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Apprenticeships + Training Programmes tailored to you


Compete Apprenticeship Programmes

We offer a great choice of Apprenticeships, perfect for businesses both large and small.

We can help recruit a new Apprentice or make existing member of an organisation an Apprentice. There are so many benefits to both but overall will vastly improve skills and performance in any of the following areas:

Accounting Apprenticeships

Business & Administration Apprenticeships

Child/Health Care Apprenticeships

Construction Apprenticeships

Hospitality & Catering Apprenticeships

Training Courses

We also offer bespoke training courses.

Tailored to Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Liverpool City Region, we offer a range of free training courses for their employees.

Training courses free to SMEs in the Liverpool City Region

Introduction to AI

In collaboration with Southport College, this course introduces AI and Emerging Technologies, covering a wide range of applications, from the basics such as drafting letters, right through to the automation of complex process.

Taught by IT expert teachers at our partner organisation, Southport College, find out more and book your place now:

Customer Experience Champion

In the pursuit of delivering excellent customer service skills across all Southport businesses, employers across the area are invited to enrol their staff onto this course, hosted by Southport College.

The course is delivered by service industry experts from our partner organisation Southport College, the course can be delivered at a location to suit your organisation. Find out more and book your place today:


Southport Education Group, Mornington Road, Southport, PR9 0TT