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Art in Situ: Cal State East Bay Exhibition of Student Works (Sept 2023)

Visit the exhibit!

Come to the CORE Library building on the CSU East Bay Hayward Campus to view the exhibition. A reprint table with reprinted zines is available for picking up samples of the displayed zines. You will also find a zine template to make your own zine and an invitation to participate in the latest call for zine submissions! The exhibit cases are located on the 1st floor of the library's lobby, across the information, between the elevator and stairs!

The exhibition will be on display through the month of September.


“Art in Situ: Cal State East Bay” is an exhibition of student works from Spring 2023’s Art Special Topic course (ART 496) taught by Professor Kasia Apolinarski, lecturer at Cal State East Bay’s Art Department. Selections in this exhibition are from a collection of 20 zines created by Cal State East Bay students providing glimpses into student life on campus.

The zines cover topics regarding place, identity, and things to do, all ranging from personal and collective stories connected to being a student at Cal State East Bay. Many of the zines, in addition to the visual and textual experience on the object, have additional digital experiences ranging from links to sound clips, articles or websites, BaySync links, and much more.

Each zine in this exhibition provides a small window into the passions, problems, and everyday boring or exciting things that happen on the Hayward campus.

About Zines

Zines Are Not Blogs. Zines are radical forms of publishing from its history in the Anti-Slavery pamphlet Campaign, China’s Democracy Wall Movement, Punk Culture, Queercore & Riot Grrl Movements and continuing to today in various Social Justice movements (i.e. Cops Off Campus Coalition, prison industrial complex (PIC) abolitionist zines). Pathways for publishing in mainstream media can be inaccessible to….

Zines enable alternative ways for marginalized bodies and schools of thought to be expressed and self-published. Because zines are made for self- and/or community- expression and empowerment, zines are not for profit and often individually published in small batches or published by a small collective. The medium is truly meant for expressing ideas and telling stories not represented in mainstream publications or media.


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