This term we were fortunate enough to welcome Mike Dyson, Founder of 'Good Blokes Co,' to speak with our staff, followed by a community session in the Djinda Sports Centre. The message Mike shared with us resonated with the many parents and teachers who were present. In a world that often emphasises individual success and achievement, it is essential to remember the importance of fostering kindness, empathy and compassion in all of our young people.
At the heart of the presentation was the belief that strength is defined by many things including emotional intelligence and the ability to connect with others on a deeper level. Encouraging young people to embrace their feelings, communicate openly and develop healthy relationships built on trust and respect is important to break down stereotypes and encourage open dialogue. This will pave the way for a future in which young people feel empowered to be their authentic selves without fear of judgement or ridicule.
The message of 'Growing Good Blokes' was not just relevant for boys but for our society as a whole. By nurturing emotionally intelligent, compassionate and empathetic young people, we can create a more inclusive, tolerant and understanding world.
We would like to thank the many staff and parents who attended the evening and look forward to the next time we can all gather together to equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to support our young people.
Mrs Laura Briggs | Vice Principal
Giving thanks for what we have or had can help us to appreciate how the world is changing around us. This may seem a strange thing to say, but have you noticed how technology is becoming more and more integrated into normal society. Along with how children, young and even the not so young adults, spend more time on social media. Rather than actual face to face, the physical sense not facetime on phone or device. A lot increased with COVID, with working from home. Now we have adverts on television about ordering things online and having them delivered. No social interaction needed or necessary.
This to me is why schools and social clubs, whatever sort they may be, are so important. We have to remember and celebrate the things that are and have happened in and around us. Two things that I have been part of which makes me think of this. The first is the Vietnam Veteran Remembrance service, the conflict ended 50 years ago this year. The number of those who were part of the conflict attending has fallen. This obviously is due to the age of those still with us and those who have left for eternal rest. Yet it is important that we do not forget and give thanks for those who were and are prepared to give their lives for our freedom and safety. Which is why we remember the ANZAC’s, remember not celebrating.
The second was the official opening of stage four the senior school building. The bringing together of the dignitaries, parents, students and teachers to give thanks for the work that has and will continue to be done within its walls. What we need to recognise is, it will be the students that pass through those doors who will be the leaders and protectors of the future generations. Which is why we not only have to but must, protect and guide them to the best and fullest of our ability and theirs.
This is what Jesus is talking about when the disciples ask who is the greatest. Jesus’ response was to call a little child to Him and said:
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3
Now I am not saying who can or cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. What I am saying is remember to try and keep and enjoy a child like innocence. It is through all the students at this school that we can enjoy what it is to be young, and for some of us that is a long time ago! I am still being taught and shown how to do things by all different year groups. Sometimes it is fun and interesting, others it can be embarrassing when they look at you and sigh with exasperation at my total lack of understanding.
What is important is that we are all equal in the sight of God. Through learning, teaching and sharing we can and will all grow in understanding. It is knowing that you are never too young or too old to enjoy and share in life. Let’s just try and do it more socially than with a device.
Reverend John Taylor | School Chaplain
A Time for Action…
Spring sees the world around us moving into new growth. The animals are emerging and the plants are flowering. The days become longer, warmer and become more active. We find ourselves moving from the reflective and preparatory times of Autumn and Winter, into action. This happens within the school year too. For students, the action comes from implementing the plans that were made and the goals that were set, after the mid-year reports. Many students targeted improvements in organisation, time management, prioritising, note taking or seeking help from their teachers. Achieving these targets requires commitment and consistency; commitment to effect change and consistency to ensure that these changes become habits.
It is often said that ‘the hardest part to effecting change is to take the first step’. However, on taking this first step, the distance is reduced to the next and so on. Before long, you have moved a significant way on your journey. Students, I challenge you to take that first step – arrive at school/class a little earlier, ensure you are prepared with all necessary materials, refine your class notes into specific study notes and then into palm cards, and work through your palm cards with a friend/family member to identify your areas of weakness and address these weaknesses to maximise your success. Make good choices when it comes to your time, plan your time, share your plans with others who can help keep you accountable to them and stick to your plans even if it not always popular with your friends. Be purposeful and productive.
