TAG Line Jan. 21, 2025

Members of the 81st Civil Support Team perform a man-down exercise during Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Employers tour of Fraine Barracks in Bismarck, Jan 16. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)


  1. Change of Responsibility
  2. Command Sgt. Maj. Ouradnik Retires
  3. Brothers Exchange Command
  4. Da Guards Podcast
  5. Professional Development
  6. Exceeding the Standard
  7. ND 2000
  8. From the Field Campaign
  9. 2024 Tax Information
  10. Promotion
  11. ESGR Visits Fraine Barracks
  12. Ressler Retires
  13. Veterans Aid Loan

Change Of Responsibility

The 131st Military Police Battalion hosted a change of responsibility ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, in Bismarck, Jan 12. (U.S. Army National Guard photos by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

Outgoing Command Sgt. Maj. Elizabeth Ouradnik, 131st Military Police Battalion, speaks to the troops during a change of responsibility ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, in Bismarck, Jan 12.

A change of responsibility ceremony is a military tradition that marks the transfer of leadership and authority from one senior non-commissioned officer to another.

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jay Sheldon, 131st Military Police Battalion commander, receives the guidon from outgoing Command Sgt. Maj. Elizabeth Ouradnik, during a change of responsibility ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, in Bismarck, Jan 12.

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jay Sheldon, 131st Military Police Battalion commander, gives the guidon from incoming Command Sgt. Maj. Jake Hahne, during a change of responsibility ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, in Bismarck, Jan 12.

Command Sgt. Maj. Ouradnik Retires

U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. Elizabeth Ouradnik, was recognized with the North Dakota Legion of Merit during her retirement ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, in Bismarck, Jan. 12. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Jackie Huber, ND National Guard deputy adjutant general, presented Command Sgt. Maj. Elizabeth Ouradnik, with the North Dakota Legion of Merit during her retirement ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory.

Ouradnik distinguished herself in the performance of outstanding service over the course of her over 32-year Military career.

Brothers Exchange Command

Two brothers in the North Dakota National Guard's 817th Engineer Company (Sapper) conducted a change of command ceremony on Jan. 12, 2025, in Jamestown, North Dakota. (U.S. Army National Guard story and photos by Staff Sgt. Tyler Wall, 116th Public Affairs Detachment)

The ceremony between the St. John, North Dakota, natives marked the transition of command, with Capt. Ricky Kuhn relinquishing command to his older brother, Capt. Toby Kuhn.

"My brother and I joined the military at different times, but later went through officer candidate school together in 2017,” said Ricky Kuhn, outgoing commander. “I went fast track and he was traditional. It's been great for us to go from enlisted to officer together. In the military, you make friends who you consider brothers, but to serve alongside my actual brother is something I've cherished."

Ricky Kuhn has commanded the 817th since October 2022. After completing Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training in 2006, he served as a combat engineer and deployed to Kosovo with the 141st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade in 2009. His career progression included assignments as operations officer with the 957th Engineer Company and logistics officer for the 164th Engineer Battalion.

Toby Kuhn, the incoming commander, began his military service in February 2010 as an early warning systems operator. After deploying to the National Capital Region with the Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 188th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, in 2013-2014, he transferred to the 815th Engineer Company as a horizontal engineer. He commissioned through Officer Candidate School in 2018 and completed both the Engineer Basic Officer Course and Engineer Captains Career Course. His previous assignments included engineer staff officer, company executive officer, and platoon leader positions in both the 818th and 817th Engineer Companies.

"Before we took our commissions, we were in the same unit. Since then, we've been trading roles and positions in the Guard," said Toby Kuhn. "The 817th Engineer Company is one of my favorite companies, and I am very glad to be back. I look forward to building and expanding on the legacy my brother has helped to create."

Da Guards Podcast

Da Guards Podcast focuses on highlighting the North Dakota National Guard’s Soldiers, Airmen, and civilian employees of our organization.


Luke Eberle

Let's meet Luke Eberle! Luke currently works for the North Dakota National Guard J6 as the IT services branch chief, and is also a signal officer for NDNG Joint Force Headquarters.

You can also find episodes on these streaming services!

New podcast episodes will be announced every other Monday.

Professional Development

Casey Bennett, community readiness consultant, conducted this month's professional development, Jan. 8 at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, Bismarck, N.D. (U.S. Army National Guard photos by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

The topic was an overview brief on planning for retirement and the importance of contributing to employer sponsored retirement accounts.

In addition to an in-person audience, his briefing was livestreamed state-wide to all N.D. National Guard full-time members.

