in turn sounded an alarm resulting in this very recent email from Egan Cornachione of the Inyo National Forest (excerpt):

"After hearing of our findings, CDFW pulled a crew together and went in and completed surveys along the SF Kern last week… They confirmed our observations. Brown trout were found in sparse numbers in Templeton Meadow, and in abundant numbers (more browns than goldens) in Ramshaw. Fortunately, there were NONE found in Tunnel Meadow. All browns they found were of a similar age and size class (~8-10 inches), and they found no young browns. This means the browns entered the S Fork Kern this year through one of two ways- high flows over the Templeton barrier, or through Strawberry Creek, which at high flows connects to the ridgetop that drains into the mainstem Kern River. They do not know for certain which way they entered. We’re working with CDFW right now to try and help them get their electrofishing equipment packed in over the next month so they can complete more surveys."

The Expansion of The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument - A Call To Action

We are rolling up our sleeves with hard questions about the San Gabriel Mountains, the fishing therein, the overall conditions, and last but not least encouraging all to consider the proposed expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument as a positive step towards better protecting these mountains and its watersheds. The proposed expansion area is detailed in the map below and knowledgeable So Cal anglers might notice that it includes known trout streams.

San Gabriel Mountains | Rebecca enjoying a streamside break. | Bernard ready to set. | Wild San Gabriel Rainbow Trout

Please consider signing the petition: HERE and look for more on this soon. There aren't that many anglers who have not scratched that itch to cast a fly, if even to a smallish trout, by fishing this region. We all know that there are huge challenges, but we should not give up.

Check out a recent CalTrout post using Bernard and Rebecca's images from the San Gabriels: Instagram | Facebook [scroll down]. Part of this mission has had a wonderful side effect in rekindling up a conversation with Jim Edmondson, formerly of CalTrout, who in the early 80s worked collaboratively with the Pasadena Casting Club to improve habitat on the West Fork San Gabriel River. This was followed a little later by successful actions to establish a minimum flow regime from Cogswell down. Jim was integral to a similar campaign in the San Bernardino mountains to ensure that water always flows down Bear Creek.


Do you ever wonder what a school of juvenile carp looks like? Here's a recent GoPro image from the Malibu Creek watershed where warm water species threaten to displace habitat of native fish i.e. coastal rainbow trout aka steelhead.

Sure, these fish can be celebrated as a great game fish, and they have become very popular to target on the fly but we feel that it is a shame that there are instances where they are also edging-out imperiled and fragile remnant trout populations. Don't forget about the ongoing effort, spearheaded by Debbie Sharpton of SWCFFI to put a dent in these populations.

More about this HERE. and please consider following the Restore Malibu Creek profile at Instagram or FACEBOOK [Essentially a part of CalTrout's greater SoCal agenda].

Celine's Fly Gal Weekend

Sept. 23/24 - Kernville

We are pleased to announce that we will be participating at this annual event. Sign up at: https://ssffclub.org/flygalsweekend

Klamath River Update

We feel that this Podcast provides one of the best summaries so far of the status of the dam removal project on the Klamath. It's a long listen but truly enlightening, inspiring, and exciting! Perfect for your next long drive. Link HERE.