Our Mission:
Centered in Christ and rooted in historical Catholic tradition, St. Cecilia strives to form missionary disciples and foster academic excellence in a culture of family.
September 3, 2023
- September 4th - Labor Day (No School)
- September 6th - School Mass
- September 8th - Student Prayer Service
- September 8th- Q1 Progress Reports
- September 12th - Deano’s Spirit Night
- September 13th - School Mass
- September 15th - SCS Celebrates 114 Years
FROM THE Principal’s Desk
Dear Bluejay Family,
We strive to be good neighbors to the residents around us. We need your help and cooperation with this during morning and afternoon car line. We have been contacted by a local resident regarding her driveway being blocked during these times. Please remember the following important points regarding car line:
- Railroad is a residential street. You should never block anyone’s driveway or impede traffic while waiting or traveling in car line. Doing so could result in a citation.
- Follow the usual rules of the road (driving on the right) until you EXIT the horseshoe behind the church. At that point, keep LEFT, immediately behind the mausoleum.
- If another relative or driver will be picking up your child(ren), please make sure they are familiar with these guidelines.
We greatly appreciate you helping us to respect the rights of the residents surrounding our campus!
Grace and Peace,
Erin B. Henry
“The LORD will guard your coming and going both now and forever.”
Psalm 121:8
Bluejay Family,
Our first progress report of the year will be Friday, September 8. Please be reminded that all progress reports and report cards will be released through the parent portal between 3:00-3:30pm on the marked day. The reports will be set to view for 2 weeks. Please print the reports as you need for your records.
As we continue to move into the quarter, please be reminded of the new make up test policy and test taking center in the 2023-2024 handbook.
Grades 6-8:
The primary option will be to use the make up test center in the Spanish classroom. Testing sessions will be on Monday/Wednesday afternoons from 2:45-3:20 pm and Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 7:20-7:55am. There will be a total of 4 testing opportunities a week. If a student is 10 minutes late to a testing session, they will be denied the opportunity to take the test that day.
A 2 week makeup timeline for assessments will begin the day students return to school (including if a session was held that morning). After two weeks, the student will only have an opportunity to obtain a maximum of 70% of the assessment grade.
SCS Mass
This week’s Mass is Wednesday at 8:30 and will be hosted by 6th grade girls. We invite family and friends to join us in the church (limited seating), Narthex or PLC. You can also join us online at shbroussard.org/live or the St. Cecilia Facebook page.
Student Prayer Service
SPS for grades PreK-2nd grade is Friday at 7:30 in the gym. All PreK-2nd students are welcome!
Patriotic Rosary
The Knights of Columbus will lead our junior high students in a patriotic rosary Friday at 8:15 in the gym. Guests are welcome to join us. Please sign in at the front office and then meet us in the gym.
SCS Mass at Sacred Heart
Each month a different grade level leads the 11:00 Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart. September 10 will be hosted by our 8th graders. All SCS students are encouraged to attend this Mass and wear their school uniform or St. Cecilia shirt.
Edge Kick-Off
Calling all 6th-8th graders!!!! September 10 is set to be an epic kick-off to our Edge year! Come check it out and bring a friend! Sunday, September 10 3:00-4:30 in the PLC
Small Groups- last week to sign up!!!
Small Groups registration is open for just a few more days! Small Groups are a beautiful way to connect with a community who wants to grow in their faith while also making some pretty amazing new friends.
We are excited to announce that plans are underway for the 8th annual SCS Bluejay Color Run that will take place Thursday, October 5th. This is a great opportunity for your child to get moving and have fun, all while raising money in support of our school. Funds raised will go towards improving the gym sound system. This is an untimed run and everyone will be a winner! All grades will be able to participate.
Dear Bluejay Family,
Volleyball got underway this week here at St. Cecilia. The girls were outstanding as they took to the road to battle St. Michael and Opelousas Catholic. The week saw our first home game of the year as Opelousas Catholic were our guests on Wednesday night. It was a great night of volleyball for the Bluejays. Cross country is getting ready for its first meet of the season on September 9th. The 5/6th Grade Football team scrimmaged against Sts. Leo Seton and the 7/8th Grade team scrimmaged against Fatima. Our younger Bluejays came up short, while our older boys beat Fatima. This is how our Bluejays fared this week:
Monday, August 28, 2023:
- 5th Grade White @ St. Michael- W
- 6th Grade White @ St. Michael- L
- 7th Grade @ St. Michael- L
- 8th Grade @ St. Michael- W
Tuesday, August 29, 2023:
- 5th Grade Blue @ Opelousas Catholic- W
- 6th Grade Blue @ Opelousas Catholic- L
- 7th Grade @ Opelousas Catholic- W
- 8th Grade @ Opelousas Catholic- W
Wednesday, August 30, 2023:
- 5th Grade White vs. Opelousas Catholic- W
- 6th Grade White vs. Opelousas Catholic- W
- 7th Grade vs. Opelousas Catholic- W
- 8th Grade vs. Opelousas Catholic- W
As we approach the beginning of games that coincide with school days, please refer to Mrs. Langlinais’ email from this week regarding absence from school. We do not want to affect our teams’ eligibility.
We would like to remind everyone of our policy for participating in extracurricular activities after school. As stated in the student handbook on page 51, "If a student is absent 3/7 or more of instructional time, he/she may NOT participate in after-school activities that day without special permission from administration." This includes, but is not limited to, team practices or games, club meetings, and special school events.
This coming Saturday will be a busy one for our Bluejays. The football and cheer teams will be at STM for our football jamboree. Our cross country team will be at Acadiana Park taking part in the Sargent Memorial Meet, and our 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams will be playing in the Cajun Elite volleyball tournament. To keep up with the schedule for our Bluejays, please follow the link below. Thank you for your support of SCS Athletics! Admission is $6 for adults and $1 for kids.
Have a blessed day,
Scott Boudreaux
Athletic Director