
Year 3

The Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum


The Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum is designed to meet the needs of our pupils, who come from diverse backgrounds in a in Cardiff East, the capital city of Wales. The Four Purposes are at the heart of the Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum. Although these are long term purposes, they require daily attention in order to be realized.

The Welsh language and its historical development are central to our vision, as we guide pupils who are proud of our civic heritage in our capital city. Purposeful integration of our curriculum areas ensures that Bro Edern Cluster pupils benefit from the breadth of the curriculum while focusing on What Matters.

The people studied in the Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum are a diverse cross section and include role models who are inspirational to the whole range of pupils in the cluster. Growing up in a multicultural city where cohabitation and harmony are a key part of daily life, fostering tolerance and respect in our pupils is essential.

Encouraging ambition in our pupils means developing strong skills and strategies to enable them to face success and failure. Perseverance and resilience are key as part of the growth mind-set fostered in our pupils. Sound knowledge that provides the foundation for cluster pupils to benefit from skills and experiences that can be transferred to a variety of contexts today, and in the future.

Cluster schools have the ability to transform the lives of our pupils. This is where they gain the knowledge, skills and experiences that will enrich the rest of their lives. The roots and wings in the Cluster logo encapsulate this.

Unit 1

History Hunters!

Immigration has always happened in history and it still happens today. People leave home to be safe or to look for work. The Celts were the first immigrants to Wales and the British Isles. Here you can discuss countries in the world where this is happening today.

How did the Celts come to live in Wales?

Who were the Celts?

Unit Contents;

Who were the Celts?

Where did the Celts live in Wales and beyond?

How did they manage to immigrate to Wales?

What was the effect of the Celts on the way of life in Wales?

The religion and beliefs of the Celts

Look at the type of clothing, jewellery, symbols, patterns that belonged to the Celts

Workshop to create shields with Celtic patterns

Features of roundhouses and hillforts - Building hillforts on Minecraft.

People who we will be studying during this half term:


Caratacus (Caradog)

Gwenno Saunders

Unit 2

Together, Stronger

Our communities are full of different cultures, customs and beliefs. The aim of this unit is for pupils to understand that a tribe is a family or a community of people who share a number of different things such as religion, culture and language.

What is a tribe?

Unit Contents:

Choose and look at the traditions of other/various tribes

Look at the type of clothing, jewellery, symbols, patterns that belongs to specific tribes.

Research, design and create jewelery for their tribe.

Create a creative dance to perform with images and music.

People who we will be studying during this half term:

Different tribes e.g. Aborijini, Maori, African and South American tribes.

Unit 3

Vene, Vidi, Vici!

Roman forces reached the borders of Wales in AD 48, five years after they had begun their conquest of Britain. They stayed in Wales for over 300 years. Their main goal was to make their empire as big and powerful as possible. They were also seeking natural resources, such as precious metals, slaves, and farmland. Britain had lots of materials including iron, lead, copper, silver, and gold that the Romans needed to support their growing empire and army.
Wales in particular was a rich source of mineral wealth, and the Romans used their engineering technology to extract large amounts of gold, copper, and lead, as well as modest amounts of some other metals such as zinc and silver.
In this unit the pupils will learn about who the Romans were, what they did for us and look at their their lasting legacy.

What did the Romans do to us in Wales?

Can you compare the way of life/infrastructure and living standards within Celtic and Roman society?

Unit Content:

Who were the Romans?

Where did the Roman live in Wales and beyond?

How did they manage to immigrate to Wales?

What was the effect of the Romans on the way of life in Wales? Buildings and infrastructure - Rhufeining towns, villa labeling etc.

How was the Roman army organised? How did the Romans fight?

Look at Caesar and the Senedd.

Presenting a simple overview of Parliament for Wales emphasising that we are the people who vote for our leader.

Looking at Roman art (Mosaics)

Religion and beliefs of the Romans (Christianity and Gods)

People who we are studying during this half term.

Magnus Maximus (Macsen Wledig's Dream)

Elen - Macsen's Wife

Caratacus (Caradog)

Julius Ceasar

Unit 4


Welsh culture over the years has been enriched by different cultures. One of these cultures is the Italian community that settled here over a century ago. The purpose of this unit is to give direct experience of opening and running a business as many of the Italian community did in towns all over our country.

What qualities of culture move from country to country? E.g. languages, foods, clothes, religion, dance etc.

Unit Contents:

Researching how many restaurants/ 'Take Away' from different countries are in your local area.

Research traditional Italian foods.

Visit an Italian restaurant in Cardiff

Menu planning and food costs.

Prepare the various foods - follow a recipe.

Run a restaurant for their parents.

Pompeii - volcano Vesuvius erupts. Writing a script and performing a play.

Unit 5

Time Travelling Tardis!

Traveling is a key and important part of our lives. During this half term we want to look at the different methods of travel that exist. We will also look at local methods of travel and how travel has changed to be more sustainable. By the end of this unit the pupils will have a solid knowledge of travel and famous journeys through history.

How has travel changed over time?

What do we need to do in order to reduce the impact that travel has on the planet and my environment?

Unit Contents:

How did people used to travel?

How do people travel today?

How can you travel around your local area?

How do people travel in other parts of the world?

Famous journeys e.g.. Captain Scott to the Antartica, Mimosa to Patagonia


Teithio yn y gofod

Travel in space

People who we will be studying over this half term.

Famous transport designers e.g. Amelia Earhart

The Wright brothers

Captain Scott

The Astronaut Tim Peake

Unit 6

Dragon's Den!

Building on from the last half term we want to give the pupils opportunities to be inventive. During this half term we want the children to be creative using technology and develop their design skills to create and present their prototype to the inventors den!

Can you create a vehicle to transport people to a particular location.

Unit Contents:

Major Project/Creative Masterpiece: Investigate famous inventions of modern vehicles, aircraft etc.