


This term has seen an amazing array of Creative and Performing Arts projects being undertaken and completed. The HSC major body of works were submitted and HSC Music students completed their practical (performance) examinations. Music held a performance night for parents and a concert at Terranora Primary School. Engagement is high and students creative juices are flowing!

Charlie Palmer "Say it with Flowers"
Body of work completed!

After 6 years of schooling, Year 12 Visual Arts have now completed their body of work, which are currently locked safely away, awaiting the HSC markers arrival next term. It has been a long journey since students were beginning concept development of what form, messages and medium their artworks would take. Their artmaking practice involved a great deal of thought, experimentation, evaluation, reflection, failures, successes and just some procrastination, but finally each students’ artworks were developed and refined to produce a completed body of work.

The conceptual practice of the group ranged greatly from looking at “Self and Identity” to using the beauty of nature as inspiration from flowers, the ocean, birds, and insects, to examining gender norms and societies expectations of how to look, act and behave.

The material practice encompassed a wide range of mediums from printmaking, drawing, painting, sculpture, and installation.

I would like to congratulate the entire class for creating a unique body of work and wish them all the best in their HSC written exam.

As Always,

Keep being Creative!

Ms Tracey Gee

Kayla Boyd "Undercurrent"
Indigo Voloder "Tethered Delicacy"
Left to right Jorja Goodwin "Oh my Ageing Heart!", Livinia James "Sweetheart - Say I Do!", Edie Nicholas "State of Mind", Roza-Lee Riley "Running/ Interference, Shaina Cohen-Caldwell "Turn Up the Volume", Zoe Davidson "Soar/ Sore/ Saw", Nhaia Bueno "Self Portrait - The Fool", Charlotte Pye "Burrow".
Penelope Simons "Beyond"
Ti Collins "Pull Yourself Together"

BPHS students from Year 7-9 performed in this year's T5 Drama Festival 'Turning Tide'. It was fabulous to see all of the schools' thespians performing together in one show. Our students performed two pieces and made us very proud. The drama ensemble is open to any students in grades 7-12. We will be doing this again next year so students are encouraged to get involved.


BPHS Dance Company has been selected into Schools Spectacular this year. They will be travelling down to Sydney from 21-26 November. They will be working with choreographers from Sydney and other schools in two rehearsals that will be held at BPHS in Term 4. The team are doing a Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 15 October. Please come down to buy a sausage sandwich and support our dance company.

Ms Sheridan Hargreaves - Head Teacher

Thank you Mr Guy wright

Banora Point HS would like to thank Mr Guy Wright for his contribution, albeit far too brief, to the school during Term 2 this year. Guy has been off on medical leave and has informed us that he will not be returning as Principal.

I would like to announce that Mr Peter Howes will be taking over the Relieving Principal role as of Term 4. Peter brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role having previously been Principal at Murwillumbah HS.

I would also like to personally thank the staff, parents and community for their support while I have been in the Relieving Principal role during Term 3.

As a school, we look forward to a period of stability moving forward and welcome Peter to BPHS.

Best wishes for Year 12

BPHS staff would like to congratulate Year 12 on the completion of thirteen years of schooling and wish you all the best for your upcoming HSC Examinations.

Aerosol / Deodorant Cans are banned at school

Aerosol Spray Deodorants are BANNED from school as they pose a health risk to students and staff through the potential for asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

These will be confiscated if brought to school.

If students need deodorant at school they are encouraged to use roll on deodorants.

New student mobile phone management plan coming in Term 4

You may have heard about the changes regarding mobile phone use in NSW high schools beginning in Term 4, 2023.

BPHS acknowledges the educational value of technology in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing. We also recognise mobile phones may cause harm if used inappropriately. We are committed to supporting our students to use them in safe, responsible and respectful ways to enhance student learning and engagement.

After careful consideration with our key stakeholders including the Student Representative Council (SRC), P&C, staff and executive teams, we have decided to proceed by using the strategy of keeping mobiles phones off and away, to reduce the distractions to students in the classroom.

Important changes coming in Term 4

The mobile phone ban will apply during all school hours, including break times such as during lunch and recess, as well as while students are on school-organised excursions.

Students will still be able to carry their phones while travelling to and from school.

Individual student requests for exemption will be managed by the Principal and assessed by the school, for medical and learning needs.

The new strategy is being implemented to increase focus in classrooms, remove distractions and also promote positive social interaction, while reducing the potential for online bullying.

We look forward to working with you and the students, to make sure everyone is aware of the changes, and will continue to provide information updates directly to you via students, on our school website and through our social media channels.

We are excited to make our school a mobile phone-free space to improve learning and engagement, however, we will always make sure you can contact your child in an emergency. There will also be further information posted on the school website and via letters to parents and caregivers.

Mr Rob Devoy - Relieving Principal

  • Monday 18 September - Year 11 Exams continue
  • Thursday 21 September - Marine Studies Seaworld Excursion
  • Friday 22 September - Year 12 Graduation - 9:00am - BPHS Hall
  • Friday 22 September - Last day of term 3
  • Monday 9 October - Students return to school
stage 6 Elevate study skills program 2023/24

BPHS has engaged with Elevate to design a Stage 6 study skills program to assist and support our senior students in their Preliminary and HSC studies.

Since 2001, Elevate has been transforming the way study skills programs are run across Australia. Drawing upon over 20 years of research into the habits of the country’s top students, Elevate's high impact seminars & workshops help students improve their study techniques, increase motivation, build confidence, and lift exam performance.

