

9:00 – 10:00 a.m. EST Counselors-in-training: Relationship among physical activity, screen-based behaviors, and wellness

Counselors-in-training (CITs) are exposed to the concept of wellness and learn ways they can promote self-care as an emerging counseling professional. However, further education on the relationship among physical activity, screen-based behaviors, and wellness will better equip CITs as they enter the counseling profession in the 21st century.

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. EST Young, Black & Exceptional: The School Counselor’s Role in Serving Gifted Black Students

Black students are underrepresented within gifted education. However, school counselors are ethically obligated to help close gaps and promote equitable access for students who are marginalized by educational systems. This session will explore cultural considerations for gifted black students and identify how school counselors can effectively meet their needs.

11:30 – 12:20 p.m. EST Six Creative Hands-on Career Counseling Activities

Career counseling can feel like just another academic, pencil-and-paper endeavor. This hands-on session seeks to bring some fun, five-senses, and imagination into the career counseling process. It brings a new twist to some old interventions and introduces interventions that can work with individuals, groups, or classes of diverse backgrounds.

1:30 – 2:30 p.m. EST Shhh…Don’t Talk About That in School!: Ethical and Legal Considerations for Addressing Spirituality With Students

Research suggests that there are various benefits associated with addressing spirituality with students. However, many school counselors avoid the topic due to lack of training or fear of repercussions. attendees will explore how school counselors can ethically and legally address spirituality when counseling students.

2:45 – 3:45 p.m. EST How Smart is My Smartphone Use: The Impact of Smartphone Use on Counselor's-in-Training Anxiety and Wellness

Counselors-in-training (CITs) are exposed to the concept of wellness throughout their graduate program. Research has shown most individuals own a smartphone device. However, CITs may not be aware of the impact smartphones could have on their anxiety levels and wellness. Further education in these areas will assist CITs as they emerge into the counseling profession.

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. EST Remembering You: Self-Care in a Post-COVID World

A post-COVID world brought about changes in technology, higher rates of depression and anxiety, and an increased amount of work available for behavioral healthcare professionals and other medical providers. The emphasis of the presentation is providers caring for themselves, so they have the ability to care for others. Following the principle of Matthew 22:39 requires adequate self-care.