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The Rebel Report September 22, 2023

Above: Students in Mrs. Condne's Money Matters class work together to Spend the Beans to learn about how the value of money and personal relationships work together.

This Week at Larson!

Follow all the great things happening around the building, follow @LarsonMS on X.

Fall Sports

Fall Sports!!!

The competition season began successfully for our Rebel student-athletes on Wednesday of this past week!

Basketball, cheer, and football were all taking place!

Weekly Calendar

Week of September 25

New Parent Meeting

Those parents new to Larson are invited to the Cafeteria at 7 pm on Tuesday, September 26 to learn about opportunities Larson provides its students, how their schedule is developed, supports from the counseling department, and technological resources to support your student including how to navigate Schoology and PowerSchool. Can't wait to connect with you!!!

Reproductive Preview Night

Our health and PE teachers will be hosting their annual informational meeting regarding their reproductive unit on Thursday, October 5 at 7 pm. The meeting will be held virtually. A meeting link will be shared in a future Rebel Report.

Crosswalk Club

Middle School HOSA

Club & IM Catalog

We are excited to share our first ever club & IM catalog. Click on the link below to find info about the clubs and IM sports offered here at Larson. Some of those include: Homework Help Club, Quiz Bowl, Yearbook Club, Rebel Readers, Science Olympiad, Craft Club, Larson Free Press, Rebel Cafe, Girls' IM Basketball, IM Cross Country, and IM Flag Football

PTO Restaurant Night: Jets Pizza -- Wednesday!

Food Service Job Opportunity

Girl Botz Little Free Library!

Girl Botz has rehab and restocked the Little Free Library! Many thanks to girls for their commitment to serving the Larson community. They're a model of the 4 R's!!!

Come check out the little free library at the end of the bus loop!

iPad Insurance

We strongly recommend the $10 iPad insurance for your student to protect against accidental screen or iPad damage. More information below!

PTO Support 2022-23

The PTO hosted their first meeting this past Wednesday. The work of the PTO covers the costs of all programming, the most significant being teacher classroom mini-grants. Currently the group is short of their goal for their annual budget. Please find it in your heart to make a donation to support student learning at Larson.

While our request is $30 per student, we will accept any amount you wish to contribute. The LMS PTO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so your donation is tax deductible if you itemize deductions.

You can donate in the following ways:


Paypal: **Please consider adding $1 to cover fees.

Check/Cash: Check made payable to Larson Middle School PTO. These can be dropped off in the Larson main office or mailed to our school.

