
West Leigh Juniors Weekly News 8th September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had a very settled, if extremely hot, beginning to the new school year. We are very proud of the way in which the children have come back to school, focused and ready to work. It has been a hot, long week and we’re very conscious how tired some of them feel. A long dip in a cold bath and a good lie-in tomorrow, might help – or is that just me!!

My grateful thanks to those parents who have organised uniform, including black trainers/shoes and all the other equipment that the children require.

Next week lots of clubs begin, as does the weekly swimming slot. If you haven’t yet managed to pay your contribution for swimming, please try and do so, as every penny counts.

One of our ex pupils from many, many years ago left us some money in his will and we have had an external defibrillator fitted on the external wall, near the pool. Let’s hope we never have to use it.

Best wishes

Cheryl Woolf

Executive Headteacher

Year 3

I want to begin by saying what a great start Year 3 have made to their first week in the Juniors. They have shown a mature approach to the new routines and expectations. It has been wonderful to see how well they have settled into their new classes and are finding their way around the school with much more confidence. A very busy week has been had in Year 3, particularly with our hook day which allowed the children to immerse themselves in some of the activities linked to the savage Stone Age. They have enjoyed creating jewellery out of salt dough, spear heads carved from soap and even saw a real fire on the playground. A highlight from the day was when the children returned from lunch to find their classroom had turned into caves in which the children crawled under their desks to create cave paintings to the light and sound of the roaring fire.

You will find details of PE and swimming days for each class at the end of the newsletter (and also in Communication Books and the school website).

We are sure the children are very tired after the first week back of busy mornings and school routines, especially in this heat, so we wish you a very restful and enjoyable weekend in the sunshine.

Year 4

It has been fantastic to welcome the children back after our long summer break (which seems a distant memory now) into their second year of the Juniors.

Some of the week has been used to refamiliarise the children with school routines and getting to know, (in some cases) their new classmates and teachers. There was a wonderful buzz of excitement along the corridor on Tuesday, when through their Hook Day, they were introduced to their first Connected Curriculum topic - ‘Tomb Raiders’. They completed an escape room type activity using their knowledge, team work and creative thinking to ‘break’ a variety of codes including the Ancient Egyptian number system and writing. These fun activities will help support their learning throughout the term ahead.

The children have settled well into their maths groups and have gone back to basics, reviewing their knowledge and understanding of place value. Many of the groups particularly enjoyed learning and playing the game ‘Nice and Nasty’ which demonstrated their ability regarding the value of numbers and how to manipulate these to their advantage.

Our science lesson (which we are sure the children will remember for years to come!) looked at how the digestive system works and in some classrooms, they had a rather messy demonstration!

In English lessons, the children have reviewed sentence structure whilst writing an introduction to themselves, revealing details about their personality and hidden talents. We are sure that they will make for interesting reading.

You will find details of PE, and swimming days for each class at the end of the newsletter (and also in Communication Books and the school website).

We wish you a relaxing weekend and hope that you enjoy the sunshine despite the temperatures that are threatened.

Year 5

We trust that you had a wonderful summer break and it’s lovely to see all the children back in school looking refreshed and ready to embark on their Year 5 learning.

We have introduced our new topic - Fragile Earth. The children have been finding out about natural disasters, crossing toxic rivers, engaging in role play about how to survive an earthquake as well exploring the geographical significance of Yellowstone National Park. We have been very impressed with how they have begun their learning in Connected Curriculum as they have worked very hard!

We have also been discussing their book choices which has enabled us to write a range of book reviews to help inspire our reading choices. The children are aware of the expectations for reading as well as using their Communication Book to record their reading each week.

In maths lessons, the children have reviewed their place value knowledge in preparation for next week when they will be focusing on addition and subtraction.

Our indoor fitness lessons are also well underway and the children have been learning about the different components of fitness and how to develop these. 5J and 5R are looking forward to starting their rugby lessons on Monday over at Belfairs fields. 5K and 5F will head to the fields after half term for their rugby lessons.

You will find details of PE, and swimming days for each class at the end of the newsletter (and also in Communication Books and the school website).

The children will be bringing home their first set of spellings this afternoon which can be found in their Communication Books. These will always be handed out on a Friday with tests taking place the following Thursday.

Year 6

Returning to school is often a tiring experience, yet the new Year 6 cohort have coped brilliantly with the excitement of a new term. In Connected Curriculum, the pupils began their new topic by taking on the role of the codebreakers situated at Bletchley Park during the Second World War, applying an array of mathematical skills and applying perseverance to tackle some complex ciphers. Perhaps you would like to face the challenge too!

