
Teacher-Developed Evidence Fluency Group

Four teachers made up the character group in Spring '23. Each had at least 11 years of experience, two had 16-20 years and one had been teaching more than 31 years.

Teachers reported from New Jersey, Delaware, Wisconsin and New York; teaching 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 8th grades.

Teachers reported a minimum of two lessons during the two-week window. Instruction was nearly evenly split between whole group and small group configurations with one of the 12 students receiving 1:1 instruction.

Students move up the progression, and demonstrate growth in non-cognitive areas regardless of grouping when working with teachers who routinely provide strategy instruction and have significant classroom experience.

Teachers reported that students maintained or increased enjoyment when reading during the two weeks of lessons aimed at fluency.

[I] saw the lightbulb go off after practice...[the student] even added intonation appropriately.