
De La Salle College Newsletter “A Catholic School for Boys in the Lasallian Tradition”

in this issue


College Principal - “Which of You, If Your Son Asks for Bread, Will Give Him A Stone?"

Associate Principal - "Sell Everything You Have"

Special Character - Ministry & Mission

Deputy of Curriculum - Curriculum

Deputy of Pastoral - The Impact of Excessive Screen Time on Your Child's Sleep

Academic Year 7/8

Literacy Centre

"Learn to Ski" Adventure and Leadership Camp

Year 9 Camp at Kokako Lodge

Health & Physical Education



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“which of you , if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone”

Matthew 7:9

Mr Myles Hogarty

College Principal


This quote from Matthew reflects exactly the vast educational opportunities that are offered to our young men.

The end of a term is always a very good time to reflect and review the last ten weeks of life in our College and the outstanding achievements that we have seen from our young men and our staff.

I look back on what has been a term of achievement and one that we were able to complete without any interruptions to our programmes, for this I am sure that the staff, students and parents are truly grateful.

Noteworthy Achievements over this Term:

  • The start of construction of our new 19 classroom building to replace the existing B and C blocks. (See below for photos of progress)
  • Large numbers of our Year 7 & 8 students reaching the outstanding achievement in their Reading levels and entering the “Millionaire’s Club”.
  • Increased numbers of students involved in Sports at De La Salle, contrary to declining numbers across all Auckland schools.
  • First XIII League team and First XV teams competing at Finals level in Auckland Championships.
  • Our band SOLS competing in the New Zealand finals of the Stand Up Stand Out music competition.
  • 2C Rugby team winning the Auckland title
  • Our College Debating teams reaching Regional Finals and growing their student numbers at all levels.
  • High Attendance rates of Senior students at our Exam / Assessment Week preliminary exams.
  • Wonderful celebration of Assumption Day by our community, also the special Sacramental Mass where 25 young men took the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.
  • Well attended Parents- Grandparents Family Mass for Year 7 & 8
  • Year 7 & 8 students battling through the pain barrier to complete their Spartan Challenge.
  • Informative Parent- Partnership Meetings for each year level 9 to 13.
  • Senior Business students presenting to the New Zealand Business Hall of Fame
  • 4 Year 11 students chosen by the Alpine Trust to spend a week at Coronet Peak to experience alpine conditions and leadership opportunities.

These outstanding achievements have occurred due to the time, commitment and energy provided by our College staff, Parents and Old Boys who give selflessly to our young men, for this I give you all my deepest thanks and appreciation for jobs well done.

I wish all the members of our College community our sincere condolences on the loss of loved family members recently, we have offered our College Masses and liturgies for the souls of the departed and their families. We continue to provide support to our young men who are experiencing grief at this time due to the loss of a loved family member.

Best wishes for a safe and rewarding experience to the College group of students, teachers and parents who are travelling to Samoa over the holiday break, the culmination of months of preparation, fund raising and hard work.

Best wishes to our eleventh Kairos Retreat, a truly wonderful spiritual experience for this group of staff and students over three days.

I wish you all a restful and blessed Holiday break in which to enjoy the longer days, warmer weather and special time together as families.

We look forward to many more opportunities to offer our young men bread, not stone.

associate principal

Mr Dermot English

"Sell Everything You Have"

Kobe Bryant made a decision when he was 12 years old that he wanted to be the best basketball player possible. After that he started doing 1000 shots every day. He was all in.

Jean Baptiste De La Salle started schools with boys who were off the streets and teachers who were not trained and didn’t want to be there. He was trying to get his teachers to make a bigger commitment, when they said to him, ‘Its ok for you because if this all fails you can rely on your family fortune, but for us, we will have nothing’ He realised they were right so he sold his share of the family fortune and used the money to help feed the people of Rheims during a time of starvation. He then went back to the teachers, who realized that he was now fully committed. By the time he died there were 100 Lasalle schools. The commitment paid off.

