
Precision Consciousness What It Is & Why YOURS Matters | SIGN UP FOR THE NEXT PRECISION CONSCIOUSNESS TRAINING GROUP or Attend a Free Discovery Session Presented by Marti Spiegelman

Full consciousness is not an idea, an instruction, or a strategy. It is a vibrant and creative state of being entered through the mastery of awareness.

Don't miss the next round of the Precision Consciousness Training with Marti Spiegelman. The extraordinary Precision Consciousness Training is based in a unique weaving of indigenous wisdom and modern knowledge designed to help you thrive in the world by changing how you engage the world and its challenges. This is your opportunity for professional-level mentoring aimed at evolving your life and work by first evolving your consciousness. This evolution occurs using the precision of timeless 'technologies of consciousness' – proven principles and practices that have evolved human culture and creative endeavor for tens of thousands of years, and are just as effective today as ever.

Marti speaks about the training: 'In the Precision Consciousness Trainings you'll learn about the technologies that are the source of the most magical properties of this universe and the most awe-inspiring capacities of humankind – the technologies of Precision Consciousness. From skillful retrieval of our own passion and creativity, to relationship and community building that lasts, to businesses that evolve their humanity as they ignite new value creation, to steward-membership replacing management as our role with nature and the planet, the power of your own Precision Consciousness will open you and your world to your next levels of fulfillment and success.'

YOUR 1:1 INTRO CHAT WITH MARTI | The 2021-221 training schedule is about to begin, so if you'd like to participate in the NEXT Precision Consciousness Training, contact Marti right away – martispiegelman@mac.com – put 'Precision Consciousness Intro Chat' in the subject line and Marti will contact you to set up your free 1:1 introductory call. There are a few spots still open in the September 2021 group, and the introductory chat with Marti will help you know whether it's a great fit for you.

OPTIONAL FREE DISCOVERY SESSIONS | If September is too soon for you, you can participate in one of the free Discovery Sessions coming up later this winter. The Discovery Session dates will be announced here and online. These 90-minute online events are for you to explore, discover, and learn about consciousness and why a high degree of mastery is important for you as a leading professional in your field. You also have the chance to meet and speak with like-minded professionals, people who know consciousness is the key component in driving the changes they want to make and the legacy they want to create.

Your consciousness matters on a personal level too. If you care about your quality of life, your relationships, your community, and how we will live into our future on this beautiful planet, you owe it to yourself to find out about consciousness and what its precise technologies have to offer you.

If you have a vision you want to manifest, or a longing to come home to your true self, OR you feel you've been searching for 'something' but it still feels like a 'missing piece' then you owe it to yourself to schedule your 1:1 chat with Marti – at least for the value of the exploratory conversation, but better yet, to find out if training and mentoring with Marti will be a great and valuable fit for you.

The core of our being is the act of perception. The magic of our being is the act of awareness. – the Yaqui Masters

Spirit light shining through the Big Tree Shrine at Apu Pisgah

Don't hesitate to learn more about training and mentoring opportunities with Marti Spiegelman. To schedule your FREE 1:1 chat and get dates for the next Virtual Discovery Session, email Marti now! martispiegelman@mac.com

SCHEDULES | The Discovery Sessions are scheduled on Friday afternoons, 1pm Pacific. The 2021-22 Precision Consciousness schedule is comprised of five 3-day sessions plus monthly group check-ins over a 9-month period. Details available once you've scheduled your initial chat with Marti. All sessions are via Zoom.

ABOUT THE TRAINING | In Module 1 of Precision Consciousness, you take the first steps in opening new dimensions of your consciousness so you can know your world in new and different ways, meet life with more energy and creativity, and get to know new and amazing dimensions of yourself. Module 1 sets the stage, introducing you to major concepts of consciousness and exercises that help you experience the precise capabilities of your awareness and creative capacities. Module 1 is a stand-alone session – there is no obligation to continue to Module 2. However, the 2 modules are designed to work together to maximize your skills. Module 2 takes you much deeper into skill development, application of the technologies of consciousness to your life and work, and discovery of the unique benefits you'll gain – imagine finally feeling a sense of 'coming home' to yourself, discovering a new, easy connection to life and all your relationships, a sense of being 'bigger' in life as you become more grounded and extraordinarily creative in your work. And that's just the beginning.

