
Parkside Primary News Week ending: Friday 8th September 2023


We hope you all had a fun and safe summer break. It has been wonderful to see all of the children back this week, as well as welcoming new pupils and families to our community.

We have a very exciting year ahead. Please see the calendar at the bottom of this newsletter for important upcoming dates.

Please also take a look at the map for reminder of the new class locations and routes in and out of school.



The children had fun today taking part in the first intra-school sports day of the year. Just a reminder that these are held on the first Friday of each term, so children in Year 1 and above should come to school in their PE kits on these days. (Please note that reception children don't start PE sessions until after Christmas.)



It was a very exciting start to the new school year with the Tour of Britain cycle race passing right past our front gates on the first day of term! It was a brilliant opportunity for the children to see world class athletes first hand and be inspired. Maybe we have a future cycling champion here at Parkside?



We are excited to let you know about the fantastic and selfless achievement of Grace in Reception over the summer. Grace, who is only 4, has donated 15 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust to be turned into a wig for a child who has lost their own hair through cancer treatments and other conditions. As well as donating her hair, Grace has also raised an amazing £552 that has been donated to the charity.

We are very proud of you Grace - what a wonderful thing to do for others.



Please see below to see what topics each year group will be looking at first this year.

  • Nursery - Starting School & All About Me
  • Reception - Growing our Futures & Fairy Tales
  • Year 1 - My Family & Other Animals
  • Year 2 - London's Burning
  • Year 3 - Savage Stone Age
  • Year 4 - Science of Sound & Electricity
  • Year 5 - Industrial Revolution
  • Year 6 - Save the Rainforest


DATES 2023/24

Please see the calendar at the bottom of this newsletter for next year's term dates and all of the events planned so far. This includes:

  • Open Afternoons
  • Class Assemblies
  • Parent Consultations
  • Performances
  • Sports Days

You can also find dates  on our website by clicking here.



Please see below for a reminder of the dates and times of our Welcome Meetings. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Year 6 - Mon 11th Sept 3.45-4.15pm
  • Year 5 - Mon 11th Sept 4.15-4.45pm
  • Year 4 - Tues 12th Sept 3.45-4.15pm
  • Year 3 - Tues 12th Sept 4.15-4.45pm
  • Year 2 - Wed 13th Sept 3.45-4.15pm
  • Year 1 - Wed 13th Sept 4.15-4.45pm



Please note that school meals are charged at £3.00 per day. Meals should be paid for in advance on ParentPay, where applicable.



All medication was sent home before the summer. If your child still requires any medication, please bring it back in to school and complete a new medication form. These can be found online by clicking the button below:



Our website is the place to go for lots of useful information. Under the Key Information tab you can find all of our school policies, as well as information about school meals, absence etc. There's also lots of information about what the children will be learning on our class pages and in the curriculum section. You will also find lots of resources to support you and your families mental and physical health under our Wellbeing tab.

There's lots more too, so please take the time to have a browse.



Pupils have logins for Time Tables Rock Stars or Numbots (depending on age) that they can access from home to support their maths learning. Please click the links below for parent guides.



There will be an election for class representatives to this year's new school council. A letter will be going out next week to explain to the children what this means and to ask for nominations if they wish to be considered.



Please see below for a reminder of PE days. Children should come to school in their PE kits on these days.



School Attendance is ‘everyone’s business’. Let’s start the new school year off right.


Regular attendance at school is vital to help children achieve and get the best possible start in life. Parkside Primary School places huge importance on attendance and punctuality. We recognise that children who frequently miss school often fall behind. We believe there is a strong link between achieving well in school and achieving good results.

What an absence means for your child?

If a child is consistent at gaining 90% attendance it sounds pretty good but what does it mean?

90% attendance a year means they are missing the equivalent of:

  • ½ day of school missed every week
  • 4 weeks of school missed a year or
  • 1 whole year over the child’s school life

Research by the DfE suggests that a child absent from school for 17 days each academic year equals a whole GCSE grade drop in achievement.

What is the impact?

At primary school level, where pupils missing up to 14 days of school in key stage two are a quarter less likely to achieve level five or above in reading, writing or maths tests than those with no absence.

So, 90% is not as good as it first seemed.


It is essential that pupils form good habits of punctual attendance at school from the earliest age. Children who arrive late at school often:

  • Miss vital parts of the lesson
  • Disrupt the class when the lesson is underway
  • Find it acutely embarrassing entering a class once the lesson has started

Please help your child reach their maximum potential by ensuring they are at school on time every day. If your child is ill, please contact the school the first morning of absence. Medical evidence will be requested for any absence due to illness five days or more. If your child needs time off to attend a medical appointment, where possible try to arrange these outside of school hours. Absences for other reasons will only be authorised where parents can show the Headteacher exceptional circumstances exist.

Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances and Penalty Notices

There is a discretionary power held by Headteachers to authorise absence in exceptional circumstances only. Please note this is not an entitlement. The Headteacher will only authorise absence in line with the East Riding Behaviour & Attendance Partnership ‘Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances’ Policy.

Under the Anti Social Behaviour Act (2003) the local authority and schools have statutory powers to tackle poor school attendance and/or unauthorised absences. An unauthorised absence is any absence that the Headteacher has not given permission for or where an explanation has not been provided by the parent. If your child accrues 10 sessions of unauthorised absence you may be liable for a penalty notice (one days absence equals two sessions and a five day absence is equal to 10 sessions etc.).

Further details, along with the exceptional circumstances request form can be found on our website.

If you have any concerns regarding attendance please do not hesitate to contact Miss Curley, our Safeguarding and Attendance officer here at Parkside Primary Schools.



The Two Rivers Community Pantry is a project is aimed at providing support to those who are in need of some assistance through these challenging times.

If your household requires food support they will provide you with a basic food parcel. If you require continued support they will require a written referral from one of the following agencies/council:

  • HEYcredit union, DWP, Social Services, Housing (East Riding), YMCA, Helping Others, Health Trainers, YORmoney Team (East Riding), Citizens Advice, Local GPs, East Riding Partnership, Schools, Homestart, Children Centres

To find out more visit www.tworiverscommunitypantry.org.uk or speak to school about making a referral.



Daily actions from Action for Happiness encouraging you to carry out small acts of kindness. Have a look at the calendar below or click here to download the pdf. 'Self Care September' suggests daily actions to help you take care of yourself so you can take care of others.



Please can we remind you that any concerns outside of school hours, or are concerns a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm should be shared immediately with Children’s Safeguarding Hub on (01482) 395500 or ring 999 (asking for the Police).

Please see helpful contacts below:

Children's Safeguarding Hub

  • Mon to Thu 8:30am – 5:00pm Fri 8:30am – 4:30pm 01482-395500 safeguardingchildrenshub@eastriding.gov.uk
  • Out of hours: 01482 393939


The summer holidays can be a great chance to do things with your friends and have some time off. The holidays aren’t great for everyone though, and Childline are here to help you cope.






This free online safety guide profiles live streaming – a hugely popular activity among young people that’s certainly not without hazards. Click here to view as a pdf.



With the warm weather forecast this weekend we felt it was a good idea to share this important video again. Click the link to view and share with your children.






Please click the button below for the latest SEND bulletin from East Riding Local Offer, including an update about the new local offer website.



Please click the button below for the Autumn/Winter lunch menu.



(Please note that all dates are subject to change. We will of course update you of any changes as soon as possible.)

Dates are also available on our website by clicking here.

Dates for Academic Year 2023/2024

Autumn Term

  • Tues 5th Sept - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 8th Sept - Intrasports
  • Mon 11th Sept - Year 6 Welcome Meeting (3.45-4.15pm)
  • Mon 11th Sept - Year 5 Welcome Meeting (4.15-4.45pm)
  • Tues 12th Sept - Year 4 Welcome Meeting (3.45-4.15pm)
  • Tues 12th Sept - Year 3 Welcome Meeting (4.15-4.45pm)
  • Wed 13th Sept - Year 2 Welcome Meeting (3.45-4.15pm)
  • Wed 13th Sept - Year 1 Welcome Meeting (4.15-4.45pm)
  • w/c Mon 2nd Oct - Clubs start
  • w/c Mon 2nd Oct - Stay Safe Week
  • Tues 3rd Oct - Individual School Photos
  • Fri 6th Oct - 6A Class Assembly
  • Fri 6th Oct - Flu Vaccinations
  • Wed 11th Oct - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 13th Oct - 6B Class Assembly
  • Thurs 19th Oct - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 20th Oct - 6H Class Assembly
  • Mon 23rd Oct - Year 2 Open Afternoon
  • Wed 25th Oct - Year 2 Open Afternoon
  • Thurs 26th Oct - School closes for half term (3.30pm)