Transposition cipher required:


As artists, the children have learned about linear perspective and used this knowledge to develop their own artwork, applying the use of a vanishing point and orthogonal lines.

The topic of electricity was also introduced where the pupils built upon their prior learning from Year 4 to further refine their understanding of electricity. They also considered how this had implications for safety.

For those pupils who will be taking the selection test in the near future, there was also the opportunity to apply their exam technique in a formal situation in both English and maths.

You will find details of PE, and swimming days for each class at the end of the newsletter (and also in Communication Books and the school website).

It certainly has been a busy week and perhaps a restful weekend is in order for everyone.

Cross-Country Trials

There has been a tremendous amount of interest in attending the cross-country squad trials. If your child did not receive a letter this week and has since decided that they'd like to attend, please ask them to collect a letter from Mr Markham.

The trials will be taking place at Belfairs Playing Fields. A member of staff from WLJS will be waiting on Eastwood Road (at the white marker on the map) to meet the children and they will be participating where the yellow marker is positioned on the map.

Curriculum Meetings

We would like to give you advance notice of our Curriculum Meetings that will be taking place in a few weeks time. This will be an opportunity to find out about the routines and all the upcoming topics that will take place this year, in your child's year group.

  • Year 3 - Thursday 5th October - 2pm - 2.30pm
  • Year 4 - Tuesday 3rd October - 2pm - 2.30pm
  • Year 5 - Thursday 5th October - 2.30pm - 3pm
  • Year 6 - Tuesday 3rd October - 2.30pm - 3pm

Polite Reminder

Please be aware that the school gates onto Ronald Hill Grove will be closed at 3.40pm so we ask that you vacate the playground as soon as possible.

Dinner Menu

Week 2

Monday - Homemade Tomato and Vegetable Wholemeal Pasta Bake - Jacket Potato (Choose from Baked Beans, Cheese, Tuna Mayo) - Granary Baguette with Cheese - Coleslaw and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Fruit Jam Doughnuts

Tuesday - All Day Breakfast (Sausage, Beans, Hash Brown) - Vegetarian All Day Breakfast (Vegetarian Sausage, Beans, Hash Brown) - Jacket Potato (Choose from Baked Beans, Cheese, Tuna Mayo) - Mushrooms, Tomatoes and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Fruity Flapjack

Wednesday - Traditional Roast Chicken with Yorkshire Pudding - Quorn in vegetable gravy with Yorkshire Pudding - Granary Baguette with Egg Mayonnaise - Roast Potatoes, Carrots / Peas and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Chocolate Cherry Cake

Thursday - Homemade Mild Chili Con Carne - Homemade Mild Vegetable and 5 Bean Chilli Con Carne - Jacket Potato (Choose from Baked Beans, Cheese, Tuna Mayo) - Rice and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit Yoghurt or Fruit Biscuit

Friday - 100% Fish Finger - Vegetable and Cheese Bake - Granary Baguette with Salmon and Sweetcorn - Potato Puffs, Sweetcorn / Peas or Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yogurt or Ice Cream

Diary Dates

New dates in italics

September 2023

  • Tuesday 12th - All Year 6 to Fields (1.50pm - 3.15pm)
  • Tuesday 12th - Young Voices Choir begins (3.30 - 4.30pm)
  • Wednesday 13th - Year 5 & 6 Cross Country Trials (8am - 8.40am)
  • Wednesday 20th - Friday 22nd - Year 5 Mersea Residential and Non-Residential Visit
  • Wednesday 20th - Year 6 Table Tennis at Alleyn Court
  • Wednesday 27th - Year 3 & 4 Cross Country Trials (8am - 8.40am)

October 2023

  • Tuesday 3rd - Year 4 Curriculum meeting - 2pm - 2.30pm
  • Tuesday 3rd - Year 6 Curriculum meeting - 2.30pm - 3pm
  • Tuesday 3rd - Coastal Schools (4B)
  • Wednesday 4th - Oliver Jr! Workshop for Year 5 - 8am
  • Wednesday 4th - Year 3-6 Cross Country training
  • Wednesday 4th - Individual and Sibling Photos from 8.30am
  • Thursday 5th - Coastal Schools (4G)
  • Thursday 5th - Individual and Sibling Photos from 8.30am
  • Thursday 5th - Year 3 Curriculum meeting - 2pm - 2.30pm
  • Thursday 5th - Year 5 Curriculum meeting - 2.30pm - 3pm
  • Thursday 5th - Oliver Jr! Auditions (Year 5) - 3.30pm
  • Friday 6th - Year 3-6 Cross Country at Garons (12pm - 2.45pm)
  • Monday 9th - Year 5 & 6 Football (Wickford) 11.30am - 3.30pm
  • Wednesday 11th - Year 5/6 B Tag Rugby Competition @ SRFC (all day)
  • Wednesday 11th - Oliver Jr! workshop (Year 6) 8am
  • Thursday 12th - Oliver Jr! Auditions (Year 6) 3.30pm
  • Monday 16th - Coastal Schools (4E)
  • Tuesday 17th - Learning Conferences
  • Wednesday 18th - Coastal Schools (4S)
  • Wednesday 18th - Year 5/6 A Tag Rugby Competition @ SRFC (all day)
  • Thursday 19th - Learning Conferences
  • Friday 20th - INSET DAY
  • Friday 20th - Year 5/6 Girls' Football Competition @ Len Forge
  • Monday 23rd - Friday 27th - HALF TERM
  • Tuesday 31st - Coastal Schools (4B)

November 2023

  • Wednesday 1st - Years 5/6 Basketball Competition @ Eastwood Academy (all day)
  • Wednesday 1st - Oliver Jr! Workshop (Year 4) @ 8am
  • Thursday 2nd - Oliver Jr! Auditions (Year 4) @ 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 7th - Coastal Schools (4S)
  • Wednesday 8th - Oliver Jr! Workshop (Year 3) @ 8am
  • Thursday 9th - Oliver Jr! Auditions (Year 3) @ 3.30pm
  • Friday 10th - Year 5/6 Boys' Football @ Len Forge (9.30am - 2.45pm)
  • Monday 13th - Friday 17th - Year 3/4 Test Week
  • Tuesday 14th - Young Shakespeare Company (Year 6)
  • Wednesday 15th - Year 3/4 Dodgeball Competition @ Garons
  • Thursday 16th - Coastal Schools (4E)
  • Monday 20th - Friday 24th - Test Week - All Year Groups
  • Wednesday 22nd - Year 5/6 Dodgeball Competition B/C @ Garons (9am - 12pm)
  • Wednesday 22nd - Year 5/6 Dodgeball Competition A @ Garons (12.15pm - 3.30pm)
  • Thursday 23rd - Year 4 Presentation to Parents
  • Wednesday 29th - Boccia Competition @ Garons (9.30am - 12pm)
  • Wednesday 29th - Kurling Competition @ Garons (12.15pm - 2.45pm)
  • Thursday 30th - Cosatal Schools (4G)

December 2023

  • Monday 11th - Carol Concert @ St. Margaret's Church (7pm - 8pm)
  • Wednesday 13th - Christmas Dinner
  • Thursday 21st - Wednesday 3rd - Christmas Holidays

Don't forget to check out our new online bookshop here.


Please ensure that your child has their full kit with them on swimming days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.


  • 3M - Mrs Millham
  • 4G - Mrs Garrett & Mrs Aggus
  • 3N - Mrs Nash & Mrs Mitchinson


  • 3L - Miss Playfair
  • 4E - Mrs Rodger
  • 4S - Miss Street


  • 3T - Mrs Thompson
  • 5K - Miss Chapman
  • 5R - Mr Markham


  • 6D - Miss Fletcher
  • 5J - Mrs Wilson
  • 5F - Mrs Flower


  • 6W - Mr Dunn
  • 4B - Mr Boylan
  • 6P - Miss Poysden
  • 6A - Mrs Mears

PE Lessons

Please ensure that your child is wearing their full kit on PE days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.

First Half Term:


  • Indoor PE - Wednesday
  • Outdoor PE - Friday


  • Indoor PE - Wednesday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Tuesday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Tuesday
  • Outdoor PE - Friday


  • Indoor PE - Monday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Monday
  • Outdoor PE - Wednesday


  • Indoor PE - Tuesday
  • Outdoor PE - Wednesday


  • Indoor PE - Monday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Friday
  • Outdoor PE - Tuesday


  • Indoor PE - Friday
  • Outdoor PE - Monday


  • Indoor PE - Friday
  • Outdoor PE - Tuesday


  • Indoor PE - Thursday
  • Outdoor PE - Monday


  • Indoor - Thursday
  • Outdoor - Monday


  • Indoor - Wednesday
  • Outdoor - Tuesday


  • Indoor - Thursday
  • Outdoor - Tuesday


  • Indoor - Thursday
  • Outdoor - Monday


Well done to who 3L, 3N and 3T who all achieved 100% attendance this week!


Sports Performer of the Week is Harrison Childs (4G)

Most Improved in PE is Cayden Ovenden (6P)

Citizen of the Week is Sienna Davey-Bulmore (6P)

Team Points

Team Points will return next week.

01702 478593 - Office@westleigh-jun.southend.sch.uk