


Welcome to Our Savior Hawaii's Online Sunday School! Our word for today is forgiveness. We'll discover how Jesus forgives us and tells us to forgive one another.


What have been your highs and Lows from the Last week? How have you seen God's Love?


Sing and Dance

Sing and celebrate Jesus' love and forgiveness.

God's Word

Read today's story in Matthew 18:21-35.


On the cross, Jesus died to forgive us. We forgive, because He forgives us.

• How does the king show forgiveness to the man? • How does the man treat his friend? • Why was the king disappointed in the man he forgave? • How is forgiving others showing love to them?


Find an adult and make "Clean Mud." What do you need to be forgiven for? Say a prayer asking God for forgiveness as you play. He forgives you!

Ask an adult how you can help clean your home. Celebrate that Jesus cleans up the mess of sin with His forgiveness.

Pray+ Bless

Prayer: Jesus, You forgive us and clean our hearts. Thank you for your sacrifice of love on the cross. Help us to forgive one another like you do. Amen.

Blessing: Circle up as a household. Pick someone to start the blessing. They say, "Jesus forgives us. And that means me (place a hand on your chest). And that means you (place your other hand on the shoulder of the person next to you)". Pass the blessing by repeating those words and actions. When the blessing makes it back to the first person, they say, "Go and bless the world."

Talk questions from Whirl PreK–K Leader Guide. wearesparkhouse.org. © 2014 The Blessing was modified for the lesson based on a blessing from Sparkhouse Digital.