

"All dreams come true, if one has the courage to pursue them."

Dear Readers,

Every year, SJS comes up with something unique and creative to foster the young minds with curiosity, innovation and critical thinking. "The Junior Journal" is another unique feature of the school which aims to showcase and celebrate the exceptional events and achievements of the students learning at SJS, Naraina. The publication is released on a monthly basis, providing a comprehensive overview of the notable accomplishments, events and projects undertaken by the learners in a month, within our educational community. This monthly journal will serve as a platform to recognize and applaud the outstanding efforts of the students.

Stay tuned every month to witness, discover and explore the remarkable talents and accomplishments of the learners at SJS with deep and meaningful learning experiences which are curated keeping in mind the skills, attitudes and beliefs of the children at this age.

Happy Reading!

From the Desk of the Chairman of the School: Celebrating the Priceless Gift of Hard-Earned Freedom

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Precious Students,

As we stand on the cusp of platinum jubilee celebration of 76 years of Independent India, I find myself reflecting on the invaluable gift that is the hard-earned freedom of our beloved country. 15th of August is not just a date on the calendar; it's a beacon that reminds us of the sacrifices made, the battles fought, and the indomitable spirit that secured our Nation's liberty.

To the young Salwanians reading this, I urge you to take a moment and imagine a time when our country was under the yoke of colonial rule. Picture the streets lined with brave souls who dared to dream of a land where we would shape our own destiny. These individuals were not just names from history books; they were ordinary people who chose to do extraordinary things to secure our freedom. They showed us that the flame of hope can burn even in the darkest of times. Our freedom wasn't granted; it was earned through sweat, tears, and unwavering resolve. As you stand beneath the tricolor flag, remember that every fluttering fold represents the lives laid down for the privilege you enjoy today.

To the parents, you are the custodians of this legacy. You have the responsibility to impart the true value of freedom to your children. Teach them that with great freedom comes great responsibility. Help them understand that while we celebrate our hard-won independence, we must also ensure that our actions reflect the values our forebearers fought for - equality, justice, and unity.

In the classrooms of our school, we strive to infuse the teachings of our history and heritage into the hearts of our young learners. We do this not just to keep alive the stories of our past, but to ignite a sense of responsibility towards the future. The children of today are the torchbearers of the tomorrow and we envision - that tomorrow will uphold the principles of inclusivity, respect, and progress in the minds and character of the people of India.

On this occasion of Independence, let us pledge to nurture the freedom we enjoy. Let us sow the seeds of gratitude for the sacrifices of those who came before us. As we witness the fluttering flag and the patriotic fervor around us, let us also commit to making our country a better place for generations to come.

To all my readers- parents and students, let us remember that the value of hard-earned freedom cannot be measured in mere words. It's a gift beyond compare, a treasure passed down to us through the hands of history. Let us celebrate it with a deep understanding of its significance. May this Independence Day serve as a reminder that the path to progress and unity lies in cherishing the legacy of our hard-won freedom.

Wishing you all a joyous and reflective Independence Day.

Warm Regards,

Shri. Michael Dias

Message from the Desk of the Director of the School: My Freedom, My Responsibility

Dear Stakeholders,

Do you know what freedom is? Freedom means having the power to make choices and do things without anyone telling you what to do. It's like when you get to choose your favorite ice cream flavor or decide which game to play with your friends. But with freedom comes something very important – responsibility.

Imagine you have a pet pup. Your parents may give you the freedom to take care of your pup, but that also means you have a big responsibility. You need to make sure that it has food, water, and a cozy place to sleep. If you forget to feed your pet or leave them outside in the cold, that's not being responsible.

Just like taking care of a pet, being responsible is imperative when we enjoy our freedom. For enjoying the same, you need to take care of few things:

1. Being Kind: We have the freedom to express our feelings, but it's important to be kind to others. Using our words to hurt someone's feelings isn't responsible. Instead, we should use our freedom to spread love and happiness.

2. Cleaning Up: We have the freedom to play with the toys, but it's also our responsibility to put them back, when we are done playing. Leaving a mess for someone else to clean up isn't being responsible.

3. Safety First: Riding a bicycle or crossing the road can be lot of fun, but it comes with the responsibility of being safe. Wearing a helmet when you ride your bike or looking both ways before crossing the street shows that you are responsible for your and others' safety as well.