Most importantly, as we move into our state of action, be reminded of how we should act – with empathy, understanding and kindness!
Mr Chris Hall | Head of Senior School
Junior School Learning Journey
Each year during the last week of Term 3, the Junior School hosts a Learning Journey afternoon. The idea behind this is for the children to take their parents/guardians on a journey through their learning. It is intended to be student-led as our young people are so proud of their achievements and love to have the opportunity to share. If it is their writing, they enjoy reading it to a captive audience, with their maths they appreciate the chance to show their knowledge, often in a game situation, whilst their artwork is displayed as if in a gallery. The pleasure they get at receiving feedback from their family is immense and really helps to confirm to them that they are making progress and that their work is valued.
For parents and guardians, it gives them a chance to have a clear roadmap of their child’s educational journey. The journey is not just about academics; it captures holistic development, including extracurricular achievements and personal growth. Parents can celebrate and reinforce these milestones, instilling confidence in their children.
As a teacher, there is nothing better than being able to stand back and watch as the students and their parents/guardians engage with what has been happening in class. It is very rewarding to see those close relationships and how the children thrive in sharing. A Junior School learning journey is not just a tool for educators but a bridge connecting home and school. By actively engaging in their child's journey, parents play a pivotal role in shaping successful, confident and well-rounded learners.
Mr Dan Mornement | Head of Junior School
Junior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival Success
Friday 8 September saw our Kindergarten to Year 6 students take on the sunny conditions to complete our 2023 Junior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival. Our Kindy to Year 2 students completed their sprints and highly enjoyable team games rotation while our Year 3 to Year 6 students completed their 100m and 200m in the morning, a rotation of 400m, Long Jump, Discus and Turbo Jav through the middle of the day before concluding with team games and the grand relay which was won by the closest of margins by Eglinton.
The competitive spirit on display was matched by the student’s celebration of each other’s successes with genuine support and camaraderie on display.
Congratulations to the following students for their efforts which resulted in them receiving Champions and Runner Up for their age groups.
Year 3
- Girls Champion: Ivy S and Kahiah C
- Girls Runner Up: Jorja R
- Boys Champion: Vincenzo S
- Boys Runner Up: Hayden B
Year 4
- Girls Champion: Kayla T
- Girls Runner Up: Taylah S
- Boys Champion: Harrison S
- Runner Up: Maximus D
Year 5
- Girls Champion: Isabelle H
- Girls Runner Up: Imogen G
- Boys Champion: Henry W
- Boys Runner Up: Ryan J
Year 6
- Girls Champion: Sienna T
- Girls Runner Up: Heyden M
- Boys Champion: Hunter E
- Boys Runner Up: Alex K
The final result saw Eglinton complete an outstanding day to finish victorious.
- Eglinton 12,312
- Sydney 12,265
- Cervantes 11,929
- Twilight 11,116
A massive thank you on behalf to PE department for the outstanding participation from the students, the tireless work from the teaching staff and the support and attendance from the parents who braved the conditions on the day.
Mr James Parsons | Head of Physical Education
Junior School Athletics Carnival Photo Gallery
Fusing Learning with Practicality in Year 5
In a delightful display of ingenuity and collaborative spirit, Year 5 students embarked on an electrifying journey into the world of engineering. Armed with their newfound knowledge of circuits, these young minds came together to construct miniature electric cars, breathing life into their classroom lessons.
What set this project apart was the infusion of creativity, as each group added their unique flair into the car's design, turning simple circuits into captivating marvels. The students were excited to prepare for the class race, where their vehicles would be put to the test.
This challenge not only sharpened their engineering skills, but also encouraged teamwork and innovation. Youthful brilliance and determination shined through, making it a memorable and educational experience for all involved.
Mr JD Hummerston | Year 5 Teacher
Year 1 Empowering 'Mistake Makers' Incursion
The Year 1 class had the unique opportunity this term to participate in an insightful and transformative "I am a Mistake Maker" incursion, hosted by Strength Heroes. This incursion was a multifaceted educational experience that seamlessly integrated various learning areas, fostering holistic development in young learners.
