
September Newsletter - Alert Health 24


Welcome to September’s edition of our monthly newsletter. This month we have lots to report including celebrations, company updates and participation in charity events.

To begin with, we are delighted to recognise and congratulate our Employee of the Month for August. This outstanding team member consistently demonstrates an admirable enthusiasm for her work, and her unwavering dedication is truly commendable.

This month has been jam-packed, we're thrilled to welcome a new addition to the Alert Health 24 team, commemorate a work anniversary, honour a staff promotion, as well as celebrating World Alzheimer’s Day.

We're also proud to share that one of our team members is taking on a huge challenge this month, to raise money for a very small Somerset based charity called Help The Child. This charity has directly assisted their family and now she is eager to contribute in return.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Alert Health 24 Newsletter and wish you all the best for the month ahead.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Alert Health 24 Newsletter and wish you all the best for the month ahead.


First, we would like to say a massive congratulations to August's Employee of the Month, Millie from the Cornwall Branch.

Sharon, our Cornwall Branch Manager, nominated Millie for this award to say a huge thank you for all her hard work and to shout out how amazing she is.

Sharon said ''Millie has worked for the Cornwall Branch for a few months now. I remember interviewing Millie and her cat on teams! I have sent Millie to different clients, and she always leaves a good impression, with superb feedback, what an absolute superstar. I am very proud to have Millie as part of our growing team''.

Millie also received some amazing feedback from a customer who took the time to share the following with Sharon.

''This is a quick email to say many thanks to Millie who was supporting LM yesterday and this morning. She went above and beyond when she discovered LM had had a fall, she supported her to go to hospital. Stayed with her and then returned home. Millie was meant to be on a sleep in, which meant she has worked straight through since 15.00 yesterday. She was a total star''.

We are very proud of how incredible Millie is and want to thank her for being such a fantastic and integral part of the Alert Health 24 team. Thank you for being so amazing and positively impacting so many people's lives!

Sharon recently met up with Millie to say a huge thank you and present her with her Employee of the Month certificate. She also received a voucher to spend on herself.

Thanks once again to Millie and congratulations on being Alert Health 24's August Employee of the Month!


We would like to say a huge congratulations to April our Worcestershire and Gloucestershire Senior Branch Manager as she celebrates her 2-year anniversary with Alert Health 24. We are incredibly grateful for your dedication and hard work, and we look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries together in the future.


We are delighted to share some exciting news regarding staff promotion. Hannah Matson our Healthcare Recruitment Consultant has recently been promoted to the role of Trainee Branch Manager for our Devon branch. Hannah has been working alongside Aaron for the past year and has consistently demonstrated exceptional aptitude and commitment in her current Healthcare Recruitment Consultant role.

Steve Churches (Managing Director) said “Hannah’s hard work, dedication, and ability is clear for all to see, so this opportunity is well-deserved. We believe that Hannah is more than ready to take on this new role and contribute even more to the success of the Devon branch. Her enthusiasm and dedication to our team's success are truly commendable”.


We're thrilled to welcome a new team member this month: Chloe has recently joined our recruitment team as our Recruitment Apprentice!

Chloe has joined Charlotte, Lewis, and Jess to help strengthen our recruitment team, making sure potential staff members are out working as quickly as possible, whilst always putting safety and compliance first. Chloe is busy learning all the different recruitment processes and is being fully supported by the whole recruitment team to ensure she feels comfortable with all the different processes, particularly the more difficult ones such as referencing and compliance.

It was fantastic to catch up with Chloe and to find out how she’s getting on and what she enjoys doing in her free time.

Is this your first job?

No, this isn't my first job; I spent the summer working on the beach selling ice creams.

Which part of your role are you most enjoying?

The part I’m enjoying the most is working with the team and learning new skills. Especially resource forms and id badges. I'm finding them so interesting to make.

Which part of your role are you finding most challenging?

The most challenging part of my role is referencing I am finding it very confusing and the different processes you go through to get them from a wide range of company's so people can start work. There’s a lot to learn.

Have you started your apprenticeship yet and if so, how is it going?

My apprenticeship is going really well I think and I’m enjoying it a lot.

Can you tell us a little bit about what you have to do for your apprenticeship.

My apprenticeship involves learning tasks such as profile forms, resource forms, id badges, sending uniform out to clients, references and communicating with different branches around the country so we can get their staff working in a care setting as quickly as possible.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

In my spare time I take care of my horses and I enjoy riding them when I have time. I also love going to the gym.

If you could have a superpower which superpower, would you choose?

If I could have a superpower, I would probably choose teleportation so that I am able to get any place instantly.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is enchiladas, they are the best.