Marti talks about how the session works 'Your main ‘tool’ for this kind of training is your consciousness – especially your awareness! Your supporting ‘tool’ will be your sense of play and curiosity. You already have these tools, so they'll be ‘with you’ when you join your group in the training Zoom room.

'We look at specific topics and principles in each session, then explore the material and teachings together via discussion, interactive exercises, sharing of experiences, and delving into new inquiries that rise while we’re working together. The groups are small enough that everyone can, and must, participate. You'll get your questions answered, make good connections, and most importantly, unfurl your consciousness in ways and dimensions you may only have imagined before. Plus, it's actually fun!'

There are many ways to 'study' consciousness, but direct experience supported by expert mentoring is the only way to unfurl and evolve your precision consciousness. This is what you receive in the Precision Consciousness training. If you'd like to find out more about how these extraordinary trainings will equip you for success, schedule a call with Marti now. She'll help you understand the online courses, the in-depth training, and the mentoring opportunities on offer, and determine which is the best fit for you and your growth.

Precision Consciousness is not just another 'system for your success'. It is the timeless human capacity, wisdom, and technical expertise that underlies ALL systems and drives ALL success. – Marti Spiegelman

A message from Marti – 'I've taken several groups of students through the NEW Precision Consciousness Training, and every group is experiencing extraordinary growth that is driving evolutionary outcomes in their lives and work. One of the key gifts of the training is that it changes how you know the world – it opens dimensions of knowledge and opportunity that have been lost to our Western habits of awareness. Even after the first day of training, students report feeling finally at home inside themselves, feeling clearer about their emotional responses to life and its challenges, realizing their 'intuition' is the voice of their Precision Consciousness, understanding how the world actually works, learning how to use radical change to their advantage – especially in evolving their work in the world – and so often reporting that this training is 'the missing piece I've been looking for!

'When you change how you know the world, you change how you know yourself and how you succeed in the world. If you're serious about making an impact in your work and life, ask me now about how you can join the next training group. We'll have an initial chat and explore how training your consciousness can reap incredible benefits for you!'

To schedule your 1:1 chat with Marti, send an email to martispiegelman@mac.com – put 'Precision Consciousness Intro Chat' in the subject line to get your time slot.

Your 1:1 phone interview is required for acceptance into the in-depth trainings Marti offers, including the new Precision Consciousness Training, and the Shaman's Light™ training program. The Discovery Sessions are also an excellent introduction to Marti's work, as are her online courses in Precision Consciousness and Visionary Skills. These resources are also a great entryway for acceptance into the Leading from Being training program, a new leadership program Marti co-leads with her colleague Todd Hoskins.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. – Albert Einstein

If you think that a set of behavioral guidelines is sufficient to transform you or your organization into a fully conscious state, then at the very least you have only a fraction of the whole truth. No list of new habits will make a dent in the outcomes we seek if we don't first emerge at a new level of consciousness. This means mastering the technologies of Precision Consciousness. This takes a willingness to explore and learn, to have some fun while you're doing some serious work, to maintain some humility and a sense of humor, to let go of old ideas . . . and it takes a big desire to grow yourself as part of the greater whole we call life. It's an amazing process, like no other! Contact Marti about the September Training Group or watch this site for the next Discovery Session dates to find out more!

Join Marti in the Precision Consciousness Trainings to learn about the technologies that are the source of the most magical properties of this universe and the most awe-inspiring capacities of humankind – the technologies of Precision Consciousness. From skillful retrieval of our own passion and creativity, to relationship and community building that lasts, to businesses that evolve their humanity as they ignite new value creation, to steward-membership replacing management as our role with nature and the planet, the power of your own Precision Consciousness will open you and your world to your next levels of fulfillment and success.

Your next step: email Marti at martispiegelman@mac.com for your free Intro Chat details and information about the September 2021 Precision Consciousness Training Group.

If you prefer to wait for the next Free Discovery Session on Zoom, watch this site, join the email list, or email Marti for dates. The virtual Discovery Session is valuable on its own, but it could be your gateway to Masterful Training and Mentoring at a level that is nearly impossible to find in today's over-loaded menu of workshops. Contact Marti today to learn how her trainings and mentoring can be of great, immediate benefit for you.

Be sure you get all the latest news about Marti's one-of-a-kind programs.


Marti Spiegelman | Expert training in the technologies of Precision Consciousness for emerging leaders in all professions | martispiegelman@mac.com