Half term break

  • Tues 7th Nov - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • w/c Tues 7th Nov - STEM Aspirations Week
  • Fri 10th Nov - 2P Class Assembly
  • Fri 10th Nov - Intraschool Sports - come in PE kit
  • w/c Mon 13th Nov - Antibullying Week
  • Mon 13th Nov - Year 6 Open Afternoon
  • Tues 14th Nov - Year 6 Open Afternoon
  • Fri 17th Nov - Children in Need
  • Fri 24th Nov - 2WH Class Assembly
  • Mon 27th Nov - Year 3 Open Afternoon
  • Tues 28th Nov - Year 3 Open Afternoon
  • Fri 8th Dec - Year 2 Carols at Collection
  • Mon 11th Dec - Year 3 Carols at Collection
  • Tues 12th Dec - Reception Christmas Performance
  • Tues 12th Dec - Year 4 Carols at Collection
  • Wed 13th Dec - Nursery Christmas Performance
  • Wed 13th Dec - Reception Christmas Performance
  • Thurs 14th Dec - Year 1 Christmas Performance
  • Thurs 14th Dec - Year 6 Carols at Collection
  • Fri 15th Dec - Year 1 Performance
  • Mon 18th Dec - Year 5 Christmas through the ages singalong
  • Tues 19th Dec - Year 5 Christmas through the ages singalong
  • Wed 20th Dec - Christmas Dinner
  • Wed 20th Dec - Year 3 & 4 Christmas Disco
  • Thurs 21st Dec - Year 1 & 2 and Year 5 & 6 Christmas Discos
  • Fri 22nd Dec - Christmas Jumper Day
  • Fri 22nd Dec - Governor Awards Assembly
  • Fri 22nd Dec - School closes for Christmas (3.30pm)

Spring Term

  • Tues 9th Jan - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 12th Jan - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Fri 12th Jan - 4CS Class Assembly
  • Tues 16th Jan - Year 1 Open Afternoon
  • Wed 17th Jan - Year 1 Open Afternoon
  • Fri 19th Jan - 4M Class Assembly
  • Fri 26th Jan - 4P Class Assembly
  • Mon 29th Jan - Clubs start
  • Tues 6th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon
  • Wed 7th Feb - Year 5 Open Afternoon
  • Fri 9th Feb - 1HO Class Assembly
  • Fri 9th Feb - School closes for half term (3.30pm)

Half term break

  • Mon 19th Feb - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Thurs 22nd Feb - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 23rd Feb - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Fri 23rd Feb - 1HU Class Assembly
  • Wed 28th Feb - Parent Consultation Evening
  • Fri 1st Mar - 3O Class Assembly
  • Thurs 7th Mar - World Book Day
  • Mon 11th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon
  • Mon 11th Mar - Last week of clubs this term
  • Tues 12th Mar - Year 4 Open Afternoon
  • Wed 13th Mar - Year 3 Performance
  • Thurs 14th Mar - Year 3 Performance
  • Fri 15th Mar - 3C Class Assembly
  • Fri 22nd Mar - Governors Awards Assembly
  • Fri 22nd Mar - School closes for Easter (3.30pm)

Summer Term

  • Mon 8th April - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 12th April - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • w/c Mon 15th April - Grow It Week
  • Tues 16th April - Year 4 Performance
  • Wed 17th April - Year 4 Performance
  • Fri 19th April - 5A Class Assembly
  • Fri 26th April - 5GB Class Assembly
  • Fri 3rd May - 5H Class Assembly
  • Mon 6th May - School closed for Bank Holiday (All day)
  • Tues 7th May - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • w/c Mon 13th May - First week of clubs
  • w/c Mon 13th May - Year 6 SATs
  • Tues 21st May - Year 1 & 2 Sports Day
  • Wed 22nd May - Year 3 & 4 Sports Day
  • Thurs 23th May - Year 5 & 6 Sports Day
  • Fri 24th May - Reception & Nursery Sports Day
  • Fri 24th May - School closes for half term (3.30pm)

Half term break

  • Mon 3rd June - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Wed 5th June - French Day
  • Fri 7th June - Intraschool Sports (come in PE kit)
  • Mon 10th June - Class Photos
  • Fri 14th June - RB Class Assembly
  • Fri 21st June - RWR Class Assembly
  • w/c Mon 24th June - Last week of clubs
  • Tues 25th June - Year 6 Performance (9.15am)
  • Wed 26th June - Year 6 Performance (2.15pm)
  • Tues 9th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Wed 10th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Thurs 11th July - Moving Up morning
  • Fri 19th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly (pm)
  • Fri 19th July - School closes for Summer (3.30pm)



Telephone: 01405 763634

Email: parkside.primary@eastriding.gov.uk

Please note that we send you our fortnightly newsletters as part of our remit of providing and supporting your child's education. In these newsletters we may include items from third parties that we believe will be may be in your child's interest. If you do not wish to receive our electronic newsletter, please email us on the address above.

(Additional newsletter graphics sourced from My Cute Graphics and Philip Martin clipart)