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St John Vianney Newsletter 15.9.23

Headteacher's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

I do hope that you and your families are keeping well?

The second week of term has been another good week in school, with the pupils now well established in their new school year routines. The children and young people have been excellent in their response to transitioning back into school and we thank them for showing excellent cooperation, diligence and resilience during the first 2 weeks. Our assemblies this week have allowed us to introduce the Site team from Kier Construction, who have been discussing Site Safety with our pupils.

The Construction work has now begun, with the Building team preparing the Chapel grass area of School into play facilities, for the period after October half term. At this point, we will be no longer using the back playground for breaks and lunchtimes but will be using new, temporary facilities to provide pupils with outdoor activities.

A reminder please that on Friday 29th September we invite you to join us for a Coffee afternoon in the dining room from 1.30pm. We will be selling refreshments in aid of Macmillan Cancer support. You are very welcome to attend and support our first fundraising activity of the school year, for a very worthy cause.

The following week we have an Open afternoon planned for prospective parents to attend. On Weds 4th October we invite parents of pupils looking for a school place for next September, into school, to look at our offer. If you know any parents who are looking for school places next year ( e.g. Year 6 pupils), please do let them know about our Open Afternoon.

On Thursday October 5th we have organised our annual ‘Welcome Evening’ for parents and carers. The evening will provide an opportunity to welcome parents into school to see how the first month has gone. The evening will start at 5pm, with a welcome from the Senior Leadership Team and then Mrs Griffin, our Family Liaison Officer, will provide parents with an opportunity to learn about how they can support their children, to get the best of their schooling here at SJV. Following Mrs Griffin’s presentation, Class Teachers will welcome you into your child’s classroom to meet the class team and learn about what we have planned for them, in terms of their learning at School for this academic year. From 6pm we will then meet informally over refreshments with staff and all parents in the dining room, to answer any other questions you may have. The evening will finish at 6.30pm

Please make every attempt to attend these events; it is vital that we develop positive and lasting relationships with every parent/carer and this short 'Welcome meeting' will develop that opportunity for us all. The Admin team will be calling you, by phone, to confirm your attendance at some point in the next 2 weeks.

Please continue to check out our Weekly Newsletter, which is sent to you by email from the Admin team each Friday and please do follow us on Twitter, where daily activities and celebrations are uploaded to share with you. @StJohnVianneySc

I hope you have a great weekend – stay well.

Mr Moloney, Headteacher

SJV Class News

Class 1

Class 1 have had a very busy week, we visited the sensory room exploring different lights as part of our Topic lesson. We then had lots of fun in the play area.

Class 2

This week in Science we were learning how to build circuits independently.

Class 3

Class 3 had a fantastic first day at Forest School this week. We went on a bear hunt through the woods and made dens for our bears. We also went on a wild walk through lots of different materials and textures and made smores around the fire.

Class 4

This week the Class 4 boys have been doing some learning about electrical circuits in Science, practicing getting a circuit to function and have also started reading a book by David Walliams as a group!

They have also been to Cronkshaw Farm, picking some blackberries to go in a delicious crumble.

Class 5

This week Class 5 had fun blackberry picking at Cronkshaw farm. We picked so many blackberries that farmer Dot has promised to make a yummy blackberry crumble for us to try after our lunch, next week at the farm. Class 5 are berry excited for this!

Class 6

Class 6 had great fun practicing passing in PE and learning all about circuits in Science.

Class 7

This week Class 7 enjoyed their first lesson of cycling in Longford Park. It was wet, but everyone gave it a good go, well done Class 7.

Class 8

This week we have been learning how to safely use the equipment in Science. Class 8 had fun using the Bunsen burners!

Class 9

Class 9 enjoyed team sports at Stretford Leisure Centre this week.

Class 10

Class 10 made World Record-breaking paper aeroplanes. We learnt to follow step by step instructions and had lots of fun in the process.

Class 11

Class 11 have had another great week! We have been cycling, and have learnt how to make fruit salad. We have also worked on our social communication skills!

Class 12

Class 12 embraced their first session at Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning, at Wythenshawe Park. They were all so engaged and enthusiastic with the tasks that have been set. Mrs Rouse, Mrs Peddie and I are so very proud of our new Class 12.

Class 13

Class 13 returned to Wythenshawe Park on Monday, looking at what they had previously done in the park and planning what they aim to do this year to help improve the area. They also collected some materials in preparing for a fire lighting 'bushcraft' session.

Our Catholic School

‘Cast your cares upon God; for you are his and he will not forget you’

Psalm 55:22

Its been wonderful to see how quick our pupils have settled into their routines and are now back into the swing of things. The learners have coped well with the changes around school with the building works and we are all so excited about the new build!

Within SJV this week we are focussing on God’s message: ‘Cast your cares upon God; for you are his and he will not forget you’. We need to remember that we are not alone, we have God to guide us; we might not always be aware of his plan, but we know that he is watching over us and is with us every step of the way.

Within our Catholic school we had our 'Welcome mass' supported by the Chaplaincy Team; it was wonderful to welcome all our new pupils and continue to celebrate and welcome back our returning pupils. I feel the term can only go from strength to strength now we have celebrated and had God’s blessing on the new term.

Within RE lesson the lower key stages continue to look at the environment and what a beautiful world we live in. The pupils have been choosing inspirational pictures from nature and around SJV. The older key stage learners have been looking at their own beliefs and the 'big question' in life. We have been having some good debates and discussions in these lessons.

Here’s to another wonderful week at SJV 😊

Mrs Garfin

Messages from Mrs Griffin

Family Liaison Officer

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