4. Homework and Chores: You might not always want to do your homework or help with chores at home, but it's your responsibility to contribute in sharing the work. Doing your homework helps you learn, and doing chores helps your family. It's part of being responsible.

5. Taking Care of Nature: We have the freedom to enjoy picturesque parks and forests, but it's also our responsibility to take care of them. Littering or harming nature isn't responsible. We should keep our environment clean and healthy for our and everyone living on the planet.

6. Respecting Others: Everyone is different, and that's what makes the world interesting. We have the freedom to be ourselves, but it's essential to respect others' differences. Being kind and understanding shows responsibility of character and shows empathy towards every living being.

Remember, freedom is like a special gift, but with that gift comes the responsibility to use it wisely. When we make responsible choices, we help make the world a better place for everyone.

Jai Hind!!

With Regards,

Smt. Mukul Jha

Embarking on the Learning Journey: A Quest for Activity-Based Exploration

Exploring Young Minds: A Glimpse Inside the Classroom

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”

Welcoming everyone with kind and colourful settings

On Tuesday and Wednesday i.e., August 1 and 2, 2023, a mesmerizing journey of learning and realization unfolded as parents were invited to step into the world of children and witness their process of playful learning. Parents of Class Nursery stepped into the classrooms and children demonstrated their day's schedule in front of them beginning with morning prayers, giggles, and eager faces. From hygiene lessons to alphabets and numbers, children showcased their newfound knowledge through interactive activities. Beads, zippers, and buttons transformed into learning tools. The day culminated with a joyful commando crawl, revealing the boundless energy of young minds.

Showcase of beading as asked from the little ones.
"I can button my shirt, Miss!" a little one proudly buttoning up the shirt to highlight independence.
Proud moment for the toddlers, highlighting their finished beads in a string.

Igniting Creativity: Unveiling Summer Creations

"Innovative minds just need a spark to ignite their spirits."

On Saturday, August 5, 2023, the school foyer transformed into a gallery of young brilliance with the displays from Montessori classrooms brought the school ambience into life! Parents marveled at the Exhibition cum PTM day, showcasing the summer holiday assignments of the young Salwanians. From expressive clay sculptures to sensory water wonders, emotions in vivid hues, and intricate leaf prints, the display radiated imagination. Clocks made of plates told the time in an artistic style. Certificates celebrated students' efforts, culminating the showcase of diverse talents and skills.

Harmony in Verses: English Recitation Delight

"Save the Green, Let the Earth Smile”

On Tuesday, August 8, 2023, the school echoed with poetic prowess as young voices painted the theme "Our Earth" with eloquence. Kindergarteners took the stage for the final round of the English Recitation Competition. With captivating voice modulation and charming expressions, they brought poems to life, accompanied by eye-catching props. Confidence shone as they highlighted the significance of Earth conservation, skillfully weaving in concepts of Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce. The event celebrated both poetic talent and environmental awareness.

Artistic prowess meeting poetic expressions.

Resounding Unity: Independence Day Extravaganza

“Celebrate the spirit of patriotism on Independence Day…. Remember, honor and salute all those who have laid their lives for the country.”

On Friday, August 11, 2023, the school grounds brimmed with fervor as the school celebrated the 77th Independence Day. The assembly unveiled a tapestry of talents, with the orchestra, choir, and cultural dance performances evoking patriotic zeal. The Chief Guest for the day, Shri Satish Kumar, a dedicated Police Officer, graced the occasion, while a poignant skit and soulful speeches paid homage to our heroes. From the sacrifices of the soldiers to the well coordinated gymnastic feats, the event embodied unity and reverence for the Nation. As the echoes of the anthem lingered, the spirit of JAI HIND resonated strongly.

"Lehra Do- Lehra Do!" Respect for Tiranga echoed in every performance.
The Montessori students paying homage to the sacrifices in their own sweet skit way!
The dignitaries posing with the Student Council Body after hoisting the National Flag.
Tree Plantation by the guests at the school premises.
Felicitating the guests by the Director of the School- Smt. Mukul Jha.
Choir in unison- urging the audiences to follow.
Young Salwanians posing as soldiers, highlighting their strength, bravery and honour towards the Nation.

Artistry Extravaganza: Unveiling Talents at Hunar Mela 2023

Salwan Education Trust in collaboration with Indian Trust for Rural Heritage and Development (ITRHD) continues to carry on the last year's campaign of #Savetheartists. From last year’s resounding success to promote the art of our rural India, to providing these artisans a means to promote their culture, handicrafts, and handlooms from the artisans from Azamgarh, yet again, this year, Hunar Mela 2023 was organized on Thursday, August 3, 2023 in the school premises.

This collaboration saw the multi-faceted craftsmanship and handicrafts from the corners of rural India. From weavers to handlooms, from the creative DIYs of the National Blind Association of India to the black pottery of Azamgarh, and finally the famous and intricate Gond artwork on canvas painted the school in creative hues and colors.

Glimpses of the colourful day in the school.

Weekend Wings: Salwan Junior School's Remedial Magic

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

Salwan Junior School took a proactive stride in providing academic empowerment to the students, by hosting remedial classes for the struggling learners. Held every Saturday in the school premises, these remedial sessions provide tailored guidance to nurture the growth of those learners who need extra time, care and attention. Through dedicated efforts, the teachers illuminated their path to understanding, ensuring that no student was left behind. This initiative reaffirmed the school's commitment to inclusivity and academic excellence of all.

Remedial Class of Science at its best.

Weaving Bonds of Friendship: Friendship band making at Salwan Junior School, Naraina

"Friendship is a thread that ties our hearts together."

On Saturday, August 5, 2023, the school celebrated Friendships' Day with a delightful twist. Students were engaged in crafting vibrant friendship bands, infusing the colors of camaraderie and creativity into their relationships. This activity encouraged teamwork, artistic expression, and reinforced the values of unity and friendship among the young learners. Friendship at this stage and age is critical to the emotional growth of the learners and as the students exchanged their handmade bands, their bonds grew stronger with their smiles grew brighter, reminding the enduring bonds forged within the school's close-knit community.

DIY band with hardwork, creativity and most important love!

Title: Celebrating India's Heritage: A Week of Insight and Inspiration

"Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?"

India's Week, held on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, offered a rich exploration of India's history. This week was celebrated the rich cultural heritage and culminated with Classes I and I's participation in the freedom struggle through a video presentation and discussion. Class III combined creativity with patriotism in bookmark making and slogan writing activities. Class IV paid tribute with a collaborative collage, while Class V presented India's freedom movement. These activities ignited curiosity, creativity, and a deep sense of patriotism, fostering a holistic understanding of India's journey to freedom.

Combined project by students of Class IV.
Highlighting teamwork and hardwork

Nurturing Young Minds with Nutritional Wisdom

"Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside."

On Tuesday, August 8, 2023, Class I embarked on a two-part journey of health and nutrition. First, they prepared a nutritious foxnut chaat by gaining hands-on insight into crafting a wholesome snack. Following this, a creative group activity was conducted which compared healthy and junk foods, imparting essential nutritional knowledge. This blend of practical experience and thoughtful discussion equipped our young learners with informed dietary choices and a healthier life ahead.

Proud Presenters- Our Mini Masterchefs!
Khana Khazana- understanding of literal and figurative meaning, imbibing in their own sweet way.
Master Chefs at Work!

Celebrating the forever bond of love between siblings and nature

“Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."

On Tuesday, August 29, 2023, students of Class I and KG organized a special Raksha Bandhan assembly, celebrating the cherished bond between a brother and a sister. The students performed a skit highlighting the essence of Raksha Bandhan, emphasizing the promise of protection. They extended this sentiment to trees, promoting 'Vriksha Bandhan' for environmental responsibility. Musical renditions and a heartfelt dance performance added depth to the event, reinforcing values of care, protection, and ecological consciousness.

Making the bond- better!
Cultural Performance by the young ones together.
Celebrating the bond of love.

"Strokes of Artistry: Hindi Handwriting Competition"

"In the graceful strokes of Hindi letters, we discover the artistry of young minds."

On Friday, August 18, 2023, Salwan Junior School hosted the Hindi Handwriting Competition, where students from classes I to V transformed the act of writing into a work of art. Each stroke on paper showcased their unique styles, preserving the charm of handwriting in today's digital age. The judges were amazed by the talent on display, and winners were appreciated and applauded. This event celebrated linguistic finesse and creativity, reflecting the school's commitment to holistic development.

"#AIP: Alumni Interactive Session: Mandalas of Inspiration"

"Knowledge is power, information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, and in every family."