At this stage of the year it’s the people that have fully committed that will be reaping the benefits. All the best for boys, staff and families for the break.

special character

Assistant Principal Mission- Mrs Teuila Vaotuua

Lasallian Partners Gathering

The Annual Lasallian partners gathering took place in Waitomo this year, with a focus on the Leavening project. This gathering includes all three Lasallian schools in New Zealand, Francis Douglas Memorial College, John Paul College and De La Salle Mangere.

The Leavening Project invites all Lasallians into a journey of exploration, conversations, and engagement. Through the metaphor of leaven, this project provides an initial starting point to realizing the shared dream of our Lasallian Family, with diverse vocations.

The project calls for us to discern the question, “Where is my brother?” (Genesis 4:9) and respond with radical inclusivity by “making the peripheries our place.” The call is to all Lasallians to personally act by going to the peripheries and connecting with one another intentionally.

Thank you to the staff and students who represented De La Salle Mangere, to join in a day of fellowship and reflection to understand and move forward with the Leavening project in our respective communities.


Congratulations Sir Br Patrick Lynch

Br Pat Lynch was made a life member of the Association of Integrated Schools for his work on the Integration Act and his support since integration.

This accolade pays tribute to Br Pat who was integral in a time when major problems confronted integrated schools. Although legally State schools, they were not treated equitably by the state education authorities. For Br Pat no problem was insoluble; any difficulties could be overcome with patience, honest dialogue and genuine goodwill. And so they were, whether relating to property, financial assistance, administration or educational attainment.

As a community we thank Brother Pat for his tireless work in Education. His efforts have provided many in the peripheries with an equitable opportunity in education which continues to resound today.

Congratulations Br Pat, we are proud of your exceptional example, work ethic and service.


Caring Foundation Awards

The Catholic Caring Foundation provides grant funding for the care and support of families and communities who struggle with the affects of poverty and hardship including funding to schools.

Each year the foundation recognises students in our Catholic schools who have displayed outstanding care and commitment to helping others in our diocese.

The following students have been recognised for outstanding service within our school:

L-R Raymond, Sam, JD & Joshua

Sam Vaotuua for Special Character leadership and Services

JD Fili for Special Character leadership and Services

Joseph Aiolupo–Fauea for Special Character leadership and Services

L-R Sam, Joseph & JD

Apoua Lilo for Special Character leadership and Services

Joshua Alo for Special Character Liturgical Music Ministry

Raymond Havili-Teinaki for Special Character Liturgical Music Ministry

Congratulations to all our young men, may you extend this love and care beyond De La Salle into the world.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me."

Matthew 25:40


Live Jesus in our Hearts forever


Deputy Principal Curriculum- Mr Phil Doyle

Scholars in the Spotlight

Jurgen Sheppard 10REX
Jason Tran 10TAN

Outstanding work in Mr Rex’s Year 10 English class working on their novel study and static image

EXAM PREPARATION Help your son prepare for NCEA exams

Study time can be very stressful for parents as well as students and sometimes we need to be reminded of the simple things.

Students need to be:

  • get enough sleep
  • eat healthily and drinking plenty of water
  • choose a quiet place to study away from distractions
  • taking regular breaks and get exercise
  • checking the examination timetable and be organised for the day

NCEA examinations begin 7 November – see timetable attached. We would encourage all our De la Salle parents to keep talking to their sons about exam study and preparation. NCEA exams are an integral part of NCEA achievement, and it is important that students are well prepared.

Students must also log on to the NZQA website to access information and resources. Parents and students can also view past examination papers, examination rules and study tips at www.nzqa.govt.nz

2024 Options

You will have received an email this week that shows you the options your son has chosen for 2024. If there are any concerns, please make contact with your son’s Homeroom teacher.

Our timetable committee will now go away and design the timetable based on student choice. We will get back to you at in term 4 if we need to adjust due to clashes or staffing.


Mr Rex

Mr Wendt


Monday 12 to 4 pm 2nd week 2 October for PE catch up


Apollo Programme University of Auckland Week 2


Tuesday 26th Sept 9am – 3pm: Mr Tan, Miss Phillips & Miss Tanuvasa

Thursday 28th Sept 9am – 3pm: Miss Tanuvasa

These art workshops are for any students who take ART/ARP/ARD at Year 11-13.


ART101 & ARD101

Due: 8.45am, Friday 20 October

ARP201 & ARD201

Due: 8.45am, Friday 20 October

ARP301 & ARD301

Due: 8.45am, Thursday 26 October


Due: 8.45am, Friday 20 October

DVC101, CIT101 & CST101

Due: 8.45am, Wednesday 25 October

DVC101, CIT101 & CST101

Due: 8.45am, Wednesday 25 October

DVC101, CIT101 & CST101

Due: 8.45am, Wednesday 25 October

Please note that these deadlines are fixed as this is an external examination. All portfolios are to be submitted to the Visual Arts or Technology Faculty at the time specified.

Workshops will be running after school until the final deadline. Students will need to check their teachers for the days each week.



Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 October

10:30 am – 12.30 pm


Monday 2 October in M2 and M3 for PE catch up

12.00 to 4.00pm

NZMA Personal Fitness course

Tuesday 3rd October – Thursday 5th October


Apollo Programme University of Auckland

University of Auckland Epsom Campus

Monday 25 September – Friday 29 September

Statistics in E3

Monday 2 October

12.00 to 3.00pm



Newmarket Campus

Tuesday 26th September – Thursday 28th September


Tuesday 26th September in D6 and D7 9am – 3pm: Mr Tan, Miss Phillips & Miss Tanuvasa

Thursday 28th Sept 9am – 3pm in D6: Miss Tanuvasa

These art workshops are for any students who take ART/ARP/ARD at Year 11-13


Deputy Principal- Mr Elton Charles

The Impact of Excessive Screen Time on Your Child's Sleep

We hope this article finds you well and serves as a valuable resource for understanding an issue that affects many students in New Zealand schools including students at De La Salle College: lateness to school. One of the key reasons behind this problem is inadequate sleep, which, in turn, can be linked to excessive screen time.

In today's digital age, screens are an integral part of our lives, offering endless information and entertainment. While this technology undoubtedly brings several benefits, it also comes with challenges, especially for our children. One significant concern is the impact of excessive screen time on their sleep patterns.

Excessive screen time affects sleep in the following ways:

Blue Light Disruption: Screens emit blue light, which can interfere with our circadian rhythms. Exposure to blue light before bedtime can make it harder for your child to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Sleep Schedule Disruption: Engaging with screens, whether it's video games, social media, or binge-watching shows, can lead to irregular sleep schedules. Late-night use of devices often results in your child staying up past their bedtime, which leads to sleep deprivation.

Mental Stimulation: Content on screens can be mentally stimulating, making it difficult for your child to wind down and relax before bedtime. Their minds may be racing with information or excitement, preventing a peaceful transition into sleep.

As parents, it's crucial to be proactive in managing your child's screen time to ensure they get enough sleep and arrive at school on time. Here are some helpful strategies:

Set Screen Time Limits: Establish daily screen time limits and stick to them. Create a schedule that designates specific times for screen use and non-screen activities, such as reading or playing outside.

Create a Device-Free Bedtime Routine: Encourage a winding-down routine that excludes screens at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, opt for calming activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing mindfulness exercises.

Designate Screen-Free Zones: Ensure that bedrooms are screen-free zones. This helps establish a clear boundary between sleep and screen time, promoting better sleep hygiene.

Model Healthy Screen Habits: Children learn by example. Make sure you're also mindful of your own screen time habits and demonstrate a healthy balance between online and offline activities.

Recognizing the connection between excessive screen time and inadequate sleep is a crucial step in addressing the issue of lateness in New Zealand schools. By taking proactive measures to manage screen time and promote healthy sleep habits, we can ensure that our children arrive at school well-rested and ready to learn.

