
MKA Newsletter finland | june - july 2023

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Holy Quran

(Surah A-Ma’idah Verse 7)


(Sahih Muslim Volume 3, Hadees No. 1070)

Friday Sermon

Brief Summary of Friday Sermon 30th June 2023

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that in the previous Friday Sermon, he had been mentioning the great expression of love for the Holy Prophet(sa) shown by Sawad bin Ghaziyyah(ra).

His Holiness(aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes regarding this incident:

‘It was Friday the 17th of Ramadan 2 A.H. or the 14th of March 623 A.D., according to the Christian calendar system. In the morning, Salat was first offered and then these worshippers of divine unity fell into prostration before the One God, in an open field. After this, the Holy Prophet(sa) delivered an address on Jihad. When light began to appear, the Holy Prophet(sa) began to arrange the Muslim ranks with the indication of an arrow. A companion by the name of Sawad(ra) was standing somewhat ahead of his row. The Holy Prophet(sa) used his arrow to indicate that he should move back in line. It so happened, however, that the wooden part of the arrow belonging to the Holy Prophet(sa) touched his chest, whereupon he boldly protested, “O Messenger of Allah! God has sent you with the truth and justice, but you have unjustly poked me with your arrow. By God, I insist upon retribution.” The companions were shocked, as to what had gotten into Sawad(ra). However, the Holy Prophet(sa) stated with extreme affection, “Alright Sawad, you may poke me with an arrow as well,” and the Holy Prophet(sa) lifted the cloth upon his chest. In his immense love, Sawad(ra) stepped forward and kissed the chest of the Holy Prophet(sa). The Holy Prophet(sa) smiled and inquired, “Why did you devise this plan?” He responded with a trembling voice, “O Messenger of Allah! The enemy is before us. There is no telling whether I shall live to return or not. It was my desire, therefore, to touch your blessed body before my martyrdom.”’ (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 143-144)

Full Summary

Update on Solar Well Donation

We are happy to announce that the target which was given to MKA Finland last year by our beloved Huzoor to donate at least one Solar well in Africa per year is completed on time and the payment is deposited in the markaz. Those who have participated in this Tehreek, their names have been presented to Huzoor for Dua.

Tabligh Stall

During the month of June, a Tabligh stall was arranged in keskuskatu 7, Helsinki by the Tabligh department on 2nd June. In which:

  • 10+ people visited the stall
  • 25+ brochures were distributed.


A grand Waqar-e-amal was organized on 10th June to clean the namaz center from the inside and outside.

Jalsa Salana Finland

Alhamdulillah this year we were blessed with the 10th Jalsa Salana Finland on 17 & 18 June. Some of the highlights of Jalsa are following.

Waqfe Aarzi Jalsa Salana UK

By the grace of Allah, members of MKA Finland participated in Waqfe Aarzi team for Jalsa Salana UK with the approval of Huzoor e Anwar ABA, for the first time. During that time they took part in several tasks in setting up the Jalsa marquee. Like setting up the main stage, placing the dice and desk for Huzoor, setting up main Jalsa marquee, flooring of the Jalsa gah, serving the food, installing the heaters in the marquee, setting up stalls and many more. Also, they were blessed to say prayers behind our beloved Huzoor.

Seminar on Educational Opportunities in Finland

The Umoor e Tulba department of MKA Finland in collaboration with National Taleem department is organizing an online informative seminar regarding studies in Finland on 24th August at 16:30 - 18:00. This session will be live and interactive and students will get to know information if they are planning to study abroad, specifically in Finland.

The session will be conducted online via Google Meet. Please share this form with students who might be interested in studying in Finland. Your contacts will have to fill out this form if they want to participate in the session. Link will be sent via email to only those individuals who submit this form:


Nordic Tournament Denmark

Nordic Sports Tournament in Denmark will take place from 26-27 August. Khuddam from Finland will also take part in it. There's already a group of 18 members who have plans to go and we are now booking tickets. If someone is still interested, please join the whatsApp group as soon as possible.

We are planning to go on Friday morning and return on Sunday night. If someone wants to go by car, you can also do so.

MKA & Atfal Ijtema 2023

InshaAllah this year our national Ijtema will be held on 14th & 15th of October. Mark these dates in your calendar. Also this year there will be an election for the National President of MKA for the year 2023-2025. Only those people can participate in it who have paid their 4 compulsory chadajaat (chanda aam / wasiat, chanda jalsa salana, chanda majlis and ijtema). Kindly pay these if you haven't paid them yet. Eligible people will be informed before ijtema.

Khuddam & Atfal trip to UK

Alhumdulilah, we have planned an exciting trip for Khuddam and Atfal of Jamaat Finland to visit Markaz in UK in Autumn holidays (Syysloma), right after our annual Ijtema (14-15 October) from 16th to 23rd October for a week.

In this tour, we will insha Allah get a chance to offer prayers behind Huzoor e Anwar ABA, visit landmark places of Jamaat in UK (e.g. Baitul Futuh Mosque, Islamabad, Fazal Mosque, Jamia UK etc.), sittings with Bazurgan and Murabbyan, experience of MTA International, Sports activities with teams from UK, performing Hifazat e Markaz duties and much more.

Please try your best to participate in this historic tour and make it successful. We have also requested for group Mulaqat with Huzoor e Anwar ABA. Join the WhatsApp group if you want to participate.

Upcoming Events

  • Global Seminar Taleem Outreach: 24th August at 16:30 - 18:00
  • Nordic Sports Tournament: 26th – 27th August
  • Khidmat e Khalaq Week: 10th – 17th September
  • Ashra Tehreek e Jadid: 21st – 30th September
  • MKA Job Seminar: 30th September
  • MKA Maal Week: 6th – 12th October
  • MKA Khidmat e Khalaq Day (Blood Donation): 12th October
  • MKA & Atfal Ijtema (Elections of National President MKA): 14th – 15th October
  • Khuddam & Atfal trip to UK: 16th to 23rd October
  • Leaf Raking - Waqar E Amal: 29th October

Published by the Department of Ishaat Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland