
Autumn Term Newsletter Blwyddyn 5 a 6


Welcome back to school and the start of a brand new term. We hope everyone had a lovely summer.

This newsletter will give you more information about what you and your child can expect during their first term in year 5 and 6.


Our P.E. days are on a Wednesday and Friday. Please can pupils come to school wearing their school P.E. kit on these days; white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers. We will be doing outdoor P.E. during these sessions. When the weather becomes colder pupils are allowed to wear black leggings or joggers and a school jumper or cardigan over their P.E. top.

Please remember no jewellery and long hair should be tied back please.


All classes will continue using Google Classroom for homework. We will remind the pupils how to use Google Classroom and we will be showing them where they can find and access the homework documents. Homework activities will be made available on Google Classroom from Monday 11th September.

We appreciate that some pupils have other commitments after school and so there is no pressure to complete a set amount of work.

Class teachers will view the homework every Monday and written or verbal feedback will be provided. Pupils who complete homework tasks will be rewarded and will have the opportunity to share and celebrate their efforts and achievements with the class.


In year 5 & 6 we no longer have weekly spelling tests and lists of spellings to learn are not sent home. Instead, we teach spelling strategies in our language lessons and do spelling assessments regularly to monitor pupils progress.

Our topics

For the first half term our Year 5 & 6 topic is called 'This is me'. This topic has a health and wellbeing focus and also links in with our residential trip to PGL. As part of our topic pupils will be reading the text Wonder by RJ Palacio and working on developing a growth mindset. In line with the new curriculum, the pupils will also use their voice to have an input in to what they would like to learn and do in this topic.

After October half term our topic will be 'The World is a Stage', this topic will link to our school Christmas concert performance and will have a focus on speaking and listening.


In maths lessons we will be focussing on place value, written operations using all four calculations; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, as well as measuring length.

Home Time Arrangements

Children are to be collected from the school yard at the end of the school day, 3.20pm. They will exit via the classroom doors which are on the left hand side of the building. If you wish for your child to walk home without being collected from the school yard by an adult then please send an email to your child's class teacher confirming the arrangements.

Mrs Payne - PayneR17@hwbcymru.net

Mrs King - KingS37@hwbcymru.net

Dates for your diary

  • 26th September - PC Stu visiting year 6
  • 29th September - Macmillan coffee morning
  • 11th & 12th October - healthy relationships workshops delivered by Spectrum, year 5 & 6
  • 16th - 18th October - residential visit to PGL, Boreatton Park, year 5 & 6
  • 19th October - appropriate/inappropriate images workshop, delivered by Spectrum, year 6
  • 25th October - gender stereotypes workshop, delivered by Spectrum, year 6
  • 27th October - INSET school closes for half term

How Can I Help My Child at Home

All pupils are encouraged to read regularly at home. Below is a link to suggested reading materials for year 5 & 6 pupils.

Pupils are also encouraged to practice their times tables regularly. Below are some links to games that could be played to practice. Remember that you can also access the J2 blast times table and spelling games through your Hwb account.

During the first few weeks we will be getting the children to settle in to their new classrooms, back to the school routine, and getting to know them all. We want to make sure that they are happy and enjoy coming to school as this in turn will help them to learn, focus and achieve their potential. Don't forget we are here to help, if you or your child have any concerns please get in touch via email or telephone the school office.