Through engaging activities and discussions, the incursion centred on personal and social competence, nurturing a growth mindset among the students. It also reinforced essential skills in literacy and language, promoting effective communication. Health, arts, humanities, social sciences, science, sustainability and design technologies were all touched upon, providing a well-rounded learning experience.
The incursion emphasised critical and creative thinking, instilling the value of ethical and intercultural understanding. It empowered the Year 1 class to embrace mistakes as part of their learning journey, ultimately equipping them with valuable life skills and a resilient attitude.
The "I am a Mistake Maker" incursion left an indelible mark on these young minds, shaping them into confident, adaptable and compassionate individuals.
Ms Suzy Flight | Year 1 Teacher
Unforgettable Adventures at Year 4 Camp
An exciting chapter unfolded for the Year 4 students in Week 8 as they embarked on a journey of discovery and camaraderie at the Williams farm stay, 2.5 hours south east of Perth. This captivating escapade was a gateway to a world of rustic charm and hands-on farm experiences.
Upon arrival, the students were greeted by Robyn, a lady who lives and works on the farm. She helped the students become acquainted with their new surroundings and directed them to their dorms. Shortly after, getting in touch with farm life meant feeding the resident chickens. The students enthusiastically stepped into the role of caretakers, nurturing their feathered friends and learning about responsibility firsthand. They then saw the sheep and boy were there many!
Later in the day, it was time to board the trusty ute for a grand tour of the farm. Laughter echoed as the students bounced along the bumpy tracks, waving to the cows along the way.
Nature's alarm clock, a spirited rooster, made sure no one missed out on the magic of early mornings the following day. The yabby fishing was enjoyed by all and who could forget the mud fight and playing in the stream.
The cubby house building sessions brought out the young architects in the group. With nature as their building blocks, imaginations ran wild as cozy hideaways took shape, a testament to their creativity and teamwork.
Apart from being on the farm, the experience of sharing dormitories with peers fostered bonds that transcended the classroom. Late-night chats, giggles and stories created a sense of camaraderie that would stay with them long after the campfires had dimmed.
Mr Nicholas Townsend | Deputy Head of Junior School
Geological Landmarks Project
In an engaging and innovative project, Year 8 students embarked on a global geological exploration that transcended traditional classroom boundaries. Tasked with researching geological landmarks from around the world, the Year 8s delved deep into the scientific intricacies of natural wonders. They dissected the processes responsible for their formation and meticulously studied the types of rocks that comprised them.
This project wasn't just about acquiring knowledge; it was a dynamic challenge that required the students to channel their creativity. Each group, organised by geographic regions, had to design an exhibit that would encourage tourists to visit these geological sites.
Under tight time constraints, they worked collaboratively, fostering their teamwork, communication and innovative thinking. Their exhibits came in various forms, from Minecraft games and interactive quiz games to 3D models and brochures.
To ensure fairness and excellence, extra staff and Senior School students were enlisted to assess and grade these displays. The outcome was a testament to the Year 8 students' ingenuity. This project exemplifies the 'I' for Innovation in the ACTIVATE teaching and learning model, showcasing the remarkable talent and dedication of these young learners.
Mrs Elke McKay | Head of Science
In Your Head 2023: WA’s Annual Mental Health Forum for Young people
In 2022, Year 11 Psychology students attended the annual Zero2Hero conference, the theme was about raising awareness on youth mental health. It was such an interactive and informative conference that the Year 11 Psychology students were enthused to attend again this year.
The theme for the 2023 conference was, Let’s Talk and Listen to Each Other About Mental Health. The keynote speaker was Professor Pat McGorry, who is the founder of HeadSpace and Orygen. His address focused on how to recognise when young people are struggling and he challenged us to find answers to these questions.
- Why is the mental health of young people deteriorating?
- How do we best identify those at risk of, or in the earliest stages of mental illness?
- What are the best interventions to address symptoms of young people who are at risk or experiencing mental illness?
- What are the systems of care that will best support evidence-based interventions for young people who experience mental ill health?