On Wednesday, August 23, 2023, SJS, N welcomed back a former student Ms. Vanshika Banga (batch 2015-16) for an interactive session with the current lot of students. She accompanied her experience with her passion for Mandala Art and conducted a workshop with the students of classes IV and V. Pursuing her dream of architecture, she also embraced her passion for art with making mandalas. The pandemic transformed her hobby into a thriving art career. Vanshika's guidance on dot art and her journey inspired students, emphasizing hard work, dedication, perseverance, and following one's dreams. The workshop left a lasting impression on young minds.

Resource Person: Ms. Vanshika Banga addressing the learners
Engaged and Enthralled students excited to complete their mandalas for beginners.

"Bonds of Love: Rakhi-Making Extravaganza at SJS Naraina"

"Rakhi is a thread that binds two souls in a bond of joy forever."

On Friday, August 25, 2023, Salwan Junior School, Naraina, transformed into a hub of creativity as students engaged in a vibrant Rakhi-making activity. With colorful threads, beads, and a sprinkle of imagination, young hands crafted intricate Rakhis, weaving threads of love and togetherness. The event celebrated the cherished tradition of Raksha Bandhan and the artistry of our young talents.

The senior most group highlighting their efforts with love and colours.

"Super Mario Bros." Movie Excursion: Lessons in Perseverance

"Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations."

On Monday, August 28, 2023, students from classes Nursery-II embarked on a thrilling movie excursion at PVR, Naraina. The movie showcased Mario's and Luigi's adventures through their life and taught the importance of resilience. Laughter filled the theater as students engaged with the characters, sparked insightful discussions about determination afterward. This outing blended entertainment and education, leaving a lasting impact on young minds and reinforcing our commitment to holistic learning.

Gazing with intent at the screen!
The younger ones enjoying the show.

"Journey of Compassion: Visit to the NGO: Goonj"

"Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace."

On Thursday, August 31, 2023, class V students of Salwan Junior School visited Goonj, the NGO in Sarita Vihar, New Delhi. The group accompanied by the school staff carried along the contributions made during the donation drive held at the PTM by parents and school staff. It consisted of required essentials in the form of clothes, stationery and non perishable food items. Witnessing the "School to School" initiative, the students understood the importance of resource sharing in bridging educational gaps. Exploring a museum with historical artifacts connected them to their cultural heritage. The impactful photo gallery showcased global disasters and the efforts put in by the NGO in supporting the needy at required areas. A cloth weaving demonstration highlighted resourcefulness. This trip fostered compassion, responsibility, and social awareness among the students.

The empowered team after gaining first hand experience.
Tour of the photo gallery by the Salwanians.

"Exploring Beyond the Stars: A Glimpse into Space Exploration"

"The universe is not only queerer than we imagine, but queerer than we can imagine."

On Thursday, August 24, 2023, an engaging session on space exploration captivated the engaging attention of the students of classes IV and V. During the week of Chandrayaan-3 landing, students were engrossed in the significance of space exploration through imaginative storytelling, igniting their curiosity about the cosmos. These activities provided impetus into their knowledge and watching the landing live, made the learning process even more stronger in the impressionable minds.

Activities and Exploration

A young, enthusiastic student A. Rehan of class V-B from Salwan Junior School, Naraina showcased his passion for space exploration by creating an informative video on the Chandrayaan mission, inspiring others with their curiosity and knowledge.

Shivansh Gosh, V-A a talented young child's video on the Chandrayaan mission not only impressed viewers with their knowledge but also gained recognition when the organisation: Adobe India shared the same on their Twitter platform, highlighting the power of igniting curiosity and scientific temperament in the youth of today.

Empowering School Leaders: POISE Program at Salwan Education Trust

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Daaji, a Padma Bhushan Awardee and pioneer of Heartfulness Meditation: hosting Heartfulness Programme for Salwan Team at Andhra Pradesh

From August 12 to 15, 2023, Salwan Education Trust organized a three-day residential leadership program at Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad. This spiritual retreat center facilitated various sessions, including Heartfulness meditation, leadership development, and mindfulness practices. Participants engaged with Daaji, the Heartfulness Guide, discussing strategies to improve students' well-being, reduce screen time, and instill values like gratitude and self-discipline. The program also explored the Heartful Sequential Engagement Approach, ethical education, and nonviolent communication techniques. It was a transformative experience that equipped school leaders with tools to create a positive impact on students' lives.

Experiencing the power of meditation first hand.

As part of future plans, the school aims to integrate meditation into the daily routine of the students as well and implement the Brighter Minds program for cognitive growth, enhance the school's greenery, and explore solar panel installation. This program marks a significant step in Salwan Education Trust's commitment to holistic education.

