Principal's Message
We have ended the week with a wonderful performance from the NMPAT Wind ensemble. The children were treated to an expert performance and were given the opportunity to ask questions. The children were well behaved and had a wonderful experience.
Thank you for your support for Jeans for Genes day and we will have a total for you to share next week. Please donate what you can for this good cause.
We are changing student email address logins at the moment but we will make sure your child knows there new one and can log on easily; their password will remain the same.
Apologies for delays with homework being set. Homework will be set on Teams. Homework consists of reading at least 3 times a week, Times tables, 1 Knowledge organiser ( Science, History or Geography) quiz and spelling is an optional extra.
Reminder – Please ensure that children do not use the exercise equipment before or after school.
Reminder – Please label school clothing as we already have had lost blazers and ties.
Reminder – Studs only should be worn in school. You child may be asked to remove sleepers or dangly earrings.
Reminder – Healthy snacks only at playtime. Some children may need a reminder not to eat their lunchtime crisps at playtime
Allotment Project
Requests: We are currently working on developing the area an allotment and the area under the trees we are looking for donations of:
- Bamboo that could be taken from any that you are currently growing/over run with not bought
- Tractor tyres
Possibly contacts you might have:
- If you have any contacts who might be able to give us discount or donate we are looking for outdoor plants.
- Traffic barriers to section off the area in the playground whilst it is being developed – a bit random!
Learning Round-up
Maple: We’ve had another great week in Maple! We have continued to look at the squeaky story, using inverted commas and verbs in our writing. In maths we have continued to look at place value we have been ordering numbers in ascending and descending order, in science we have been looking at magnets and forces, in PE we have been working on our throwing skills. Well done, Maple.
Silver Birch: Another brilliant week had by all! We continued working with ‘A squeaky Story’ in our writing and looked at using verbs and inverted commas in our writing. In maths we have continued looking at place value using lots of different recourses to help our understanding. Next week we will move on and start learning more about addition and subtraction. Our class novel this week is ‘A Tiger Who Came to Tea’ which the children have been loving. Have a lovely weekend and see everyone next week.
Elder: Elder class have had another fab week. We have been text mapping in Talk for Writing and practising counting in steps of sixes in Maths. In History we have been learning about the legend of Rome and PE has involved learning how to pivot in basketball. Well done Elder!
Pine: What a great week again! We have now revealed all of our Talk for Writing text: Adventure at Sandy Cove. We have been working hard to identify the grammar techniques in the story and applying them to our own work. We have also been enjoying The Firework-Maker's Daughter and learning how we can improve our reading fluency with this text. Across the curriculum we have been sequencing lots of events, we have looked at familiar children’s stories and in history we put the events of the Legend of Rome in order. Keep up the great work Pine!
Willow: This week Willow have been exploring the Mayan calendar and how it is different from our modern calendar. In talk for writing, we have been writing relative clause and applying these to a set of instructions. This week we began our clarinet lessons. They have really enjoyed learning a new instrument and I am looking forward to hearing their skills progress. Thank you Willow for another great week!
Sequoia: This week, Sequoia have been concluding their Place Value unit in Maths, looking at multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000. In Science, we have explored the functions of each part of the circulatory system and how it works in conjunction with the respiratory system. In History we have explored the Myan calendar, comparing it to modern day. Talk for Writing has included using relative clauses and using this in short burst writing. Alongside this, we have been very lucky to have begun our clarinet lessons which will happen every Thursday! Good work Sequoia.
Acer: We have had another busy week in Acer! In maths, we’ve enjoyed battling Oak class on Times Tables Rockstars, as well as developing our knowledge and understanding of counting in powers of 10 and identifying numbers using number lines. We have been reading detectives - gathering evidence to determine what kind of person Shrike from Mortal Engines is and we have written letters detailing the discovery of a new creature! In the afternoons, we’ve started to explore the solubility of different materials, used climate graphs to draw conclusions about a region and discovered why the River Nile was significant to those who migrated there. Well done, Acer. Keep up the good work!
Oak: Another busy week in Oak class! In maths we have continued to deepen our knowledge in the field of place value in numbers up to 4 million. We have learned to count in powers of 10, identify numbers on a number line and round numbers to 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000. In writing, the children have written letters about the discovery of an extraordinary creature, using ambitious vocabulary and variety of sentence types. We have, also, had a heated discussion what did we like and dislike about our model text, The Mountain Troll. In reading, were exploring chapter 13 of our book, Mortal Engines, discussing the personality of Shrike, one of the characters, and finding the evidence in the text to support our thinking.
2023 - 2024 Head Boy and Head Girl
Dates for your diary
NMPAT Wind Recital: Friday 22nd Sept 2023
Macmillan Coffee Morning: Friday 29th Sept 9:00am -
Individual Photos: Wednesday 4th October
Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 4th October 2023 - 9AM & 11AM
Winter Shield: Thursday 12th October 2023
Parents Evenings: Monday 16th October 4pm-7pm & Tuesday 17th October 4pm- 6:30pm
Parker Headteacher Visit to see Year 6: Friday 20th October
Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 8th November - 9AM & 11AM
Children in Need: Friday 17th November
Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 6th December - 9AM & 11AM
Christmas Jumper Day: Thursday 7th December
Daventry Carol Service (Choir): Tuesday 12th December
Santa Run: Wednesday 13th December
Christmas Party: Friday 15th December
Reports: Monday 18th December
Coats 4 Kids Letter - Please Read
Governors Positions
We are always on the look out for the opportunity to increase parental involvement in our academy. We are looking for governors to add to our Academy Scrutiny Committee ( Governors Body) . we meet formally 6 times a year for about 1-2 hours. However, a more proactive role would/could involve coming in, observing us in practice, talking to pupils and staff and being able to share your insights. Governors Position Forms . The form is a little long but please don't be put off.
After School Clubs - Term 1
- Mondays: Recorder Club
- Tuesdays: Pro-Sports Football Club
- Wednesdays: Pro-Sports Multi Sports
- Thursdays: Pro-Sports Tag Rugby
- Fridays: Shakespeare Club (Y5 and Y6 Only)
Healthy Eating and Well Being
We are working hard to promote healthy eating in school. Caterlink provide a wide range of salads to accompany our school meal offer. Their meals are nutritional and well balanced. Below is a link to the Better Health website where you can find guides to healthy meals and lunchboxes.
Healthy Eating Award
We are working towards out Healthy Schools Award. Please take a look at our draft Healthy Food and Physical Activity policies. Please remember to send your child in with water in their water bottle and a healthy packed lunch. Don't forget to consider the fresh cooked balanced meals from Caterlink.
Reminder - snacks at playtime must be healthy e.g. fruit, low sugar/salt bars. This should not be crisps. Water bottles need to contain water and not squash OR fizzy drinks.
Allergy awareness - we are a nut-free school. Please ensure Nutella sandwiches and Celebrations and other sweets containing nuts are not brought into school.
We use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour. My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, free online classes and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.
My Family Journal App - Find patterns and triggers to make sense of your child’s behaviour and find helpful ideas to try with our free journal app. Your journal is completely confidential to you. We don’t offer prescriptions, just more ideas to consider to help you understand the reasons behind the behaviours you’re seeing. Enjoy the benefits of journaling with all the advantages of our free app. Using the power of the My Family Journal, we can help you find and tackle the reasons behind the behaviour.
Our Vision
To ensure all our children are engaged in the present and prepared for the future. Our children will leave us motivated to take on new challenges and with the confidence to persevere in all they do. Through a world class education, all our children will develop the ability to become lifelong learners. Our exciting, engaging and innovative curriculum will ignite a passion for learning in all of us.
Our children are members of a diverse community that is kind, responsible and respectful to all. Everyone is valued and celebrated. Everyone is encouraged to be ambitious and aspirational. Through our active collaboration between home and school, we develop resilient, confident and independent learners.
Keep in touch
01327 703132
Twitter: @FalconersHill
Facebook: Falconer's Hill Academy
Term Dates 2023-2024
Term 1
Training Day 1st September & 4th September 2023
Term starts 5th September 2023
Term Ends 20th October 2023
Term 2
Term starts 6th November 2023
Term ends 20th December 2023
Term 3
Training Day 3rd January 2024
Term starts 4th January 2024
Term ends 16th February 2024
Term 4
Term starts 26th February 2024
Term ends 28th March 2024
Term 5
Term starts 15th April 2024
Term ends 24th May 2024
Term 6
Term starts 3rd June 2024
Term ends 22nd July 2024
Training Day 23rd July 2024 & 24th July 2024