We encourage you to have open discussions with your son about the importance of sleep and screen time management. Together, we can create a supportive environment that fosters good sleep habits and academic success at De La Salle College.

School Uniform Guidelines

In Term 4, it is expected that all students, from Year 7 to Year 13, adhere to the summer uniform dress code. We kindly request the assistance of parents in ensuring that this uniform standard is upheld.

Please note that all the necessary uniform items (with the exception of shoes) are available at our uniform shop, which operates between the following hours throughout the day 8.00am-2.30pm

Additionally, we strongly recommend and encourage all students to wear sandals as part of their summer uniform.

Should a student encounter any difficulty in complying with the uniform requirements for any reason during the term, we kindly request that a note be provided to the school explaining the situation.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our school uniform policy.

Academic Year 7/8

Assistant Principal- Mr Herbert Tanuvasa

Finally, the end of the term has arrived with teachers and students feeling exhausted after a great term working hard in De La Salle. As teachers we are very privileged to see progress of our young men young men developing in faith, service, community and excellence. Last week we had the Spartan Challenge organized again by Mr Anderton and it is straight out pain! The boys were under pressure to keep going with the no walking rule and there were a lot of tired bodies by the end of it all. If we had a Man of Pain award every one of the boys would have won it! In the end there has to be a winner so well done to the boys who fought hard this year to be crowned Spartan Challenge champion

Year 8 place winners

1st Shaye McEwan

2nd Viane Fa'auma

3rd Aaron Fa'aui

Year 8 place winners

Year 7 place winners

1st Caine Motuliki

2nd Ruben Rudolph

3rd T J Carson

Year 7 place winners

This week we finished with our Cultural Extravaganza where a number of cultural items were performed. I know my house is the best (surely Judge Doyle we must have won?) but I was very impressed with my colleague’s imagination and creativity working with their houses to get fantastic performances. We had sworn a pact earlier this term to only practice in our once a week house meeting but slowly teachers found loopholes to have their undercover practice times (such as lunchtime, “adapted” PE lessons, social science exploration, and morning tea “fitness”). I confess that at the start of this final week I lost my nerve and broke the pact by openly practicing during reading and maths. I tried to do our secret practice behind the chapel hoping others would think our drumming was part of the building construction. However, we knew our ruse was up when Mr Hogarty (who has his office right next to the chapel) mentioned “I heard some drumming nearby and thought there must be a performance happening soon?”.

Well done to the boys who performed and many thanks to parents for coming along to support your son.

In Christ

literacy centre

"learn to ski" adventure and leadership camp

NZ Alpine Trust

Four Year 11 students were fortunate enough to travel to Coronet Peak to experience various activities in an alpine environment that fostered and developed their confidence, leadership skills and resilience to help them realise their potential. Chisom Ochibulu, Elijah Tia, Junior Tolovaa and Inglis Tavu’i-Lemalie joined four boys from Auckland Grammar and Otago Boys for the pilot programme.

The NZ Alpine Sports Charitable Trust is run by Cameron Wilson (a former member of the NZ ski racing team) and Anna Lawrence (a former member of the Black Sticks hockey team). They set up the trust to offer young New Zealanders alpine experiences to help empower them and change their vision of the future. They also offer a "Mentoring beyond the Mountain" support programme back in the boys' own communities/schools to ensure the benefits gained from the programme are realised.


by Junior Tolova'a

This year, on Sunday the 10th of September, myself and 3 other year 11 students from De La Salle College attended an adventurous trip down to Queenstown, where we were offered a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to learn how to ski. This trip also consisted of two other schools in New Zealand; Auckland Grammar School and Otago Boys High School.

I had a wonderful experience going on this trip. At first, I thought skiing was difficult, but I was able to catch on quickly like most of the boys had on our first ski session. There were many laughs as some of us would tend to slip and fall over, while others – including myself – would be throwing snowballs at everyone. Most of our sessions were ‘on-snow’ experiences, so most of our days were us skiing along the mountains of Coronet Peak and The Remarkables. We made excellent progress in learning how to ski and we also made new friendships with the other schoolboys and connected with them through many social activities on and off the snow.

At first, as we boarded the plane, my initial thoughts of this trip were to only be taught how to ski for 5 days then return home on Friday, and seeing as most of the boys from each school were huddled in their own groups, social activity was very less between our groups. However, over time I learnt that no matter how different we were, the different schools we had all come from and the environment we grew up in, we acted as a large family. All 3 schools came together as one, not only as friends, but family. I was able to create new friendships with people I had met only a few days ago but despite that, we treated each other with respect and acted as if we had known each other for a few years. Not only learning how to ski, but also learning to connect with everyone around you.

I would like to humbly thank the school for providing me with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; being able to exit my comfort zone and try something new. Never once in my life had I touched snow, so the experience was a dream come true for me to finally experience the softness and coldness of snow. I would also like to thank the Alpine Trust for accepting us into this program. This was eye-opening opportunity for me and my brothers here at De La Salle College, opening new doors to new pathways. This trip inspired me to also become a skier one day, and I was honored to be on this trip. Thank you to all the people from beyond and behind the scenes of our adventure. Although our time has ended, the journey of our lives has only begun, leaving new pathways into our life into helping us succeed.

This experience was a wonderful adventure for me and my brothers and will be honored to be a part of this again.

Going down to Queenstown for the week was a fun and enjoyable experience. Initially, I thought I would just fly down, learn to ski and return home. However, I developed new relationships with the boys and the instructors, which made the trip even more worthwhile. Learning to ski was difficult at first but being with the brothers made it enjoyable and just a bit easier. This trip taught me to take all opportunities with open arms. They don't always come, but when they do, make the most of it because more often than not, you take away life lessons and develop new relationships that will last an eternity.

Elijah Tia

I thoroughly enjoyed the Alpine Trust Ski Programme, from this I was able to experience snow for the first time, learn how to ski, and bond with the brothers, creating new friendships throughout the programme, with the other boys from Auckland Grammar and Otago Boys High. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity that I was given to take part in such a fun learning experience, taking part in all the activities, and exploring the beautiful scenery of the Queensland area. I didn’t think much of what could’ve come from this journey leading into it but after doing so I have gained new knowledge from presentations from ex-Olympians and have made new relationships with new brothers. Thank you to Mr Hogarty and Ms Judd for giving me and the boys this opportunity, and special thanks to Anna Lawrence, Bob McLachlan, and Cameron Wilson for making all this possible.

Chisom Ochibulu

Learning to ski for the first time was somewhat terrifying but also exhilarating. Not only was this the first time I learnt how to ski, but it was the first time I actually touched snow which made this trip even more cool. From this trip, I learnt to familiarise myself with people who I did not expect to meet while also making an effort in being friends with them. Not only this, but I learnt to take always take up on any opportunity that is provided as you never know who you will meet and what these people can do to make a positive impact on you.

Inglis Tavu'i-Lemalie

L-R Chisom, Inglis, Junior and Elijah

Health & physical education

by Mr J KeaneHead of PE

Year 12 Physical Education Students Empower Junior Peers through Hauora Enhancing Events

The De La Salle College Physical Education department witnessed a remarkable display of leadership, teamwork, and commitment as Year 12 Physical Education (PED) students organized and executed a series of events designed to enhance the Hauora and foster the development of vital life skills among their junior peers. These events, which included multi-sport competitions, the school Haka, turbo touch, and even American Football, not only left a lasting impact on the participating students' well-being but also showcased the potential for positive change through physical education. The Event management assessment is a 5 credit internal in which the boys are assessed on their ability to plan, implement and review an activity.

The Year 12 PED class undertook this initiative as part of their coursework, emphasizing the importance of holistic well-being encapsulated in the Maori concept of Hauora. Hauora encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of an individual, and these events were designed with this holistic approach in mind.