Daaji, addressing the Leaders of Salwan Group of Schools at the Centre

"A Parade of Giants: Celebrating Elephant Day at Salwan Junior School"

"Elephants are not only our co-inhabitants on this planet but also a symbol of India's spiritual and cultural heritage."

On Friday, August 11, 2023, Salwan Junior School transformed the premises into an elephant wonderland, celebrating the majestic creature. Students engaged in a vibrant parade of colorful elephant-themed activities- from decorations, to crafts, and mindful quiz activities, the day resonated with the grace and grandeur of these gentle giants, instilling a sense of reverence and wildlife conservation among the young minds.

Class II-B proudly posing with their creations and understanding the mighty creatures.
Watching the documentary and understanding the basic facts on their behaviour and living mechanisms.


"Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders: Insights from the Principal's Desk in Preparing Next Generation 2023

The article of Ms. Sonia Wadhwa, Head of the School on preparing the next generation was published in the International Confederation of Principals magazine (ICP)- August 2023 Edition. The article mentioned about the requisite skills needed to prepare the next generation to meet the requirements of future jobs. The complete article can be read by scanning the QR Code given below or by clicking on the link given below.


"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

In a melodious tale of triumph, Salwan Junior School's rising star, Anhad Sodhi from Class II-A, dazzled brilliantly at the Goa solo singing competition. Claiming the top spot, Anhad's enchanting voice captivated hearts, leaving an indelible mark. With every note, a story unfolded, resonating with passion, talent, and the sweet taste of victory.
Acknowledging Anhad's victory in the school midst her peers.
Praneet Singh, a student of class IV-A, showcased remarkable prowess at the Delhi State U-9 Open Chess Championship, held at Green Fields School, New Delhi, from April 27th to April 29th, 2023. With an impressive score of 5 points out of 7 rounds, Praneet's strategic mastery secured him 14th place on the championship's merit list. His dedication and skill are a testament to his commitment to the art of chess
Ayansh Jain, student of V-A is a student of LIMA (Lion Institute of Martial Arts) academy, Harinagar. He is a yellow belt in martial arts and recently received a bronze medal in Board breaking competition with III position.
Prisha Juneja of Class V B participated in the Under-9- 9 Skating Championship and won a Silver Medal.
Priyansh Chopra of class IV-A participated and represented Salwan Junior School in the 35th Open Delhi State Jeet Kune Do Championship-2023 organised by Delhi Jeet Kune Do and Modern Kalarpayttu Association. He won a Gold Medal for participating in the junior category. Priyansh also participated and represented Salwan Junior School in the 19th National Taekwondo Championship 2023 organized by the Taekwondo Authority of India. He won a Bronze Medal in the Fighting Event. He also participated in 18th Independence Cup Sports Jeet Kune Do Championship Delhi 2023 and won a Silver medal in the Fighting Event.
Aarva Sharma of IV-A participated and represented Salwan Junior School in the 19th National Taekwondo Championship 2023 organised by the Taekwondo Authority of India. He won a Silver Medal in the Fighting Event


Cultural event Salwan Cultural Fiesta 2023 was organized under the aegis of Salwan Education Trust on Tuesday, 29th August 2023. This dynamic event showcased a canvas of highlighting the talents of students of the Salwan group of schools to showcase their artistic finesse, celebrating the rich tapestry of Indian art and culture.

Pavika of class II-A participated in Inter Salwan Cultural Fiesta 2023 and secured First Runner up position in Solo Dance.
Kaira IV-B, Gunjan V-B, Guntas V-B, Elina V-B, Aaradhya V-B, and Chanda IV-B participated in The Inter Salwan Cultural Fiesta 2023 and won Second Runner Up in Group Folk/Regional Dance of India.
On Thursday, August 24, 2023, Salwan Junior School, Naraina Vihar, sparkled brightly at the 12th R.L. CHOPRA Memorial Inter-School Quiz Festival – QRIOSITY, hosted at New Era Public School, Mayapuri. Our team of class V students, A. Rehan, Shivansh Ghosh, and Vivaan Singh represented the school and bagged the top spot in the Cadet Quiz category.
Acknowledging the win at our own premises, midst our own students.

"The key to to success is dedication to lifelong learning."

We will continue to bring together more holistic activities, cognitive projects and creative innovations for our readers to have a brief glance into the school with every edition of the SJS E-Newsletter: "The Junior Journal," after every month.