These questions started a lot of conversations, and the breakout sessions allowed the students to listen to speakers who were able to address some of these questions. A young man whose leg was amputated at the age of seventeen because of disease, shared how he had to develop a new way of thinking about his loss and who he needed to help him overcome his battle to stay mentally healthy.
Nourishing the brain with healthy habits highlighted the need for selfcare and the students were able to relate their knowledge of how the brain works to the speakers’ address. Some students had the opportunity to engage in yoga, dance and values building exercises. The We are Womxn and Men’s Talk presentations inspired students to talk about relationships, boundaries, sexuality and gender.
For the final session, there was a panel of sports people who spoke about the importance of mental and physical health to remain at the peak of their professions. The key point for each presenter was that one health cannot exist without the other and how if one health was poor or low, the other suffered as well. And when there was suffering, the motivation deteriorated to the point where competing became a burden. It was a very fitting end to be talking and listening about mental health.
Thank you to Ms Wilson for organising students to attend this forum. As the feedback from the students was positive and there was a strong connection between learning psychology, the group stated that students should attend the 2024 conference. As soon as bookings are open, Ms Wilson will register the 2024 psychology students to attend.
Mrs Teresa Gastevich | School Counsellor
Past and Present Primates – Year 12 ATAR Human Biology
Have you ever wondered about the distinction between monkeys and apes? It's a straightforward differentiation – monkeys possess tails, while apes, including humans, do not. The remarkable fact is that humans, monkeys and apes all fall under the "Primata" classification – we are all primates.
On Friday 1 September, the Year 12 ATAR Human Biology students and their teacher, Ms Bradley, enjoyed a day out at Perth Zoo learning about the zoo primates and their evolutionary links to the human species. The focal point of the excursion was a one-hour presentation, to acquaint our students with the diverse range of primates residing within the zoo. The presentation shed light on the evolutionary features of four distinct primate categories: Great Apes, Lesser Apes, Old World Monkeys, New World Monkeys and the Prosimian primates, known for their ancestral significance.
A prominent aspect of this educational encounter was emphasising the interconnectivity of these primates with us, revealing the captivating narrative of evolution. An integral part of the ATAR course is the understanding of evolution and how fossils, anatomy and DNA can help to determine our human links with both current primates and human species of the past. The students immersed themselves in the finer details of primate existence – from examining skeletal attributes and locomotion patterns to discerning dental formations, hand morphology and spinal characteristics.
This hands-on exploration allowed them to grasp the subtleties of the primate world beyond the classroom confines. This educational experience at Perth Zoo was a great learning environment for our students to consolidate their understanding of evolution in readiness for the upcoming ATAR exams.
Ms Sue Bradley | Science Teacher
2023 ACC Athletics Carnival
In a dazzling display of athleticism, the St James' Fox’s showcased their prowess at the 2023 ACC G Division Athletics Carnival, leaving their mark on the track and field.
With 110 athletes, led by the indomitable Captains Kean C and Annabel L, the carnival was a true testament to their dedication and hard work.
The athletes poured their hearts into training, pushing themselves to the limits and it showed. Their teamwork and resilience were on full display, making St James' a force to be reckoned with on the track.
A standout moment of the day was the exceptional performance in the relays. The team's lightning-quick changeovers left spectators in awe, as they surged ahead of the competition.
Notably, the Carnival saw some reserve athletes stepping up to compete, displaying the true spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork. It is the willingness and courage to step up to this challenge that is critical to the team’s success.
On the day there were several highs and some lessons learnt. It was pleasing to see the students band together and support one another.
We extend our gratitude to the student officials and media team whose dedication ensured the smooth running of the event. Their efforts behind the scenes were invaluable and enabled our athletes to compete on the day.
Lastly, a big thank you goes out to the parent spectators and staff who braved the day to support these remarkable athletes. Your unwavering support and encouragement played a significant role in making the 2023 ACC Athletics Carnival a day to remember. We will continue the fight in G Division next year and hopefully be victorious.
