
The Eagle Weekly 9/17/23

September 17, 2023

The Week Ahead

Around East This Week

Karo staples a copy of his positive office referral for a positive act in the classroom!
Students working hard in Mr. Casier's Math Class.
Students in Mrs. Gentner's Math 7 class begin class with the "Painted Cube" challenge to work through their thinking.
During Welcome Week, each student and staff member decorated a quarter circle of paper. This week Mrs. Kushel put them all together as the beginning of our year-long school-wide art installation to demonstrate that all of us represent a piece of the MSE Community but are so much more all together!
Mrs. Browning's Tech 7/8 classes work on a balloon rocket ship challenge!

Eagle of the Week!

The Eagle of the Week is one student selected every week and nominated by a teacher for acts that go above and beyond for the MSE Community. Our first "Eagle of the Week" for the new school year is Kayleigh F! Kayleigh is a fantastic student who is always willing to jump into to class discussions and works extra hard to be her best. She is a great example of the 4 R's in action at MSE! Congrats Kayleigh!

"Be The Change" Student of the Week

Every student who gets recognized by a teacher for a positive office referral is eligible to be randomly selected as our "Be the Change" winner. These can be small acts that impact the overall culture of the building. This week's winner is Sebaston K!

Fall NWEA Testing

The NWEA Test is given to students 3 times this year (in September, in January, and in May). Students are tested in Math, Science, and Language Arts. These are diagnostic tests for us as a staff to see student growth, areas for growth in their learning, and where students need to be supported. Scores are also taken into consideration for placement in advanced or support classes.


Skill Samurai

Spots still available! Classes will continue to run after October 6th to make up for any missed days. You will get all the classes you sign up for. This is a great opportunity for your child to learn some great STEM Skills. All classes held after school right at MSE.

MSE Parent Academy

This fall at MSE we will be starting a middle school parent academy. A middle school parent academy is a program or series of workshops designed to educate parents on various aspects of middle school education. The goal of a middle school parent academy is to provide parents with the tools and resources they need to support their children through the middle school years, which can be a challenging time for many students.

Some topics that might be covered in a middle school parent academy include: Understanding the middle school curriculum, Effective communication with teachers and administrators, Strategies for supporting academic success at home, Supporting social-emotional development in middle school students, Navigating the transition to high school.

Participation in a middle school parent academy can help parents feel more informed and confident in their ability to support their children through the middle school years. It can also strengthen the partnership between parents and educators, ultimately leading to better outcomes for students. Please join us for our first “Parent Academy” Thursday September 28th, 2023 at 6:00PM in the KIVA for a presentation from “Families Against Narcotics. Please RSVP by clicking on this link:

Washington DC Trip: June 2024

Any students interested in attending Washington DC in June should see Mrs. Conger in R3 for more information and requirements.

2023 MSE Football


Wrestling Club

Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools