A Message from our Headteacher Ms Ralston

Dear Students and Families

Welcome to the final bumper issue of the Langley termly newsletter!

Our thanks to Mr Fox Joyce for collating this all year and of course all the staff for providing such a wide range of enriching experiences for our students.

This term is no different. There are over 20 articles that cover trips to castles, TV studios, museums and other countries; collaboration events between LPGS and our other trust schools; sporting achievements and the vibrancy of the visual and performing arts at our school.


Jan Sage Student Awards

On July 2nd 2024 we held an inaugural event for our Sage Memorial Awards which will run annually for 10 years.

Jan Sage was the dedicated Headteacher of LPGS for 17 years from 1993 to 2010 and during this time oversaw the development of the Science and Technology blocks. She promoted girls' engagement in STEM and was an advocate of women in leadership. Aligned with her interests and in her memory, a generous donation from her estate has allowed us to create legacy awards in the 4 categories.

The Sage progress in STEM Award - This award is for a student who has overcome obstacles to make progress in a Maths, Science or Computing #Equality

The Sage Leadership Award - This award is for a student who demonstrates leadership qualities #Ambition

The Sage Networking Award - This award is for a student who has committed to their future through networking #Determination

The Sage Community Award - This award is for a student who has shown kindness and empathy in our community #Respect, #Kindness, #Belonging

The event was well attended by prize winners, parents & carers, staff and governors and we were delighted that her husband, Mr Tim Leach, was able to attend and say a few words about Jan and her legacy. The honours board and commemorative plaque is now displayed at the end of the Maths Corridor closest to M003 – please take a look!

LPGS Sixth Form News

The Sixth Form Team are thrilled to announce the appointment of our Senior Prefects for the upcoming year. We were incredibly impressed at the high calibre of applications that we received this year and felt very proud to interview such impressive young people for these roles. A special congratulations to our new Head Prefects - Melanie and Jeremiah - and our Deputy Head Prefects - Ida, Grace, Freddie and Nia. See the full list of Senior Prefects below.

EAL Trip with Mr Beardsworth and Mrs Stanford

On Thursday 27th June a group of EAL students were invited to Hever Castle, the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, to celebrate a year of cross-curricular activities and achievements.

The morning was spent exploring the beautiful grounds and sunken gardens, Italian promenade and lakeside, as well as the quintessential English rose gardens.

One highlight of the grounds was the water feature, fountain and grotto where everyone enjoyed a gentle shower.

A delicious picnic lunch under a huge ancient mulberry tree, dating from the 1500s, was followed by a guided tour of the extensive castle, remodelled and updated at the turn of the last century, by the fabulously wealthy Astor family.

The students Renia N, Rita Y, Polina S, Florencia D.C, Katherine L and Chelsea K were a credit to themselves and wonderful ambassadors for the school and wider Langley community.

One students reflection of the day:

‘I had the privilege of embarking on a historical trip to Hever Castle under the guidance of Mr Beardsworth and Mrs Stanford. It was an awesome experience which I found fantastic and interesting. Our knowledgeable guide shared some insightful tales with us.

Visiting Hever Castle was a wonderful experience because, I got to imagine what it felt like to live in the 15th Century and it also allows me to know more about British culture’

We are already looking forward to planning more trips next year to celebrate the strength confidence and determination of these students, many of whom arrive mid-year, from countries across the world, with little or no English, and adapt to a new life in England and at Langley.

Well done and thank you from Mr Beardsworth and Mrs Stanford.

Berlin Exchange Report

On the 17th April, a group of Year 10 students flew to Germany for the Berlin Exchange. We stayed for a week in the city centre of Berlin. Throughout the week, we got to visit many interesting places and also have the experience of living with a German family. Before the trip, we were split into groups to make presentations about Germany. Every day, we would meet in the school and perform our presentations, which really helped me to understand the history of Germany. Afterwards, we had daytrips to places such as The Dome of Reichstag, The DDR Museum and The Jewish Museum. We also visited a Turkish market and went on a Street Art Tour around Berlin. On the last day we had a day out in Potsdam. We hiked there with our exchange partners. This was very fun because we got to meet new people and explore a new city. We also got to experience a day at school in Germany. I found this interesting because it was very different to at home in England. As well as English, the German students learnt Latin and Ancient Greek. We also had a PE lesson which was fun because we played a new game. On the weekend, all of the exchanges met up. We went to one of their houses and we all had pizza. It was a great time because I made lots of new friends. I also went to the Kurfürstendamm which is a famous shopping street in Berlin. I enjoyed this day because I got to see a lot of the city. When shopping, I learnt quite a lot of German due to speaking to others and also ordering food. I really enjoyed this trip and I am excited for when our exchanges come to London in July. Zoe B.

At first, i was very scared to go to Berlin because I was staying with a family I didn't know and in a country that I've never been to before. But when I got there and met my family they were very nice and I realised that I didn't have to be as scared and nervous as I was. Throughout the week, we went to several different museums such as the Jewish museum, where we learnt about the lives of Jews in the East and West of Germany. I also tried different German foods such as Currywurst, which is sausages with Curry powder, ketchup and chips. It was actually quite nice. My favourite part was going into the teledisco, which was a telephone box with music and a disco ball inside. It was very fun I would definitely like to go back to Berlin as it was a very fun experience. Azana G.

At the end of April, a group of German students visited Berlin for a week and stayed with an exchange family to practise our speaking of the language and to see the culture and landscape of the country. Whilst there, we visited the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag building, the DDR museum, Checkpoint Charlie, and lots of new scenery in Berlin.

Living with our exchange students was interesting because we were very nervous the first day or two, but we soon felt more comfortable in their homes and around their families.

On the last day, we were able to go to the exchange school and sit in on their lessons to see how a German school is different to our school. Their school was really big, and it was interesting to be in their classes because they had some different lessons to Langley. For example, the school didn’t teach them drama, but taught French, Latin, and Ancient Greek as well as English.

I found the trip really fun as I was able to explore a new country while also practising my German and learning lots of interesting facts about the culture and history of Berlin.

Millie O.

Science Competition Success!

In recent months, several students have received national awards in science. Emily, Noah, Eva and Fayo completed the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad, and all performed exceptionally well, with Noah and Emily achieving Silver awards! Over 80 of our Year 10 students participated in the National Scientific Thinking Challenge, overall LPGS achieved 22 Bronze awards, 12 students achieved Silver and our top-scoring four students were Kitty, Noah, Amber-Lyna and Nehara who each achieved a Gold award, placing them in the top 10% of all entries nationally. Well done to all students who participated!

Year 12 French at Hawes Down Primary School

Our Year 12 French students have been delivering brilliant French lessons to Years 5 and 6 at Hawes Down Primary School.

Our students taught Year 6 students how to describe where they live, with a particular focus on pronunciation. Year 6 students particularly enjoyed the games that our students played with them. Year 5 had their classroom turned into a French café, where they were able to order French sweet treats in French and had to pay in Euros.

Merci Year 12 for being fantastic teachers!

Visual Arts - Photography

On Tuesday 11th June 2024 Y12 BTEC Art, A Level Photography and BTEC Media students teemed up with A Level Photography students from Hayes School to take part in some Photography workshops at Middlesex University.

On arrival we were then taken to the main Photography department in order to get involved in three different workshops, helping to developing the students' experience and knowledge of different approaches to photography through the use of both new and old pieces of technology and techniques. All the students got to experience all three workshops working in small groups and rotating around the sessions and working alongside the very experienced and knowledgeable staff in the department... read on via the link below...

MFL - Y12 trip to Seville

In May our Year 12 Spanish students headed to sunny Seville. We explored the city and visited sights to deepen our knowledge of the culture and history of Spain through the topics we study at A Level such as dance, gastronomy, music, tourism and festivals.

Our first stop was to the beautiful Plaza de Espana to admire the iconic architecture from rowing boats on the lake. We took part in a walking tour of Triana all in Spanish, where we learned about the rich cultural history of this lesser known part of the city. In the Museum of Art and Customs we were able to gain a deeper understanding about the key festivals in Seville that we study at A Level and the role of religion in society. We were lucky to be able to go to an authentic flamenco show and were blown away by the passion and skill of the performers. Visiting the spectacular Alcázar Palace was another highlight of the trip, especially to see the Islamic influence in the architecture and intricate designs. We also took part in a private paella class, where we learned to make gazpacho and a delicious chicken paella.

On our last day we wanted to find out more about Spanish people’s attitudes towards topics like family life, what they really think of tourists, and what life is like for young people, so we carried out surveys in Triana and gained firsthand knowledge that will really help us in our speaking exam.

¡Gracias Sevilla!

Visual Arts - The Garden

The Garden is a collaborative project between Langley Park for Girls School and Langley Park Primary School. The project was set up as part of our Impact Trust work aiming to develop work across our schools and give our children an opportunity to work with each other and share teaching and learning experiences. Please click on the link below for further information about this key project...

From January to June 2024, 21 year 5 students from LPPS worked with some of LPGS year 12 Media students and members of the Eco club to create a documentary about the garden between our two schools and the wellbeing factors of gardening and community. The final film was shown at the Cine Lumiere in South Kensington on Friday 21st June along with many other documentary films from other schools and colleges. Please click on the link below for further info...

Well done to all those involved and especially the fantastic year 5 students who worked so hard to put this film together!!

Summer Arts show 2024

On Wednesday 26th June we held our Summer Arts Exhibition private view evening with wonderful dance displays in the courtyard area, music in the main hall, and drama in the drama studios. Visitors were also able to view the fantastic art work created by our Y11 and Y13 creative students in the Visual Arts block.

Success in Junior Maths Challenge!

On Thursday 25th April some of our students from Y7 & 8 sat the Junior Maths Challenge.

The Junior Mathematical Challenge is a 60-minute, multiple-choice Challenge run by the University of Leeds.

It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems.

The problems on the Junior Mathematical Challenge are designed to make students think and are quite challenging!

Here is a question from the paper which they sat!

Out of the 120 students who sat the challenge, 78 received a certificate. There were 4 Gold, 24 Silver and 50 Bronze.

GOLD winners: Lottie H, Holly M, Anna T, Rosalind B

SILVER winners: Serena E, Olivia G, Sophie B, Holly D, Thili D, Aleisha P, Daisy W, Megan T, Thea W, Lara S, Cecile B, Georgie C, Lucia W, Lizzie H, Emily L, Issie W, Maja S, Scarlett G, Emilia G, Hannah C, Elizabeth T, Jasmine G, Jessica M, Isla L

BRONZE winners: Lisa R, Ava T, Lara S, Summer R, Tanisha R, Isobelle M, Erina C, Risha P, Lily S, Safia M, Sude Y, Momo S, Mollie F, Zoe A, Ruby D, Maia M, Alessandra M, Ivy W, Lucy W, Izzy E, Elena G, Kathyayani V, Sabrina S, Esme L, Emma B, Daisy H, Anushka S, Amber M, Molly D, Charlotte A, Ella S, Lois H, Sophie G, Evie B, Megan W, Mollie R, Ruby O, Mollie F, Sophia H, Isabella L, Beatrice M, Siena S, Leila A, Amelia H, Ava B, Poppy P, Zara H, Miyu B, Rosa D, Maia H

Well done to all certificate winners and to everyone who took part!


(Answer E )

BTEC Media trip to Maidstone TV Studios

This term our Y12 BTEC Creative Digital Media students had the incredible opportunity to visit the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) Maidstone Studios campus. The day included interactive workshops and behind-the-scenes tours, offering valuable insights into the world of professional media production. Students were able to explore a state-of-the-art film and television studio and control room, learning first hand about the equipment and processes involved in creating broadcast content. This trip provided a unique and inspiring experience, opening their eyes to the exciting career possibilities within the creative digital media industry. A special thank you to UCA for hosting our students and sharing their expertise!

Annie - Summer Rehearsals

The music, drama and dance departments were busy this term rehearsing for the Annie production and with an interest in photography (taking this for GCSE next year) Lillie H from Year 9 took photos of the weekly rehearsals of which you can see here. Well done Lillie for taking these!

Also, a special mention for the set design which Iman A and Niamh M in year 12 and Vivien U in Year 13 created, using their creative skills to bring the orphanage, NYC and Warbucks mansion to life!

LPGS Careers Academy

What a busy term for the LPGS Careers Academy! As always, we absolutely love working with the students in all year groups to help them make informed decisions about their future. They really do make us proud every day! Here are some highlights from this term…

LPGS Careers Academy awarded "Area of Excellence" by Challenge Partners

This term, Langley Park School for Girls had their Challenge Partners quality assurance review. Challenge Partners is built around a professionally-led peer review focused on Teaching and Learning. The review identifies areas of strength as well as areas for development, bringing key challenges to schools for the coming year and providing continued professional development for the staff leading the school.

As part of the process, the school was able to nominate one area that they would like reviewed as an “area of excellence.”

We were proud to say our school selected our careers provision and we are even prouder to say that after a lengthy review, we received the fantastic news that our Careers Department was judged as an AREA OF EXCELLENCE!

Miss Day and I are over the moon to be given this news!

We would like to thank all of the students and the parent/carers who gave up their time to form panels for the assessors to speak to - we couldn’t have done this without your input!

We will now be welcoming schools from around the country to visit us and observe our careers provision and we will be working with them to support them in their careers provision at their respective schools.

Year 10 WEX

All Year 10 students took part in our work experience week in May. We couldn't have been prouder of the amazing employer feedback we have received!

240 students worked for over 160 employers during the week in sectors including; finance, health and social care, policing and Fire Brigade, education, childcare, tech, cyber security, business, marketing, real estate, medicine, travel and tourism, fashion, sports, media, TV and film and Law. When we contacted the employers to make our student check in calls, we were blown away by the comments that we received. Some of the students have since been offered paid work opportunities for the employer, with one student being offered an apprenticeship when she finishes her GCSEs next year! The Year 10 students really did put the school on the map this year – Thank you students!

Year 12 WEX

At the time of going to press, our Year 12 WEX week has not taken place. We are excited to hear about the success of the students who have secured some outstanding placements. We would also like to mention the fact that over 50 Year 12 students have done extra WEX this term, in their own time and the feedback from these placements has been incredible and, as a result, we have those companies now asking to attend our careers fair in February to gain access to more LPGS students!

Future Frontiers Program

This term, we worked with The Future Frontiers Program for the first time. It was fantastic! 15 Year 10 students were allocated mentors from the law firm, Eversheds Sutherland. Each Wednesday, for 4 weeks, we travelled to their plush London offices and spent the afternoon with mentors who worked with the students on their project to help them decide what their next steps could be after they complete their GCSEs next year. The mentors were so kind and approachable, the students really learnt a lot and built great relationships with them, plus, each week, we were treated to a yummy lunch by the firm - all in all, a fabulous program!

World Of Work Wednesday

This term, we have had some fantastic speakers. We have heard from speakers from the following:

Child Care Practitioners - HR and Learning and Development Director - Government Lawyer - Actor - Hypnotherapist - Engineer - Quantity Surveyor

All of these sessions were recorded and can be viewed on Fire Fly, on the Careers Academy page.

Year 7 and 8 Careers Quiz

Back by popular demand! The competition was fierce!

Congratulations to forms 7KD, 7LE and 8LF who were crowned champions!

Year 12 STEM Talk

We were joined by Jazz Conway, who is about to complete her PHD and who has been researching Anti-Microbial resistance. She talked to the students about her career path, gave tips about work experience and choosing university course and talked through her research work. Jazz is currently sending robotics down to the ocean seabed to collect sea sponges to use in her research.

Year 12 trip to University of Kent

Year 12 spent the day at the university, meeting student ambassadors, learning about student finance and touring the various departments on campus, visiting the library and viewing the student accommodation.

Networking – LinkedIn

Every student over the age of 16 at LPGS is encouraged to set up a LinkedIn page. We have been working with the students on their networking skills with some phenomenal success. Students have sourced WEX opportunities, engaged with apprenticeship providers and sourced careers mentors to name a few wins this term – WELL DONE! We LOVE reading all of the student posts about all of the extra curricular careers work the students are putting in – this really will pay dividends.

Making the summer count – Virtual work experience opportunities

This summer we would encourage students to take part in some virtual work experience opportunities to enhance their CVs and LinkedIn accounts. Many of the FREE opportunities on Unifrog, Forage and Springpod are targeted at students from aged 14+

Please take a look at the links and the plethora of opportunities on offer…

Springpod Virtual Work Experience Search | Springpod

Free Virtual Work Experience Programs from Top Companies - Forage (theforage.com)

Subjects - Opportunity - Student - Unifrog

And finally… recently, while attending a careers conference, we were introduced to the TALKING FUTURES site (they also have social media pages), it’s a fantastic site for parents/guardians who want to initiate career conversations with their children

Parents Advice for Career Conversations - Talking Futures

Year 7 & 8 English Rewards trip to the Charles Dickens Museum

Year 7 & 8 English students visited the London home of Charles Dickens as part of a reward trip recognising consistent C2L grades for English this year. Students were able to explore the very rooms in which Dickens wrote The Pickwick Papers, Nicholas Nickleby and most famously of all, Oliver Twist! Students demonstrated amazing enthusiasm and curiosity as they learned about the history of Dickens and his humble beginnings; from his time in spent in a workhouse to his luxurious Victorian townhouse. Students saw everything, from the desk he wrote from, to the opulent table he ate at with family and friends. They even got to read and decipher ‘cross written’ letters from Dickens to friends, and read some of his early writings in their working stages! The students were thrilled to see the work of Dickens brought to life and will no doubt use this experience to illuminate their further study of him and his work.

Music Newsletter 2024

I can’t quite believe we have come to the end of another jam packed year of performances. In KS3 Music this term, Year 7 have learnt to use new notation software, played as a Samba Band and created their own West African drumming composition, Year 8 have learnt to play a Calypso on the Ukulele and Year 9 have written their very own songs from scratch. Time definitely flies when you are having fun!

On Monday 1st July, our final Year 7 Instrument Scheme group showed off what they have learnt on violin, trombone and keyboard to their parents in just one term. It is always so impressive how quickly young people can pick instrumental skills up. The students received their certificates and application forms to continue if they would like to and timetabling next year might even allow us to branch back out to mini clarinets in September so watch this space!

Concert Band, Chamber Orchestra, Young Voices, Booms and Steel Band all performed a 50 minute concert last week at a very hot and humid LPGS Arts Exhibition. They did a brilliant job in the heat and performed to a packed hall before the audience moved to the next performance station and to look round the impressive art work on display. Concert Band performed a sneaky preview of two pieces that are planning to play on tour in Austria in October.