The multi-sport competition was the first event, where junior students got to experience various sports under the guidance of their senior counterparts. This allowed the younger students to explore their physical abilities and interests while developing camaraderie with their peers. For the Year 12 students, it was an opportunity to exhibit leadership and communication skills by coaching, motivating, and guiding their teams.

Under the instruction of their Year 12 mentors, the junior students learned the importance of cultural heritage and respect for tradition. This activity reinforced the connection between physical activity and cultural identity, a vital aspect of Hauora.

Turbo touch, a fast-paced touch rugby variant, not only improved fitness levels but also required intense communication and teamwork. The senior students emphasized the importance of clear communication on the field.

The inclusion of American Football was a unique addition to the event lineup, introducing the junior students to a sport that is less common in New Zealand. It challenged the Year 12 students to adapt their leadership and teaching skills to a different context. The event highlighted the adaptability and willingness to embrace new experiences, which are essential aspects of Hauora.

The outcomes of these events were far-reaching. The junior students reported increased physical fitness, self-confidence, and a sense of belonging within the school community. The Year 12 students, on the other hand, experienced personal growth in terms of leadership, communication, and empathy. These events demonstrated that physical education is not just about improving physical health but also about nurturing the entire individual.


by Mr G Hobbs - Gateway/Trades Teacher

An extremely busy term where our students have been navigating especially in year 12 and year 13’s their future. This is a time where the year 13’s suddenly realise that many of their support that they have had from staff over the years will be over soon. While the students will be always be welcome back, they are now moving in from students at school to young men in the community. A big new world.

Ms Nayagar has been working closely with senior students with scholarship programmes. We have had many students choosing options for next year at Universities and Tertiary Institutions and a scholarship can be of great help to the students.

We have been working with the electoral office and offering year 12 and year 13 students part time employment pre and post elections. This is a great opportunity for our young men to develop some strong communication skills and working alongside adults. The young men have had thorough training and are looking forward to the next few weeks leading up to the elections.

The Gateway programmes have been working well. We have had over 50 students taking part in Noel Leeming, Warehouse, Countdown, Airport programmes. It is really great seeing especially our year 13 Students becoming more confident and competent as the programme runs. The McDonalds programme is also very good as they are getting a taste of customer service, working part of a team and also starting work experience without other students.

In a recent programme at the Warehouse in Manukau, all students worked extremely well and were offered part time employment.

The Trades boys nearly are completing their programmes at MIIT. It has been a long year with interruptions to the programme and most of the students have done well with Pre-Police and Automotive.

NZMA has finished and we have seen a number of the NZMA students moving on to apprenticeships.

One of the highlights was taking the Trades students to a local café and seeing how cafes work and opportunities. They also tried a “flat white”, “Latte” and Hot Chocolate. Unfortunately, the Flat Whites and Lattes needed lots of sugar to have any positive taste. Also it was great seeing our students in a different environment. Typically, there was a Lasallian at the Cafe who was having a coffee and he was great talking to the students about his time at De la salle College.

Term 4 is the continuation of offering programmes to our students. Students are motivated to do Forklift and the Barista Courses that are coming up. Term 4 also will be planning for the new Trades class next year and meetings with students and parents.

It has been a good term with students working hard and gaining good results.

Meitaki Maata


Want to earn badges for service hours?- sign up here


De La Salle College

A Catholic School for Boys Year 7-13 in the Lasallian tradition

Creating great men of Faith - Service - Community - Excellence

  • Strong Catholic Character and Lasallian traditions
  • Dynamic teaching staff
  • Strong academic achievements
  • High expectations of every student
  • Caring and Supportive Pastoral Care team
  • Extensive co-curricular activities

For enrolment enquiries contact Mrs Bianca Leau

Phone: +649 276 4319 ext 816

Email: enrolments@delasalle.school.nz

Website: delasalle.school.nz/enrolments

contact us

Connect with us

Website: www.delasalle.school.nz

Facebook: De La Salle College, Auckland , La Salle Collegians (NZ)

College app: SchoolAppsNZ

De La Salle College

81 Gray Avenue

Mangere East

Auckland 2024


+649 276 4319
