Sports & Entertainment Marketing Researching & Preparing Your Final Group Project

MKTG 4310 - K. Forthofer

Guest Speakers: Jennilyn Wiley (business information) & Chelsy Hooper (Adobe)

  • Part I: Using Data Analytics to describe your target audience
  • Part II: Using Business News to identify brand partnerships or marketing strategies
  • Part III: Using Adobe Express to visually tell the story
  • Additional Resources: Research Help

Target Audience Data

Use SURVEY DATA to learn about demographic, interests, and behaviors.
  1. Use Menus: Sports >> Team Sports >> select your sport
  2. Under Market Research (on left), look at Market Summary (under fan market)
  3. Towards the bottom, go to Premium - Fan Studies Special Data Extracts

Copy/Paste the most applicable report title into the main search box:

  • Target audience: Concert & music festival goers in the United States
  • Target audience: Theater, ballet & opera goers in the United States
  • Target audience: Comedy & cabaret event goers in the United States
  • Super Bowl: Statistics report on the Super Bowl

***Note: The Super Bowl report includes info on the halftime show. It will have a red icon that says Report


Business News

Consider what external sources say about your organization

Why use library databases?

  1. SEARCH ONCE: A database covers multiple information sources
  2. CREDIBLE SOURCES: AUL has vetted these platforms
  3. TARGETED SEARCHES: Search features are more robust than Google
  4. RESPONSIBLE USE: Include citation builders

Building Your Search

  • Put quotes around several words to search for a phrase: "Cleveland Guardians" finds the phrase
  • Create complex searches using AND and/or OR
  • Use a wildcard to search for various word endings: sponsor* = sponsor, sponsors, sponsorship

Search Strategies: Examples

Search String: ("Cleveland Guardians" OR "Cleveland Indians") AND (sponsor* OR partner* OR collab*)
Search String: (Guardians OR Indians) AND ("Major League Baseball" OR MLB) AND Marketing

Which Library Databases?

***Databases listed first are more likely to have relevant information for this assignment, so work through the list in the recommended order***

***Don't forget to look at: Team and League websites, social media accounts, and apps***


Adobe Express Presentation

  • Example of a final presentation
  • Link to Adobe Creative Cloud guide shown in class
  • Get help from Adobe Student Assistant Consultants (in person or via Zoom)
  • Recording on creating webpages with Adobe Express (~35 min)

Research Help

Jennilyn Wiley | Business Librarian


Citation & Writing Help