
Newsletter 29th September 2023

Headteacher Comment

I am delighted to 'kick off' the newsletter by letting you know that our amazing Year 5/6 football team is now in 4th place in the local Primary Schools Football League after winning two matches on Thursday night and drawing the other. We hope this winning streak continues next when the girls have their first football match on Tuesday, and the boys play again on Monday and Thursday. Thank you to Mr Hawthorn and Mr Hughes for supporting our brilliant footballers. I am so pleased that Greenfields continues to buck the trend of other schools and provide regular competitive sports fixtures.

Continuing on a sporty theme, you'll see below the Sports Captains who are our latest editions to the Junior Leadership team. They are pictured here with their House Captains, Head Boy and head Girl, and the leaders of the School Council. We are already delighted at the highly positive impact they are having across the school.

Finally we are so excited that clubs are starting next week. Please make sure you check MCAS to see which club your child is attending and also find out in advance where you will need to pick them up from. Please remember that if your child is placed in a sports club they will need their sports/PE kit to wear on that day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Appleby


Introducing the new Junior Leadership Team!

Check out this week's Rock Stars!

Esme, Aliana, Chidiogo and Annabelle! They have been working super hard at home to achieve this! The teachers can't believe that Esme and Annabelle have entered the hall of fame at this level! Smashing learning in Year Four.

Designs and Patterns

Cheeky Monkeys enjoyed learning about Islam and Islamic designs this week in RE. After looking at different designs used in the Islamic faith the children used different patterns and shapes to create their own.

Forest Fun

The children in Excellent Elephants have been loving taking part in weekly Forest School sessions this term. So far, they have learnt how to build dens, climb trees safely and create pieces of art using the natural resources available to them.

Elmer Collage

This week Key Stage 1 have been celebrating their differences, the children created an Elmer the Elephant collage, ready to be displayed in the classroom.

Leaf Printing

This week Ladybirds really enjoyed printing with leaves. They picked a leaf and carefully put it into the paint. The children then picked the leaf up and put it onto paper and pressed it down. We then lifted it up to see the leaf print left on the paper.

Who's in the Hot Seat?

This week the children in Marvellous Meerkats have had the opportunity to show off their drama skills, HOTSEATING the main character of their story, Badger. The responses to some of the questions that the children asked Badger were phenomenal and helped the children to better understand the protaganist. Keep an eye out for some of these faces on the West End in a few years.

Soluble or Insoluble

Year Six have been learning about soluble and insoluble materials. This week they have made predictions and have investigated whether the materials were soluble or not.

Bakers in Reception

The children in Reception had a great time this week learning how to make bread as part of their Talk for Writing lesson. They then used their knowledge to talk about the process and then write initial sounds linked to words such as flour, mix and stir. Following on from this they have loved listening to the story 'The Little Red Hen'.

Tree Identification

In science, Year One have been learning about the different types of trees. They found that the school has a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees. They examined the trees to see if their leave were falling off and found lots of deciduous trees this way.

Self Portrait Preparation

Year Five have been looking at Frida Khalo in art in preparation for their final self portrait. They have been looking at the tertiary colours and decided which was their favorite.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to the following children in KS2 for their achievement

Star Pupil

  • Marvellous Meerkats -Isla-Rose
  • Cheeky Monkeys - Nathaniel
  • Remarkable Rhinos - Hayden
  • Powerful Panthers - Alexander
  • Super Sharks - Dario
  • Champion Cheetahs - Alfie
  • Proud Lions - Kelly
  • Soaring Eagles - James

Handwriting Award

  • Marvellous Meerkats - Aaron
  • Cheeky Monkeys - Andrada
  • Remarkable Rhinos - Frankie
  • Powerful Panthers - Liam
  • Super Sharks - Sinem
  • Champion Cheetahs - Amaris
  • Proud Lions - Lisa
  • Soaring Eagles - Mattei

Sports Award

  • Marvellous Meerkats - Darwin
  • Cheeky Monkeys - Chester
  • Remarkable Rhinos - Illie-Mia
  • Powerful Panthers - Amelia
  • Super sharks - Millie
  • Champion Cheetahs - Maize-Mae
  • Proud Lions - Darius
  • Soaring Eagles - Zachary

House Cup winner this week

Congratulations to...............


Positive House Points Awards

Look out for the class with the highest points next week!

Proud Lions

Remember, you can earn points for your class and your house by completing your learning at home, getting 1 point per day if you remain on GREEN on the traffic lights or 2 points per day if you are on the Greenfields Moon or Star - play your part!

Winner! Winner! Friday Dinner!

Congratulations to:

Max from Happy Hyenas

To be in the draw to win Friday dinner for the family you have to be in school every day on time. You will receive a message via the app on Thursday to advise you if your child has qualified to enter the draw.

Well done to the following classes who have logged the highest reads :

  1. Super Sharks
  2. Busy Bees
  3. Champion Cheetahs

Dates for your Diary

  • Last Day of Term - Friday 20th October 2023
  • Outward Bound Residential - Monday 23rd October 2023 - Friday 27th October 2023
  • Back to School - Monday 6th November 2023
  • Last Day of Term - Thursday 21st December 2023
  • Teacher Training Day - Wednesday 3rd January 2024
  • Back to School - Thursday 4th January 2024
  • Last Day of Term - Friday 16th February 2024
  • Back to School - Monday 26th February 2024
  • Govilon Residential - Tuesday 26th March - Thursday 28th March 2024
  • Last Day of Term - Thursday 28th March 2024
  • Back to School - Monday 15th April 2024
  • May Day Bank Holiday Closed - Monday 6th May 2024
  • Last Day of Term - Friday 24th May 2024
  • Back to School - Monday 3rd June 2024
  • Last Day of Term - Friday 19th July 2024
  • Teacher Training Day Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Greenfields Notifications

Are you looking for a Reception space in September 2024? Come and have a look at Greenfields Primary School and Nursery. Please click the button to book your space.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is where you will find Flipping Greenfields and the rest of Greenfields' amazing virtual classrooms full of chat and lots of hard work! If you have not used Google Classroom before, or you are new to Greenfields, please follow this link that explains how to log on to a PC, Android or Apple device. You will need your child’s email address and password, and the class codes below:

Home School Agreement

As we become more used to our online way of working, we thought it was important to add to our home/school agreement (that you signed when your child started at Greenfields) to include online learning. Please follow the link below to complete this short addition relating to online learning with Greenfields Primary School and Nursery.

Class Code and Google Link

These have been updated for the classes in 2023-24, so click on the link for the class you will be in in September.

Teachers always look forward to posting their ‘Flippin' Greenfields’ videos every Friday next term in time for the weekend. Each one is all about next week’s learning, so will get your child prepared for a flying start on Monday. Research shows that children who feel prepared for the coming week are less anxious about school, happier to get up and go on a Monday morning and achieve better than those who are not.

Greenfields Primary School and Nursery Term Dates

My Child At School

Please click on the button below for an easy guide to the My Child At School app

To log your child's daily reading, please either scan the QR code with your mobile phone using the camera function or click on the button below.

QR code for Greenfields' Reading Log

The Greenfields Way for Families

Please follow the link below for handy information about how life at Greenfields Primary School and Nursery works. From attendance, to Parent Pay, to Google Classroom, find all the answers to any questions you may have here:

Wraparound Care booking

All wraparound care is now booked via the app at least 3 days in advance and must be paid for at the time of booking.

We are on Facebook and Twitter!