How can we help?
Welcome to UTSA's Campus Resources hub, where you can explore all the ways UTSA brings out the academic best in its students. Whether your need is Academic, Professional, Financial, or Personal, UTSA has you covered!
Need help with coursework?
Help with Writing Assignments
Have writing assignments or projects? The Writing Center can help you with all stages of the writing process: brainstorming, organization, grammar, punctuation, editing, citations, and more. They can even help with Cover Letters and Personal Statements! For more information, contact the Writing Center today:
- Location: Main Campus: JPL 2.01.12D, Downtown Campus: FS 4.432
- Phone: (210) 458 – 6086
Help with Learning Course Content
- Campus-Based Tutoring – Get one-on-one help with your toughest subjects, like Algebra, Biology, Statistics, Chemistry, and more. Walk-ins welcome!
- STARS – Get "insider" help with select Chemistry, Math, and Accounting courses. STARS tutors attend your lectures, work with your instructors, and hold weekly review sessions to go over what you need to know for your courses.
- Supplemental Instruction (SI) – Learn and make friends through these guided, collaborative, and fun study groups, which meet throughout the week to go over course material and prepare for tests.
- College Success Center – Every college at UTSA (like the College of Business) has a success center set up to help its students succeed through course and career guidance. See what your college’s success center has to offer you.
- Brainfuse – Busy students love this online tutoring service because it's free, available 24/7, and supports 50+ courses! To see if your course is supported by Brainfuse, click on your course’s Canvas page, and select “Brainfuse” from the left-hand menu.
- Meet with your professor or TA - Aim for office hours (found in syllabus), which is time instructors and TAs have set aside to help students.
Need to Add, Drop, Withdraw from Classes?
- ASAP - Add, drop, or withdraw from classes via your ASAP page. For help navigating ASAP, watch this video tutorial or read this PDF tutorial.
- Academic Advisor - If you are unsure of what classes to add, drop, or withdraw from, or how doing so will affect your degree plan or financial aid status, contact your Academic Advisor, who will ensure you stay on the right track. To schedule your appointment, visit, call (210) 458 – 4900, or pop in at the Student Success Center (SSC).
Need Help Researching a Project?
Don't wait! Meet with your librarian and check out UTSA Libraries research guides.
Need Help with Study Skills, Organization, Time Management, Motivation, School-Work-Life Balance?
Student Success Coaching – get one-on-one help with study habits, organization, note-taking, time management, work-life-school balance, motivation, accountability, test prep, and other skills that are necessary for academic success! Check out our online resources, or visit our website to schedule a free appointment!
Need Physical or Learning Accommodations?
Student Disability Services – dedicated to evening the playing field at UTSA, this free campus resource promotes equal access for all university programs and activities for students with physical or learning disabilities. For more information, contact Student Disability Services at:
- Website:
- Location: Multidisciplinary Studies Bldg (MS) 3.01.16
- Email:
- Phone: (210) 458 - 4157
Career Questions?
UTSA Career Center– This free campus resource helps students with job skills, career exploration, resume building, work-study information, interview speaking, networking, finding on- or off-campus jobs, and much more. For more information, visit the Career Center at:
- Website:
- Location: Student Union 2.02.04
- Phone: (210) 458- 4589
- Email:
- Click here to schedule a virtual or an in-person appointment.
Resume Questions?
- UTSA Career Center – in addition to working one-on-one with you to create a resume specifically tailored to your experience, major, and career path, the Career Center site provides you with samples of their favorite resumes.
- VMock – You can also submit your resume to to VMock, a free online Career Preparation Platform where you can get your resume professionally scored, edited, and tailored to your target career.
- Purepost – If you are military, submit your resume to Purepost, a free online platform that helps you translate your military background and experience into private-sector (civilian) terminology.
Major Exploration?
Haven’t selected a major yet, or just unsure about the one you picked? Start exploring other majors.
- visit UTSA Majors (listed alphabetically, by interest and industry)
- visit UTSA Career Center - So You're Questioning Your Major, What Next?
- visit Career Center counselors
- join UTSA’s Roadrunner Network to pair up with UTSA alumni who mentor UTSA students.
- meet with your academic advisor to inquire about other majors and degree plans, and to get general insights. You can also call (210) 458 – 4900.
Money Problems?
- Financial Aid – visit UTSA One Stop for help with understanding the types of financial aid available to you, applying for aid, and receiving funds.
- Scholarships – Scholarships provide financial aid funds that you don’t have to pay back! Some are awarded automatically. Some require an application separate from completing your FAFSA. Visit UTSA Scholarship HUB to learn about the scholarships UTSA offers, criteria and deadlines, and how to apply. For more general scholarship information, contact One Stop at (210) 458 – 8000 or
- Student Employment –to learn more about student positions at UTSA, visit Student Affairs online, or contact them at (210) 458 – 4740 or
Food Issues?
- Roadrunner Pantry – If you have food needs, we have you covered! The Roadrunner Pantry can provide you with free access to healthy and nutritious foods. If interested, visit the Roadrunner Pantry online, or contact them at (210) 458 – EATS (3287) or
- Meal Share Program: UTSA Dining, Campus Services, and the Whataburger Resource Room have partnered to create the Meal Share Program, through which students can donate meal swipes (unused meals on a meal plan). Each student can receive up to 15 meals for use at the Roadrunner Café. To request a meal, complete the online application through the Whataburger Resource Room.
Mental Health & Wellbeing?
UTSA Counseling Services – UTSA’s Wellness 360 Counseling Center offers free same-day consultations, short-term individual counseling, group counseling, and psychiatry. To learn more or start services today, visit Counseling Services at:
- Website:
- Location: Rec Wellness Center (RWC) 1.810
- Phone: (210) 458 – 4140 (Select option 2 to schedule an in-person or virtual same-day appointment; select option 3 for a 24-hour crisis line.)
UTSA Recovery Program – the Center for Collegiate Recovery provides comprehensive services to all UTSA students, including recovery development and support, assessment and substance abuse counseling, and substance use education and prevention. For more information, visit the Center for Collegiate Recovery:
- Website:
- Health Care Location: John Peace Library (JPL) 4.02.08
- Phone: (210) 458 – 8317
- Email:
Healthcare - Get general medical care by visiting Student Health Services.
- Website:
- Location: Rec Wellness Center (RWC) 1.500
- Phone: (210) 458 - 4157
Complaint or Grievance?
The University Ombudsperson and Student Ombudsperson are neutral individuals who listen to complaints, grievances, or any concerns you feel are interfering with your academic or work life. Contact your UTSA Ombudsperson at (210) 458 – 4985 or