- Mr James Parsons
- Mr Peter Kennedy
- Mrs Amy Lavell
- Mr Ryan Penno
- Miss Emily Haywood
- Miss Liberty Boylan
- Miss Frances Pivetta
- Mr Bruce Titlestead
Team Shield Winners
- Junior Male
- Senior Male
- Overall Male
Event Winners
- Bradley W U13 Div 2 High Jump
- Kalani P U19 Div 1 High Jump
- Passion G U15 Div 2 Discus
- Bailey-Rae C U15 Div 1 Discus
- Rohan T U19 Div 2 Javelin
- Will P U15 Div 1 Long Jump, U15 Div 1 200m, U15 Div 1 100m
- Kahana P U13 Div 2 1500m
- Harmony P U13 Div 1 1500m, U13 Div 1 800m
- Devon B U13 Div 2 1500m
- Freddie S U13 Div 1 1500m. U13 Div 1 800m
- Barnaby L U15 Div 1 1500m, U15 Div 1 800m, U15 Div 1 Javelin, U15 Div 1 400m
- George H U19 Div 1 1500m, U19 Div 1 800m, U19 Div 1 400m
- Liam S U15 Div I Discus
- Brooklyn R U14 Div 1 Shot Put, U14 Div 1 Discus
- Max A U14 Div 2 High Jump
- Youssif M U14 Div 1 High Jump
- Sophie C U15 Div 1 Shot Put
- Zane J U13 Div 2 Long Jump
- Cooper S U13 Div 1 200m, U13 Div 1 100m
- Zac H U15 Div 2 200m, U15 Div 2 100m
- Jessie B U13 Div 2 100m
- Tydhon H U15 800m
- Stephanie F U19 Div 2 Discus
- U13 Girls Relay: Evie C, McKayla-Mari D, Jessie B, Harmony P
- U13 Boys Relay: Freddie S, Cole S, Caleb L, Cooper S
- U14 Girls Relay: Angelino F, Esme S, Ruby L, Makenna M
- U14 Boys Relay: Owen H, Max A, Parker D, Saul M
- U15 Boys Relay: Will P, Zac H, Liam S, Barnaby L
Miss Mackenzie Huggins | Sports Coordinator
In line with the Year 12 Chemistry course, three students, Mitchell B, Samantha N and Tongxin S participated in the RACI’s Titration Competition.
This competition provided students with the opportunity to experience conducting an experiment in a laboratory environment at Edith Cowan University. Each team member performed two sets of acid-base titrations to determine the unknown concentration of a weak acid in a solution that was supplied to them. Teams were ranked on how close their values aligned with the actual concentration of the acid.
Out of 75 schools that competed in Western Australia, St James’ placed 27th. Tongxin achieved a perfect score, with a deviation of zero from the true concentration value.
The collaborative team format of the competition created a fun and exciting atmosphere that the students enjoyed being a part of. We look forward to next year's competition with our 2024 Year 12 students.
Stephanie Fernandez | Science Teacher
A Night of Musical Brilliance
On Friday 8 September, the stage was set, the lights were dimmed and the curtains rose for a night that was simply breathtaking! Our incredibly talented Senior School students took centre stage at the annual St James’ Bands to Broadway show.
Bands to Broadway was a magnificent display of dance and music, a true testament to the dedication and hard work our Senior School students have put into honing their skills. The air was thick with excitement as families and friends gathered to witness the remarkable talents on display.
The extravaganza treated the audience to a diverse range of performances. Music enthusiasts enjoyed the incredible student rock bands who rocked the house with chart-toppers from iconic bands such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Kings of Leon. The Barbershop group took us back in time with their harmonious melodies, transporting us to a bygone era with their timeless classics. Furthermore, the jazz band brought the smooth rhythms of jazz to life, showcasing the versatility of our talented musicians.
The evening also celebrated the outstanding individual talent within our Senior School community. Solo performances left the audience in awe as students poured their hearts into their acts. Every note, every word and every movement radiated with emotion, leaving no doubt about the immense talent possessed by these young performers.
As the final curtain descended applause filled the venue, it was clear that the Senior School had once again surpassed all expectations. Bands to Broadway was a resounding success, leaving us eagerly anticipating what these talented students have in store for us in the future.
Ms Tracey Cooke | Director of Performing Arts