
KC News Round Up Friday 29th September 2023

Year 8 Social

Year 8 enjoyed a fantastic social last Friday evening. After a few games of Capture the Flag and supper, pupils sang campfire songs, toasted marshmallows and drank hot chocolate. They finished the evening with a game of stuck in the mud. There was even a beautiful rainbow!

Year 9 Drama Trip

On Thursday Year 9 Drama students went on a trip to see the new musical production of Rebecca at the Charing Cross Theatre. The students really enjoyed the show, particularly the interactive fire! Some of the cast even came out for a photo afterwards!

"This trip was thoroughly enjoyable; the play was amazing, and all the actors projected their voices well and were all excellent in their roles. My favourite bit was the ice cream at the interval and Mrs Danvers." Elodie, Year 9

Hockey News

The senior hockey term has started and we are in the midst of many matches across the year groups, in both county competitions and national cup competitions.

Our U18 1st hockey team got off to a great start with a 3-1 win over Mayfield at home, while the 2nd team were unlucky to not come away with at least a draw in their close 0-1 defeat away at Mayfield.

The U16 team competed in their county tournament on Tuesday this week. After a win and two draws, the team unfortunately lost to Weald of Kent in the last match of the day. Well done to the whole team though!

Finally our U12s and U13s travelled to Sevenoaks School for a fantastic tournament. The U12s played brilliantly and came 3rd in the plate and the U13s came second overall, claiming the silver medal only losing by one goal in the final. A huge well done to both teams and what an exciting way to start the term.

Boarders' Activities

The boarders have been really busy this week. On Saturday, a group of Year 9 and 10 boarders went on a trip to Howletts Animal Park. The sun shone all day and students saw a huge variety of animals. Some of the animals even came home with us.... the cuddly versions of course! On Wednesday evening, the junior boarders in H&H enjoyed a pamper evening to relax and recharge their batteries and Thursday evening was Sports Night. A fun and competitive way to end their busy week!

European Day of Languages Assembly

To celebrate European Day of Languages this week pupils led an assembly where they spoke of the importance of learning languages, challenged pupils to a game of 'fact vs myth' around languages and shared phrases impossible to translate! A great opportunity to explore new cultures and broaden perspectives.

HALO Lecture

The HALO lecture for AIM Students was on the topic of 'sustainability in fashion' as it is Sustainable Fashion Week. Mrs Worsfold spoke about her love of charity shops and more importantly the impact of fast fashion. She also spoke of the brands trying to make a difference and to be aware of 'greenwashing'. Mrs Smith from our Textiles department talked about the Young Fashion Designer UK competition for which Kent College is the South Centre. The theme of this year's competition was multi-functional sustainability and had over 250 entries. This competition is open to all KC pupils.

Year 9 Art

Year 9 Art pupils have been extending their understanding of tonal values by matching the shades accurately to their black and white photographs.

Inspiring Future Female Leaders

Harley, Jazmine, Charlotte and Sophie from the Upper Sixth along with Mrs Young Min and Mrs Oogarah attended the Inspiring Future Female Leaders Conference at Benenden. Mrs Young Min and Mrs Oogarah agreed it was one of the best they have attended.

I am really thankful for having the opportunity to attend the conference at Benenden School today. All the speakers were very successful and inspiring women, not only did I receive very practical advice on how to improve public speaking and communication skills (which is absolutely vital in leadership), but I also had an insight into the constructive mindset, open-mindedness and positive outlook that played an important role in their successes. My favorite speaker was Baroness Manningham-Buller who shared some fascinating stories about her time in the MI5 with an excellent humour. Also, it still blows my mind that we were in the same room with HRH The Princess Royal! Harley.

International Student University Day

Our international students had the opportunity to drop in to talks from a range of speakers about university entrance and the key challenges faced by international students. Topics including personal statements, language support and getting the most out of university life, as well as talks on degree choices about Law, Medicine and Economics and creative and vocational subjects.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

The MacMillan coffee morning was in full swing at breaktime this morning with a huge selection of cakes and biscuits for students and staff to buy, for a very worth cause. We can't wait to see how much has been raised for MacMillan.

Dates for your Diary...

Sixth Form Information Evening

Tuesday 10th October 6.00pm-8.30pm

Year 11 pupils and their families are invited to find out more about life in the Sixth Form and the many and varied opportunities open to them as they move onto this exciting stage of their education. The event will start with a presentation in the Theatre followed by a subject fair where you can talk to Heads of Department and current Sixth Formers to find out more about the A Level and BTEC choices as well as the KC Honours Programme. If you have not already done so please confirm your attendance by booking on the link below.

Senior School Open Morning

Saturday 7th October

Pupils in Years 7 to 10, Sixth Form and selected Year 11s are required to come to our Open Morning. This is a compulsory Saturday for them. Many families will remember that it is a great opportunity to see the school and meet our pupils. As we always remind pupils, they are our best ambassadors. Details will be communicated in Form times but pupils will need to be at school by 9.30am and will be dismissed around 12.15pm.

Halloween Bake Sale

Monday 16th October, breaktime

The Soroptmist club will be holding a Halloween bake sale to help support projects the Sports tour will visiting when they head to South Africa at half term. All cakes and biscuits will be sold at £1.00 per item/slice and there will also be a cake and cookie competition with prizes for the best Halloween themed donations.

Cake donations should be brought to the Organ Room on Monday 16th October where they judged before the breaktime sale.

The Wellbeing Hub

Have a lovely weekend!