gwybodaeth hanfodol

essential information

**Neges ddwyieithog yw hon gweler y fersiwn Saesneg isod **

** This is a bilingual message – please scroll down for English**

nofit state circus: Bamboo

dydd IAU 15fed Awst 2024

4.30PM (DRYSAU 3.30PM)



Diolch am brynu tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn. Rydym wedi cynnwys ychydig wybodaeth hanfodol i geisio sicrhau bod yr achlysur yn rhedeg yn ddidrafferth. Cymerwch yr amser i ddarllen trwy’r pwyntiau isod, ac os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau yna cysylltwch â Swyddfa Docynnau Y Mwldan ar 01239621200 neu e-bostiwch a gwnawn ein gorau i geisio esbonio pethau i chi.

Y Mwldan yw’r unig werthwr tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiadau hyn. Gallwch archebu tocynnau ar-lein yn neu drwy'r swyddfa docynnau yn wyneb yn wyneb neu drwy ffonio 01239 621 200.

Sgroliwch i lawr i weld map o safle’r Castell.

Castell Aberteifi, Stryd Werdd, Aberteifi, SA321JA

WHAT3WORDS: ///surnames.tribe.thrones

Digwyddiad awyr agored yw hwn. Awgrymwn fod cwsmeriaid yn gwisgo esgidiau addas ac yn dod â siaced / dilledyn cynnes gan ei bod yn gallu oeri gyda’r hwyr.

  • Bydd Swyddfa Docynnau Dros Dro ar agor o 3.30pm ym mhrif fynedfa'r castell lle gellir cyfnewid eich tocynnau am fandiau arddwrn.
  • Bydd Drysau/Gatiau yn agor am 3.30pm a bydd lluniaeth ar gael ar y safle o'r amser hwn. Bydd ‘Bamboo’ ar y llwyfan o tua 4.30pm.
  • Perfformir y sioe mewn dwy ran o 45 munud.
  • £9, £6 i bobl dan 18 oed.
  • Ni roddir ad-daliadau ar gyfer tocynnau i'r sioeau hyn.
  • Mae’n bosibl bydd tocynnau ar gael wrth y drws, ond mae hyn yn hollol ddibynnol ar argaeledd.
  • Argymhellwn archebu tocynnau i osgoi cael eich siomi.

Noder, NID OES UNRHYW BARCIO ar safle Castell Aberteifi, a chynghorwn ein cwsmeriaid i ddefnyddio’r meysydd parcio talu ac arddangos cyhoeddus (yn ddi-dâl ar ôl 6pm) sydd o gwmpas y dref.

  • Bydd seddi yn cael eu darparu. Peidiwch â dod â'ch cadair eich hun.
  • Mae yna fynediad gwastad i’r safle i ddefnyddwyr cadair olwyn, a bydd aelodau penodedig o staff ar gael i’ch cynorthwyo a’ch cyfeirio at y man eistedd.
  • NODER: Os ydych eisoes wedi archebu tocynnau ond nad ydych eto wedi rhoi gwybod i ni am unrhyw anghenion arbennig o ran eistedd, byddwch cystal â gwneud hynny yn syth trwy gysylltu â’n swyddfa docynnau ar 01239 621 200 neu drwy e-bostio

Bydd mynediad i ddeiliaid tocynnau drwy brif fynedfa’r castell fel y nodir ar y map.

Bydd Swyddfa Docynnau Dros Dro ar agor o 3.30pm wrth brif fynedfa'r castell lle gellir cyfnewid eich tocynnau am fandiau arddwrn ar y diwrnod (ni allwch gasglu eich bandiau arddwrn o'r Mwldan o flaen llaw). Casglwch eich bandiau arddwrn yn gynnar i'n helpu ni i gadw'r ciw mor fyr â phosibl.

I gasglu eich band arddwrn yn y Castell gallwch naill ai:

  • Ddangos eich cod archebu QR ar eich ffôn symudol
  • Cyfnewid eich tocyn papur
  • Dangos eich allbrint tocynnau os ydych wedi archebu ar-lein

Rydym yn cadw'r hawl i ofyn am ddull adnabod i wirio cymhwysedd ar gyfer pris gostyngol (lle bo'n berthnasol).

Cysylltwch â swyddfa docynnau Mwldan os na fedrwch argraffu eich tocyn eich hun a gallwn ei argraffu ar eich rhan.