Elevate’s reputation for achieving behavioural change has led the company to become an international leader in education, working with over 1500 schools and 350,000 students in the UK, USA, South Africa and Singapore.

2024 Program

Fit for Service

This is a Year 10 program that targets young people interested in joining the Armed Services or the Emergency Services. The program focuses on educating and preparing young people for a pathway into the Emergency services or the Armed Forces.

The program will engage young people with members of different services through mentoring and to allow young people a sneak peek into the variety of Government and Armed Services jobs that are available.

The program will be designed around testing protocols for National/State based services, ie, NSW Police, NSW Ambulance, NSW Fire Service and Australian Army, Navy and Air Force

The program will focus on teamwork and educating young people in First Aid, communications in the workplace, healthy lifestyles including personal hygiene, nutrition, and Mental Health wellbeing. Activities will be held at the Tweed Heads PCYC or excursions to other facilities

The Term 4 program will run over 9 weeks starting on the 12/10/2023 on Thursdays. Students will be picked up from school in the morning around 8:30am and returned by 2:30pm before school finishes.

The program is free, only money needed by students will be to obtain morning tea and lunch.

Year 12 2023

Our Year 12 students are entering their final week of formal schooling before their HSC examinations begin next term on the 11th of October. Their week culminates this Friday the 22nd September with their Graduation ceremony in the school hall, starting at 9am. I hope that their last week is memorable and fruitful as they begin to open their next epoch. My thanks and congratulations to Mr Appo for nurturing these young people along their journey as year advisor. He has been an excellent role model and mentor for Year 12, and I am sure they are appreciative of his efforts and expertise.

Year 12 Legal Studies visit to the Brisbane Supreme Court.

Last Tuesday, Year 12 Legal Studies travelled to Brisbane to observe cases being held at the Supreme Court. This was a very valuable experience for the students as many of the concepts taught in their course were reinforced in real life. The students got to watch two trials, where they were able to see opening statements from the barristers, witnesses being questioned, video evidence being presented and a translator being used for a defendant, who did not speak English. The students must be congratulated on their conduct, as they were outstanding ambassadors for BPHS.

School Assembly Wednesday 13th September

The Whole School Assembly last week was very memorable. Well done to the Year 12 students who put themselves up to be minions for a day. Also, a big high five to the staff who were also prepared to be a student/s minion. Congratulations to Chase Butler And Zac Windle who sold for the highest price in the auction to a group of Year 10 girls. Ms Hatton, as the auctioneer, was awesome and the excitement that the students displayed when they were successful in purchasing their desired minion was overwhelming. Great work to the Year 12 students who were responsible for organising this event.


RUOK day was marked by lots of fairy bread and plenty of RUOK conversations. It is really important that these conversations don’t just occur on this day, but that we meaningfully connect with people just in case they are struggling a bit with life. The more we do it the better we will be at supporting all members of the BPHS team and community.

I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday break.

Mr Scott Baker - Relieving Deputy Principal Years 10-12

Head Lice

Please be reminded to regularly check your child's hair for the presence of head lice. Anyone can catch head lice regardless of their age, sex, or how clean their hair is. Regularly checking your child's hair and being consistent with treatment will help to stop the spread.

Please also see the fact sheet below for treatment options.

Wanted - 2023 Homestay Families
Bushfire Season


This is a reminder to utilise Education Hardship Funds before the end of the school year. The funds will be available to use until Tuesday, 19 December. At Banora Point High School, these funds are able to be utilised for:

  • Canteen vouchers up to a value of $200.00
  • Uniform shop orders
  • Excursion payments
  • Subject and course charges

Please note, that the Education Hardship Fund cannot be utilised for the payment of voluntary contributions such as the voluntary school contribution, the voluntary technology levy and the new P&C voluntary contribution.

If you have not previously contacted the school, either by email, by phone or in person at the school office, to advise that you would like the Education Hardship Funds allocated to course/ subject charges or in the ways as outlined above, please do so at your earliest convenience.

If you have any queries in relation to your statement of account or the hardship fund, please don’t hesitate to contact the school administration office either by phone on 07 5513 1960 or by email at banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Click here to shop online

Orders can be placed online directly with Daylight Sportswear. Order forms are also available for both the BPHS Junior School (Years 7 to 10) and the BPHS Senior School (Years 11 and 12) on our website. These can be completed and given to the uniform store directly during the hours listed below. Payment can be made to the Daylight Schoolwear Store by EFTPOS/Mastercard/VISA card or cash. No cheques accepted. Payments for school uniforms can be made at the uniform shop only , not the school administration office.

TS Vampire Australian Navy Cadets run a fun team orientated community group for youth development out of Dry Rock Road, Tweed Heads for youth aged 13 to 17.

TS Vampire Australian Navy Cadets are a leading provider of youth development experiences with a maritime focus with the support of the Royal Australian Navy.

Experiences include water based activities such as sailing, kayaking, canoeing and swimming, international and national adventure training trips, weekly land based training parades undertaking the new training continuum with drones, robotics, STEM, cooking, Skills at Arms and other fun maritime activities include tall ship sea rides.

Cadets have the opportunity to climb through the ranks while undergoing such training, developing their leadership and teamwork skills in a safe, fun environment run by skilled staff trained in a variety of areas.

The TS Vampire Australian Navy Cadet unit operates on Saturdays and we are currently looking for new recruits to join our team.

Please make contact via email at TSVampire@navycadets.gov.au or via phone on 07 5524 2527