Every day is a great day at Adams!
Smiling staff after an amazing first day!
Parking Lot Reminders
- Pull forward as far as possible (just not into the bus lane by the flagpole) when you are along the drop-off/pick-up lane.
- Have your children enter/exit the car on the passenger side directly onto the sidewalk.
- Do not park and get out of your vehicle on the road, or in the pick-up/drop-off line! If you are walking your child to the school, please park in the parking lot first.
- Continue to give each other grace and patience in the parking lot. It models patience, care, and leadership for our students, and helps to keep everyone safe. Thank you!
Adams Elementary School Handbook
Handbooks by Grade
Spirit Wear - Order Deadline Aug. 30
Adams Atoms spirit wear orders may be placed using the PTO link below through August 30. Items will be delivered to the school.
PI Forms Were Due August 22 for All Students
The 2023-2024 Personal Information Form is now live for parents to complete. Please fill out the PI Form by August 22 for each student. If you have trouble using ParentVUE or have not set up an account, please let us know in the school office, and we can give you a new login. ParentVUE is how you will update school records, view grades, see class assignments, and more.
Here are a few things covered within the PI Form:
- Update demographic information
- Update health information
- Update emergency contacts
- Sign the Student Acceptable Use Policy (without consent, accounts are disabled)
- Sign the Student Device User Agreement with opt into or out of Technology Insurance options* (without consent, a student doesn't get a device)
- Provides a link to SchoolPay for Chromebook Insurance, sports fees, etc.
- Provides a link to the Midland Family Portal to complete Free and Reduced Application
Curriculum Nights
Parents are invited to attend grade-level curriculum nights to learn more about the curriculum that will be delivered in specific grade levels. There will also be time for parents to ask questions about the daily schedule, classroom procedures, lunch, recess, etc. Due to space, this meeting is for parents only.
- 3rd Grade - Thursday, Aug. 24, 5:00 pm
- 4th Grade -Thursday, Aug. 24, 5:30 pm
- 5th Grade -Thursday, Aug. 24, 5:30 pm
Fill the Cart
Group Outing
Upcoming PTO Events
- Aug. 27 - Adams Elementary Group Outing to Loons Game
- Aug. 30 - Deadline to Order Adams Spirit Wear
- Sep. 11 - PTO Meeting 6:00-7:00 pm
- Sept. 26 - Adams Elementary Skate Night at the Roller Arena
Want to connect with more families from Adams Elementary?
Join the Friends of Adams Elementary PTO Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/midlandadamselementary/, or follow on Instagram @friendsofadamspto.
PTO President - Emma Palmiter - adamspto12@gmail.com
Key Dates and Times
- No School, Sep. 1
- No School, Sep. 4
- Picture Day, Sep. 12
- PYP Luminary Peace Walk, Sep. 21
- No School, Oct. 9
- Marking Period 1 Ends, Oct. 20
- Half-Day Dismissal 11:51 am, Oct. 26
- Elementary Conferences, 1:00-4:00 pm and 5:00-8:00 pm Oct. 26
- Retake & Group Picture Day, Nov. 2
- Half-Day Dismissal 11:51 am, Nov. 22
- No School, Nov. 23-24
- End of Sem 1, Dec. 20
- Winter Break, Dec. 21 - Jan 2
- School Resumes, Jan. 3
Daily Schedule
- 8:35 am First Bell, students may enter the building, head to their classroom
- 8:40 am Second Bell, school starts
- 11:30 am - 12:19 pm Lunchtime (1st & 3rd - Eat/Play)
- 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (KDG & 5th - Eat/Play)
- 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (2nd & 4th - Play/Eat)
- 3:40 pm Final Bell, students dismissed
Reporting Absences Through ParentVUE
Parents/Guardians can report student(s) absent via ParentVUE. This feature appears as a blue button titled "Report Absences" on the app's main page or website.
- Parents/guardians can report absences for a single day or multiple days.
- Report each student individually. Do not enter additional students in the notes section.
- For each absence reported, parents/guardians must provide a detailed note explaining the reason. If you report your student as sick, please list the symptoms your student is experiencing. The note will help school attendance staff select the correct attendance code.
- If you have a legal or medical document, please upload it with the absence, or provide it to the school attendance staff upon your student's return. Parents/guardians can still call to report an absence at 989-923-6037.
Tracy Renfro
Wendy Sekely
Administrative Assistant
Adams Elementary School
Office (989) 923-6037
Fax (989) 923-6035
1005 Adams Dr.
Midland, MI 48642
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