  • Bydd bar gyda diodydd poeth ac oer a byrbrydau ar gael ar y safle. Peidiwch â dod ag alcohol na gwydr i'r safle.
  • Er mwyn ceisio lleihau effaith amgylcheddol ein Cyngherddau Haf, rydym yn cyflwyno system cwpanau amldro. Gellir prynu'r rhain o'r bar am £1.50. Bydd diodydd sy’n cael eu gweini mewn cwpanau amldro 50c yn rhatach na’r diodydd mewn cwpanau plastig untro. Rydych chi wedyn yn rhydd i fynd â'ch cwpan plastig adref gyda chi a dod â hi i gyngerdd arall a pharhau i fwynhau'r gostyngiad o 50c.
  • Derbynnir taliadau cerdyn yn unig (dim arian parod) yn y bwyty a'r bariau.

*Os oes gennych gwestiynau ynglŷn â’r fwydlen, cysylltwch â Chastell Aberteifi 01239 615131 /

Ni chaniateir cŵn ar y safle yn ystod perfformiadau ar wahan i gŵn tywys.

Ni chaniateir ysmygu na fêpio ar y safle.

Yn ôl i'r brig

NoFIT StaTe circus: BAMBOO

thursday 15th august 2024

4.30pm (doors 3.30pm)



Thank you for purchasing tickets for this event. We’ve put together some essential information to help make the event go as smoothly as possible. Please take time to read through the points below, and if you have any questions please get in touch with Mwldan’s box office on 01239 621 200 or email and we’ll do our very best to clarify things for you.

Mwldan is the sole ticket outlet for these events. You can book online at or via the box office in person or by calling 01239 621 200.

Please scroll down for a map of the Castle grounds.

Cardigan Castle, Green Street, Cardigan, SA43 1JA

WHAT3WORDS: ///surnames.tribe.thrones

This is an open-air event. We advise customers to wear appropriate footwear and to bring a jacket / warm layer in case the weather gets chilly.

  • A Pop-up Box Office will be open from 3:30pm at the castle main entrance where your tickets can be exchanged for wristbands.
  • Doors/Gates will open at 3:30pm and refreshments will be available on site from this time. ‘Bamboo’ will be on stage from approximately 4.30pm.
  • The show will be 45 minutes.
  • £9, £6 Under 18’s
  • Tickets for these shows are sold on a non-refundable basis.
  • Tickets may be available on the door, but this is strictly subject to availability.
  • We advise booking in advance to avoid disappointment.

Please note that there is NO ON-SITE PARKING at Cardigan Castle, and we advise customers to use the public pay & display carparks (free after 6pm) situated around the town.

  • Seating will be provided. Please do not bring your own camping chairs.
  • There is level access to the site for wheelchair users, and there will be designated members of staff on hand to assist and direct you. Please come to the main entrance point marked on the map below where you will be met by a member of our duty team.
  • PLEASE NOTE If you have already booked your tickets but have not yet advised us of any special seating requirements please do so immediately via our box office on 01239 621 200 or by emailing

Entry to the site for ticket holders is via the main castle entrance marked on the map.

A Pop-up Box Office will be open from 3.30pm at the castle main entrance where your tickets can be exchanged for wristbands on the day (you will not be able to collect your wristbands from Mwldan in advance). Please collect your wristbands early to help us keep queuing to a minimum.

To get your wristband you can either:

  • Show your QR booking code on your mobile phone
  • Exchange your physical ticket
  • Show your ticket printout if you have booked online

We reserve the right to request a form of ID to verify that you are the booker, or in the event of needing to clarify eligibility for a concessionary price (where applicable).

Please contact Mwldan’s box office if you are unable to print your own ticket and we will print it for you.

  • A bar with hot and cold drinks and snacks will be available on site*. Please do not bring any alcohol or glass onto site.
  • To try and reduce the environmental impact of our Summer Concerts we are introducing a reusable cup system. These can be purchased from the bar for £1.50. Drinks served into reusable cups will be 50p cheaper than those into single use plastic cups. You are then free to take your plastic cup home with you and bring to another concert and keep enjoying the 50p discount.
  • We will only be accepting card payments (no cash) at the restaurant and bars.

*For questions about the menu, please contact Cardigan Castle 01239 615131 /

Dogs are not allowed on site during performances apart from guide dogs.

No smoking or vaping is permitted on site for these events.

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