Mr Cardew from the Science team has got a staff and student band together to perform to students at lunchtime in enrichment week. The group has been rehearsing a Latin American version of Bill Withers’ ‘Lovely Day’. It is so nice to see students collaborate with staff singing and playing outside of their subject areas! Follow us on Instagram to see the final performance #LPGSMusicDept

The students who successfully auditioned for a place in the band for our production of ‘Annie!’ have been working really hard every Wednesday after school since Easter to learn their parts for the show. It’s wonderful that Langley Alumni get involved too with ex-A level Music students coming back to play. I am certain this further inspires our younger musicians. Olivia B in Year 10 says:

‘I love playing in the LPGS musical each year as it gives me goosebumps when it all comes together at the end. We always think we aren’t going to be able to learn the West-end standard parts in time but when we manage to, it feels amazing!’

We are taking our Year 10 GCSE Music class to watch the ‘Military Musical Spectacular’ Concert held on Horse Guards Parade in the last week of term to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The students get to enjoy fireworks and music as well as meet the musicians before the event starts. We can’t wait!

And finally we want to wish all our GCSE and A level students all the luck in the world for their results days in August. They worked so hard on their final solo recitals, ensembles and original compositions before final submission which set them up to be in the best possible position before taking the final exam. We have everything crossed for them!

See you next year,

Miss Sheppard & the Music Department

News from the Sports Department

Yr 7-10 Athletics

This term's Athletics events have been a fantastic showcase of talent and determination from our students. All athletes participate with great enthusiasm, enjoying the day and pushing themselves to achieve their best. We saw some outstanding performances, with Beth R (Y10) clinching 1st place in the 300m, Ella B (Y8) securing 1st place in both the 100m and 200m, Lily H (Y7) dominating the shot put with a 1st place finish, Rochelle P (Y10) excelling in the High Jump to take 1st place, and Amy R (Y9) also achieving 1st place in the 300m. Congratulations to all our athletes for their hard work and success!

Thank You – Sports Coaches

Across this year, we have been so lucky to have a number of students support our extra-curricular clubs.

A massive thank you to the Year 9s who have helped to coach Year 7 netball and rounders every Friday this year. They have been fantastic every week and shared their passion and enthusiasm for the sports with our Year 7s! Thank you to Amy, Lillie, Olivia, Macy, Anisse and Imogen!

A final thank you to both Alice and Claudia, who have supported KS3 Football across this year. Claudia has been superb, attending training weekly to support with coaching and developing our KS3 students. Alice has been phenomenal and an inspiration to all, attending all fixtures and training, alongside her 6th Form studies. Both are absolute legends! KS3 Football wouldn’t be as fantastic as it is without them both, thank you!!!

Lords Cricket Trip

A mixture of year 8 and 9 students embarked on an educational and inspiring cricket trip to Lords, run by the Armed Forces. The students received a tour of ‘the home of cricket’, whilst also being exposed to a high level cricket game between the men’s RAF and Royal Navy. Unfortunately the weather prevented an exciting matchup between the women’s Air Force and MCC. The students did however receive a highly qualified coaching session in the indoor training complex, and were treated to numerous Armed Forces stalls which kept them occupied. The students were exceptionally behaved and a credit to the school.

Y10 Rounders

It has been a fantastic season so far for our Year 10 rounders teams! Training every Wednesday has been well attended, with development in both fielding and batting. The Year 10 A team have played excellently, winning all their league fixtures so far! They have the Year 10 B team left to play in the league!

Also, they recently attended the Borough tournament at Charles Darwin on Wednesday 26th June. They played superbly, with their fielding, batting and teamwork sensational throughout, finishing as runners-up! It was an incredibly tight tournament, and am proud of them all!

The Year 10 B team had their first fixture last week against Darrick Wood, showing some clinical batting and excellent fielding to take the victory! They have Newstead Wood, Eden Park, Bullers Wood and LPGS A left to play!

They have all been fantastic this season, looking forward to the remaining fixtures!

Year 9 Rounders Tournament

The annual Bromley District Rounders Tournament resulted in an impressive joint first place with Newstead Woods for the year 9 rounders team. The two teams had to be separated by rounders scored- which meant a narrow 4.5 rounder victory for Newstead. The year 9s remained undefeated in the tournament having won 7 games and drawing 1. Player of the match was Amy. R, scoring the most rounders for the team. Special mentions to Eva. G and Macy. H who showed an excellent display in the field. The whole team were outstanding and were unfortunate not to win the whole tournament.