Exceeding the Standard

U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Mitch Johnson, ND National Guard adjutant general, recognized a few members of the N.D. Guard Medical Detachment after a recent professional development class at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, Bismarck, N.D. Jan, 8. (National Guard photos by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

The group received an adjutant general coin for becoming the first state to achieve the National Guard Bureau’s goal of 90% Soldier influenza vaccination. This helped the state exceed the National Guard Bureau’s vaccination goal.

Right to left; Lt. Col. Waylon Tomac, preventative medicine officer, Sgt. Samuel Zezeus, health care NCO, Staff Sgt. Jon Conklin, supply NCO, Sgt. 1st Class Billy Hanson, operations NCO and Ms. Christy Smith, health care coordinator.

Left to right; Lt. Col. Waylon Tomac, preventative medicine officer, Sgt. Samuel Zezeus, health care NCO, Staff Sgt. Jon Conklin, supply NCO, Sgt. 1st Class Billy Hanson, operations NCO and Ms. Christy Smith, health care coordinator.

ND 2000

From the Field Campaign

Bronze De Fleury Medal

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Lucus Klettke, 142nd Engineer Battalion, commander, presented The Bronze de Fleury Medal to Sgt. First Class Benjilee Boll, 188th, Engineer Company, Vertical, during a ceremony at the Fargo Armed Forces Reserve Center, Fargo, Jan 12. (Photo courtesy of 188th, Engineer Company, Vertical)

Sgt. First Class Boll was awarded the Bronze de Fleury Medal for his significant contributions to the Engineer Regiment.

The de Fleury Medal honors and recognizes those individuals who have provided significant contributions to Army Engineering. The medal also emphasizes the history, customs, and traditions of the Corps of Engineers community.

141st MEB Dining Out

The 141st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade held its dining out at the Fargo Air Museum in Fargo, Jan. 11. (Photos courtesy of the 141st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade social media)

U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Benjamin Cleghorn, N.D. Guard army commander, was in attendance for the event.

Seaver Receives Award

Retired U.S. Army Master Sgt. Kirk Seaver, received the ND Meritorious Service Award during a ceremony at the Fargo Armed Forces Reserve Center, Fargo, Jan 5. (Photo courtesy of the 141st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade social media)

Seaver served the Army for over 37-years.

2024 Tax Information

The 2024 Tax filing season is upon us. The following information is provided to assist you in your tax preparation.

Military OneSource: Military OneSource MilTax Software will be available January 15, 2025. In advance of the MilTax availability date you can log on to the following site to ensure you are eligible for this benefit, you have access to your account or create an account.

The customized program typically allows for free federal filing and Free State filing (up to three states). In addition, free telephonic tax consultations are available to help with tax related issues. Please see their list of Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the program and filing your 2024 taxes.

*An Important Note: Please ensure you login to Military Once Source and follow the links to the tax provider they have annotated. Do not create a user account on any public tax Site unless directed to do so. You may incur a fee if you file using a public tax site or product.

If you have trouble accessing Military OneSource or the tax program and it has been longer than 60 days since you accessed Military OneSource, you may have to contact Military OneSource as your account may have been disabled. Once your account is enabled, log in with email and password, go to menu, My Account, to add CAC certificate.


U.S. Army Maj. Rachael Berg, Joint Force Headquarters, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel during a ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, Bismarck, Jan. 10. (U.S. Army National Guard photos by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Berg says the Officer Oath of Office during a promotion ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, Bismarck.

ESGR Visits Fraine Barracks

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Employers conducted a tour of Fraine Barracks in Bismarck, Jan 16. (U.S. Army National Guard photos by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Matthew Voeller, Joint Force Headquarters, gave visitors a tour and briefing of the Joint Operations center at Fraine Barracks.

This program gives employers the opportunity to experience military training and environment to improve their awareness of their employees' service.

Members of the 81st Civil Support Team perform a man-down exercise during ESGR Employers tour of Fraine Barracks in Bismarck.

The man-down exercise is training that simulates treating a team member who is in a critical situation.

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Shawn Markovic, 81st Civil Support Team, commander, gave visitors a briefing about the unit at Fraine Barracks.

The Department of Defense established the ESGR program in 1972 in order to promote cooperation and understanding between employers and their reserve component service members employees.

Ressler Retires

U.S. Army Master Sgt. Calder Ressler, North Dakota Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention, was recognized with the Meritorious Service Medal during his retirement ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, Bismarck, Jan. 10. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Chance Schaffner, N.D. Guard Recruiting and Retention, commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Sayler, Recruiting and Retention, presented Master Sgt. Calder Ressler with the Meritorious Service Medal during his retirement ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory.

Ressler served the Army for over 25-years.

Veterans Aid Loan

The Veterans Aid Fund is a permanent fund to be used solely for the purpose of making loans to assist veterans or their widow/widowers. Check out this website to learn more https://www.veterans.nd.gov/veterans-aid-loan

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