
Dungog Public School Newsletter Monday 4th September - Term 3, Week 8 2023

Calendar of events

  • Monday 4th & Monday 18th September - Monday Morning PBL Assemblies
  • Monday 4th to Friday 8th September - SASS Week
  • Monday 4th September - P&C Meeting
  • Tuesday 5th & Tuesday 12th September - Learn N Grow Playgroup
  • Tuesday 5th & Tuesday 12th September - Breakfast Club
  • Wednesday 6th September - Pyjama Day
  • Friday 8th & Friday 15th September - Kindergarten Transition
  • Wednesday 13th September - AECG Meeting
  • Thursday 14th September - Next Whole School Assembly
  • Thursday 14th September - R U OK Day
  • Thursday 14th September - P&C Canteen Special Day – Hotdogs
  • Thursday 14th September - Rugby Gala Day
  • Thursday 14th September - Hunter River Community School World Games
  • Thursday 14th September - Performance -Catchment Crusader Magic Show
  • Thursday 21st September - LMG Cultural Day
  • Friday 22nd September - Footy Colours Day
  • Friday 22nd September - Last Day of Term 3
  • Monday 9th October - First Day of Term 4

Principals MESSAGE

Welcome to another exciting week at Dungog Public School. We have had a busy Term 3 and have packed a lot into the first 7 weeks with students involved in learning activities in the classroom, across the school and even in the community!

This week students, parents and staff at Dungog Public School will acknowledge the hard work done by School Administrative and Support Staff (SASS) as part of Recognition Week.

Students in Years 4 to 6 will be participating in the ‘Tell Them from Me Survey’ at the end of Term 3 and beginning of Term 4. The purpose of the survey for students is to measure student engagement and well-being which will provide data for our school to identify strengths and areas for improvement. An information note will go home this week.

We are asking for parents/carers to complete the Tell Them From Me survey on student engagement. The survey asks parents/carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student well-being and engagement. The survey is conducted entirely online on smartphones, ipads, tablets, laptops or computers. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. Please keep an eye out for the link coming soon.

Congratulations to all students who successfully completed the Premiers Reading Challenge this year! It is a massive effort to continually read the amount of books expected to read in the time frame. Thank you to Miss Donnelly and Mrs Wilkinson for supporting our students through this program.

Dungog Public School will be participating in the SHARE OUR SPACE program again during the up and coming school holidays. The Horse Paddock will be open for community use (please see the flyer below).

Come along to the Learn n Grow Playgroup that is being held at Dungog Public School each Tuesday from 9.30am to 11.00am. Everyone is welcome!

Have a fantastic week of Learning!

Ms Kylie Pennell - Principal

Principals Award



WEEK 6 & 7 - 87%


km with miss mowbray

Welcome to week 8. KM have been working hard on their imaginative writing skills, focusing on inside and outside character traits. We have been learning all about position in Maths. KM are really enjoying their Geography unit this term and we really like going outside to have yarning circles and discussions. Don’t forget, our excursions are coming up quickly so please return all notes and money to the office. Have a great week!

1O with Mrs Olsen

Week 8 already! We have been busy learning about Mass, balancing objects, comparing masses and talking about 1kg. Do you have any things in your house that have a mass of 1kg? In Science we are learning about simple coding and in PDHPE, we are talking about personal hygiene and how this helps to keep us healthy. We hope all our fathers, grandfathers and special men in our students' lives had a lovely day yesterday.

1G with Miss Gilmour

Wow it's week 8 already! We are on the downhill run now! Over the past fortnight, 1G have been learning about different ways to communicate, such as using Auslan - sign language. Quiz your child on what signs they can remember. We have also had the chance to do some coding in Science using the BeeBots. We had to program the BeeBots to follow a specific sequence, they are so much fun! This week we are recognising and celebrating our wonderful SASS staff. 1G would like to thank you all for the hard work you do within our school. Have a fantastic week everyone 🙂

release from face to face with Miss gregory

KM have been learning all about forces and motions in Science. We are building cars next week to show how they move. 1G have been learning all about volume in Mathematics and comparing different containers to each other. They have enjoyed estimating and comparing the different items. Barrangga and Dhurrumiri have been enjoying playing with the BeeBots in Science. They are learning to create a sequence and have the bot follow along.

Kindergarten Transition

Our Kindergarten Transition Program is in full swing, running every Friday until Term 4, Week 7. Students have been engaging in a range of activities, including fine motor skills, cutting, tracing, recognising numbers and learning all about school expectations. Our Stage 3 helpers have been fantastic playing a supportive role to the students while they are at school.


dhurrumiri room with miss duncan

"Welcome to Week 8 everyone! What a busy couple of weeks we are having in Dhurrumiri Room. We have been learning all about 3D shapes and their properties in maths and making some delicious food in cooking. Last week we started practising our musical performance and it is already looking AMAZING! I can't wait to see the final product. I hope you all have a wonderful week 🙂"

barrangga room with miss wallace

It has been a busy week in Barrangga. Our Year 6 students had their first High School transition on Friday and had a great time meeting their teachers and the school chickens. In Mathematics we have been using class objects to learn about Mass. In English had a lovely lesson on awesome alliteration! In cooking we made pancakes with berries, they were delicious. Have a great week!


2C with Mrs Curry & Mrs Morgan

We hope all the Dads/Special Men enjoyed their gifts and getting spoilt on Father’s Day yesterday! 2C have had a busy fortnight of fun and learning! We handmade Father’s Day gifts, explored different types of rocks in Science, used our times tables to work out the area of squares/rectangles in Mathematics and enjoyed getting outside for daily fitness. As the weather warms up, please remember to bring your hat and water bottle every day.