It’s been a busy time in the Library. LPGS won the Bromley Central Library’s Fully Booked Quiz … once again! Congratulations to our fantastic team, Georgie C and Rosa D 8GA and Sophie P 7GA and Thea W 7GB who, despite being reduced by illness to only four team members, still triumphed with their fabulous literary knowledge.

The Lit in Colour Lunchtime Reading Group goes from strength to strength. Students have been picnicking in the Library, chatting about books and recommending new titles.

In June the Library hosted the Shadow Carnegie Book Awards. Our Reading Group were joined by students from Langley Boys and Hayes to discuss the books on the shortlist and vote for our winner. The judges in London awarded the Carnegie Medal to The Boy Lost in the Maze by Joseph Coelho: a verse novel that interweaves the reality of modern-day London with the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. Not for the first time, we disagreed with the judges and voted for Crossing the Line by Tia Fisher, another powerful and thought-provoking verse novel that explores how young people are exploited by county line gangs.

Hundreds of students submitted book reviews for the READ WELLbeing Inter-house Reading Competition. This year it was a battle between Sigma and Lambda, with the lead changing frequently. The final result was:

1st LAMBDA - 2nd SIGMA - 3rd Kappa - 4th Gamma

So very well done Lambda the 2024 winners of the CELEBRATING READING CUP.

Prizes go to the following students for particularly thoughtful reviews:

7KC Ruby D - 7LE Anna B and Evie N - 7SH Lexie R - 7KD Liv C - 7LF Maryam A - 7KI Matilda K - 8GA Beth G - 8LF Sophie J

Meanwhile, throughout the year Y7 have been taking part in a Mega Library Reading Race. Each student was asked to complete six increasingly detailed, reading ‘track events’. This starts with the Triathlon, with just three books to read, eventually working up to The Marathon with 26 reading tasks to complete.

Many congratulations to our fantastic winner:

Sophia H 7KD who took an early lead and completed The Marathon.

Very well done to Maisy M 7KI who reached the Half Marathon

and Thea W 7GB who completed four races.

Of course, the summer holidays offer a wonderful opportunity to read and relax and we hope everyone will take part in the SUMMER READING CHALLENGE to read six books during the break. Students receive P Points for the books they list on the Firefly home page and will be entered for the prize draw.

Wishing you a very happy holiday and happy reading!

Mrs Hall: Librarian

Impact MAT KS3 Science Challenge Day

On 12th July, LPGS hosted a KS3 Science Challenge Day for our partner schools at IMPACT MAT. Students worked in teams to complete a number of laboratory based challenges, including creating a chemical 1 minute timer and identifying “unknown” chemicals from their reactions. We were impressed by the effective teamwork and innovative thinking of all the participants! The LPGS team won the trophy for the highest scoring school, and our team from Lambda house, Anna T, Anushka S, Lottie H and Chloe L won the certificate for Best in School. We look forward to participating in future science competitions and events with our partner schools next year!

Colour Run 2024

Our enrichment week kicked off with an exciting Colour Run and some spirited tug-of-war challenges! It was an incredibly fun and delightfully messy afternoon for everyone involved.

Visual Arts and Enrichment Week

On Thursday 18th July, as part of the LPGS enrichment week, the Visual Arts Faculty ran a series of 9 different art workshops all based on raising students' drawing skills and providing them with opportunities to explore and use new and different materials.

We were also fortunate to have artists, Jeanette Barnes and Paul Brandford join us, and they ran some excellent workshops based on drawings of buildings and drawing portraits.

A huge thank you goes to all Visual Arts staff for their work on developing exciting and engaging workshops for this event and making it a wonderful experience for all involved!!