Every year, on September 21st, the world comes together to observe World Alzheimer's Day. This global event is dedicated to raising awareness about Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, as well as challenging the stigma and misconceptions that surround these conditions. It's a day when people from all walks of life unite to show support for those living with Alzheimer's and their caregivers.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It not only impacts the individuals diagnosed but also places a significant burden on their families and communities.

We invite you to explore our website for valuable insights on how you can positively impact the lives of individuals dealing with Dementia and Alzheimer's


It was fantastic to hear from one of our support workers, Doreen, about how she is raising money and awareness for Alzheimer’s Research. Doreen lives in Teignmouth and is going to be walking 55 miles throughout October.

Why 55 miles? There are currently 55 million people living with Dementia worldwide.

Doreen said “I have worked with and still do work with people with this horrible disease. Hopefully my son Dougy will join me and help me reach my target of One Hundred Pounds”.

If you would like to sponsor Doreen and this fabulous cause her JustGiving link can be found below:



On October 15th, our communications and engagement executive, Alice, will be running the Bath Half Marathon in order to raise funds for an amazing charity called Help the Child.

‘Help the Child was formed and registered with the Charity Commission in 1987. The aim of the charity is to raise funds to assist children with disabilities in reaching their full potential by providing items of specialist equipment’. www.helpthechild.org.uk

Alice said “It is unbelievably prohibitive the cost of specialist equipment such as communication apps, walking aids, specialist wheelchairs/buggies and trikes, sensory equipment etc. This charity seeks to fill the HUGE gaps in statutory funding and everyone who has been helped by them is tremendously grateful”.

Back in October 2018, Alice's daughter, Melody, underwent surgery to remove a brain tumour. Melody is now 7 years old and faces the challenge of being nonverbal, which caused her immense frustration because she couldn't communicate her needs or express herself. Following some research, Alice found out about AAC devices designed for communication. To her surprise, she found that the communication app alone would cost £350, not including the device needed to run the app.

That's when they came across the amazing Help the Child charity. This incredible charity fully covered the cost of the app, and it has completely transformed Melody's life. She can now effectively communicate her needs and takes particular delight in requesting chocolate and ice-cream.

Alice said “This is going to be a huge challenge for me, I have never run this far before, but I am determined to complete the 13.1 miles even if I have to crawl over the finish line. Children with disabilities deserve to be able to have access to specialist equipment that will enable them to reach their full potential and it’s charities like this one that make a huge difference!”

We are incredibly proud of Alice, and Alert Health 24 will be sponsoring her to undertake the Bath Half and raise money for such a fantastic charity! If you are attending the Bath Half Marathon, please keep an eye out for Alice and the Alert Health 24 logo on her shirt and give her an extra big cheer!

If you would like to sponsor Alice on her amazing efforts to raise money for the Help the Child charity, please click here:



The 2nd of September marked the celebration of Alert Health 24’s 4th birthday. We were very excited to hold a birthday competition in which one of our Facebook followers won an Amazon voucher worth £150. We are delighted to announce the winner: Abimbola Olaniran. Abimbola correctly guessed that there were 45 stars in the Facebook image. Thank you to everyone that entered.

Please like/follow our Facebook/ Instagram pages for company updates, information about awareness days and more competitions in the future.




This month we are introducing a new section to the newsletter – a positive feedback section. This gives us the chance to share with your positive feedback we have received from care staff, office staff and clients!

This month we received some wonderful feedback about Sharon our Cornwall Branch Manager.

“She is the best manager I’ve ever had. She is one of the main reasons I like to work with this agency. Sharon is so hardworking, compassionate, and flexible. I always feel safe and protected, and I know I can share any worries with her. Sharon has worked really hard to find me a suitable client. She’s always quick to praise me, give me compliments, and make me laugh”.

If you have any positive feedback to share about your experience of working with Alert Health 24, we would love to hear it, you can e mail us at communications@ah24.co.uk. We would also love to see this feedback on our Facebook page or on Google Reviews, so if you have a spare 5 minutes to share your thoughts, we would be so grateful!


We are currently recruiting for 5 internal (office based) roles.

Discover Healthcare Job Opportunities | Alert Health 24 | Alert Health 24 (ah24.co.uk)

Don’t forget that you can study for an apprenticeship completely free whilst you work for Alert Health 24. Just visit our website for more information and how to register your interest.

Apprenticeship opportunities with Alert Health 24 | 14th August 2023 | Read our latest articles on Healthcare at Alert Health 24

We hope you have a fantastic month ahead from the Alert Health 24 team.

We would LOVE to hear from you if you have a story to share in our newsletter. Whether it's a proud achievement in your work, a personal milestone, or your involvement in a community initiative/charity event, we'd love to shout about it!

Please email us at communications@ah24.co.uk