Welcome to DSJ Weekly!
Welcome to the last newsletter of September. Where do the weeks go?
First of all, I must say a big, big thank you to everyone for their contributions and attendance at this morning's Dodworth Bake Off and MacMillan Coffee Morning. It's always nice to see the community come together like this for a lovely cause. We had loads of fantastic contributions to the event, and it was nice to see the bungalow so well attended! All credit to Mrs Harper and the PTA for this - without them it couldn't have happened and I'm lucky to have such supportive people helping out the school.
Our building works continued this week, as three classrooms started their renovation. Huge compliments to the staff and children of Year 3/4 and Year 6, who we had to relocate to the library and the former Butterflies room. It's a big deal to move classrooms, especially half way through the term, and they seem to have adapted to it wonderfully. The contractors tell me that everything is going smoothly, so we are on course for this work to be finished within the next two or three weeks before they move on to other areas of the school.
As usual, we have had plenty of external things going on. As I write this, the immunisations are taking place in the hall and the children are waiting beautifully. We had swimming for Year 6 yesterday, and our Junior Wardens trip on Tuesday. In addition to this, we had Rocksteady join us earlier in the week. A big congratulations to last week's Year 4/5 competitors who won the competition! Best of luck to our Y3/4s who will be attending theirs in the near future - I know you'll do us proud no matter what.
I've been so impressed this week with some of the work that I've been shown. I love it when children come to my office to show me their latest piece of writing or their latest bit of artwork. The pride and satisfaction demonstrated by these children is just so rewarding to see.
Next week we have our church visit on Tuesday afternoon for the Harvest Festival and would love to see you there. As usual, other key dates can be found below.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Smith
Thursday 5th October is school census day.
This is a really important day in the school calendar, as a lot of our funding in school depends upon the number of children who order school dinners on this day.
For this reason, we would like everyone to order a school dinner and are offering it for FREE on the day.
The menu can be found below. We'd like all children to order and try a dinner please - even if they bring a packed lunch as back-up in case they don't like what's on offer!
Online safety is becoming all the more important as time passes, and as personal devices become a bigger part of our children's daily lives.
In school, we teach a comprehensive e-safety package to keep children informed of the risks, and how to protect ourselves against them.
However, as a parent it can be difficult to know and keep up with the latest advice. Thankfully, there are resources that can help.
https://www.childnet.com/ is one such resource that breaks down esafety in to several categories and age ranges. Please do have a look, and if you need any help or advice from school, we are always here to help.
On Tuesday we will attend church for the annual Harvest Festival celebration. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
If you would like to collect your child from church, you are welcome to do so. Please inform your child's teacher ahead of time if you'd like to do this, so that we have an awareness of who is being collected from the church.
After the service has finished, please can adults leave the church first and wait outside, where we will then dismiss children from the church doors to minimise the confusion around pickup.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Adam, who runs the weekly Karate Club on Fridays, has kindly offered to come in to school and put on a taster session for each class as part of our PE for next week.
He will be joining us on Monday and each class will have a 45 minute session.
If children would like to come in PE kit that day, please feel free to do so.
This week's attendance is as follows:
EYFS: 91.8%
Y1: 97.5%
Y2: 93.9%
Y3/4: 88.1%
Y4/5: 92.8%
Y6: 98.2%
A huge well done to this week's attendance winners, Year 6!
Bruce Dyer
Please see link to Bruce Dyer’s Friday Morning Multi Sports Club / 8am - 8:45am below
Book Now: https://brucedyerlovelifesports.classforkids.io/info/141
3.30pm-4.30pm every Friday
7 weeks in this block
Available for any children from years 1-6
Please speak to the office or call Adam on 07859 903237
Monday 2nd October
Karate Taster Sessions in School
Tuesday 3rd October
Church for Harvest Festival, starting at 1:30pm
Thursday 5th October
Census Day
Year 6 Swimming
Friday 6th October
Y3/4 Handball at Darton Primary
Our INSET days for 2023-2024 are:
Monday 4th September
Tuesday 5th September
Monday 23rd October
Monday 19th February
Monday 22nd July
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