2V with Mrs middlebrook

In English class, we've been immersing ourselves in fascinating novels and enhancing our comprehension skills with vibrant discussions. Our grasp of Geometry continues to grow stronger in Mathematics as we conquer Area calculations for both Regular and Irregular shapes. Exploring Australia's states, emblems, and flags has expanded our horizons in Geography. And let's not forget our Musical accomplishments, each practice session harmonizes our talents into something truly enchanting. Keep shining brightly 2V!

2/3S with Ms Carter

Its week 8!! We have almost made it to the end of Term 3. This week we celebrate SASS Week, 2/3S would like to thank Mr Gray and Miss Janna for all their support they give us every day. We are very lucky to have them in our class. We are looking forward to Pyjama Day this Wednesday. Please remember to bring your hat to school as the weather is warming up. Have a great week!


3J with Miss Muddle

Happy week 8 everyone!! This week in 3J we went outside to soak up some sunshine. The students loved doing their work outside and hopefully we can do more next week. Please remember to bring your school hats to school and to wear your school uniform. Not long until the end of term now, but plenty of work still to do!

3P with Ms Palmowski

Week 8 already! This term has been busy and the students have focused on displaying their personal best in the classroom. In English, we are developing our debating skills to persuade an audience. Students are enjoying arguing a topic effectively using persuasive devices and strong arguments. In Mathematics, students have measured various objects/places around the school and used formula to calculate the area accurately. In Geography, students are learning about Biomes and are currently writing an Information Report utilising their researching skills.

3L with Mrs Long

3L have been preparing for their Musical item for next term and we are very excited. As the class are finishing off for Term 3 Mrs Long will be across the world on a different continent, in a different country starting with a C. Then it will be Term 4 and the last term for most of 3L and off to High School!! Exciting!!

Library/STEM with Miss Donnelly

It has been wonderful over the last few weeks to see so many classes utilising our library space for various reasons. Whether it has been for technology lessons, borrowing, reading, or just as a calm down space it has been fantastic to see. Keep coming to borrow and read books. Also, let Miss Donnelly know if you have any suggestions of books we can add to our library.


KM - Brody Whitbread
1O - Bayley Hudson
1G - Quinn Drinkwater
2V - Boston Collin
2C - Levi Hudson
3J - Kayden Hobbs
3P - Baden Stengl
3L - Kiara Moore
RFF - Abigail Moylan


Zoey & Brody

class samples with 3L & Mrs long

chaplain news

school refusal

School refusal is when children get very upset about going to school and they won’t or can’t go. Children might refuse to go to school because of worries about leaving home, learning difficulties, bullying, social or friendship problems or other reasons. It can happen when there are stressful events at home or school, family issues, bullying or teasing, problems with the teacher, poor school results. By not going to school, a child might be able to avoid things that scare them e.g. tests; avoid social situations with peers or teachers or keep an eye on what’s going on at home. The best way to get children back to school is by working as a team with the school. For more info: https://raisingchildren.net.au/school-age/school–learning/school–refusal. For support for your child, you can contact the school on 4992 1384. Philippa 😊

EFTPOS now available

EFTPOS is now another convenient option for parents/carers to make a payment at our School Office. EFTPOS will make it easier for parents/carers to pay for their child/children’s school activities including excursions, performances, sports, etc. Transactions may only be processed in person over the counter, no over the phone payments will be accepted. Cardholders have the option to tap, swipe, insert or use their payment-enabled Smart device. Payments can still be completed through our Parent Online Payments (POP) through our school website or with cash via the office.

NSW Police legacy Child Safety Handbook

The “NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook” is a comprehensive and free resource to assist parents, carers as well as teachers on a range of topics essential to child safety. The updated digital edition (link below) includes important content updates from: NSW Rural Fire, NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, Transport NSW, State Emergency Services, NSW Department of Family & Community Services, eSafety Commissioner and NSW Office of the Children's Guardian. https://issuu.com/associatedmediagroup/docs/cshb_2023_winter_edition?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ

Important information from Linq Buslines

Transport for NSW is seeking to improve the consistency and accuracy of bus service information across New South Wales. As part of this state-wide program, bus route names and numbers are being amended so they can become part of a standardised system. These changes will apply to all buses that operate to and from your school, effective 29 August 2023. Note that these are route name/number changes only. Physical routes (or paths) along which school buses operate will not be affected.

P&C news, Canteen & uniform shop

The P&C are looking for helpful people like you to join the canteen team for Term 3! Fill in the attached form and send to dungogpublicschoolpc@gmail.com. Volunteers are needed who can help make lunches for our hungry, growing children and serve them during lunch 1 & 2. You can indicate which times suit you best, as there are different shifts available for you to choose from as a canteen volunteer! Here are the options:

o Full day: You can join us from 8:30am to 2:30pm. It's a longer shift where you can help prepare lunches, serve during recess and lunchtime, and assist with other tasks.

o Morning: If you prefer a shorter shift, you can help out with the morning collection of lunch orders and lunch 1 period. This shift is from 9:00am to 12:00pm. You'll play a key role in organising lunch orders and ensuring everything is ready for lunchtime.

o Afternoon: Another shorter option is the lunch 2 period shift. It starts at 11:30am and ends at 2:30pm. During this time, you can assist with serving lunches and making sure our students have a great lunch experience.

When you become a canteen volunteer, your P&C membership fee will be paid for by the committee, and as a bonus, you'll get a free lunch as a token of our gratitude each time you help out at the canteen. We'll be thrilled to have you as part of the canteen team!


The Dungog Pedalfest are inviting children to a 'Kids and Cobwebs' ride at the start of the Spring Holidays. Meet at 3.30pm for a 4.00pm start. Friday 22nd September starting and finishing at Dungog Public School. Riders are rewarded with a BBQ at the end of the ride at the School. All cash registrations that come through Dungog Public will go to Dungog Public School.