In this Edition:
- Message from Pastor Kris
- How to Connect with Us
- Join Community
- Ministry Highlights
- Missions
- Prayer
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Bible Reading Plan
- Giving
- Upcoming Events
Message from Pastor Kris
I'm in a weird spot as I write this update. As I type this out we are barely into 2024, but by the time you are reading it, 2024 will have been here long enough it probably doesn't feel very new. Nevertheless, I hope you'll indulge me while I celebrate some of my favorite moments at Shawnee Alliance in 2023 and look forward to what is next!
One of my favorite memories from 2023 was baptizing 24 people at The Martin's Pond. Altogether, 31 were baptized in 2023. Along with every baptism is a story of transformation, and each of these stories is a reminder that God is constantly at work. If God has been at work in your life and you're ready to make a public declaration of your faith, consider registering for our next baptism service on February 25.
In 2009, construction began on the Activity Center. Nearly 15 years later we made our final payment, allowing our church to move into a new phase of ministry! God has gifted us buildings for us to use in our mission of seeing lives transformed by Jesus Christ. For the next two years, we will be intentionally investing in improving our facilities to ensure that ministry to current and future generations is effective. Please watch for future updates, and if you'd like more information, please join us for our Congregational Update on February 4 at 6:30pm in the East Campus Sanctuary.
What were your favorite moments of 2023? Perhaps it was a favorite sermon or sermon series. Maybe it was our New Year's Eve worship service where we gathered to sing praises to God and usher in the New Year. No matter how much there was to celebrate from 2023, God has even more in store as we continue to trust in Him!
God is doing big things in our community! Your generosity in giving to Shawnee Alliance continues to make Kingdom impact. There are so many ways to partner with our ministries. Thank you for cheerfully being part of Transforming Lives!
Building a community of faith... Leading people to become fully transformed followers of Jesus Christ.
New to Shawnee Alliance or have updated information?
Would you like to know more about the church, submit a prayer request or connect with a pastor? Or maybe you'd like to find out about upcoming groups and events or let us know of a change in contact information? Let us know by filling out a connect card below! We would love to hear from you!
How to Connect With Us
As you're continually called into God's presence, please be reminded of the community we have here. We invite you to reach out and connect with us.
Join Community
Life Transformation happens through discipleship, serving, and making connections with others. Below are some opportunities to join community throughout the week and month!
YouVersion Bible App
Join our church family on YouVersion! Download the app below and search for Shawnee Alliance, set as your home church, and connect with others through our weekly devotionals.
As we walk through each week, watch for updates on social media and in the YouVersion app for new plans! Join in our newest plan below:
Connect with others! Join a Group!
For more details, please see below or visit If you are interested in leading or hosting a small group, please contact Pastor Brian at
New Groups
We just recently started a 7-week Bible study series on the book of Ecclesiastes! We hope you'll join us Sunday mornings at 10:45am in East Campus Rooms B-C. Together, we will learn to live this life in light of eternity. Facilitated by Brad Reeder.
Ecclesiastes tackles some hard issues about life. Written from the perspective of an older man looking back at life, Solomon expresses disappointment, frustration, and regret. He became jaded and cynical in his latter years due to bad choices he had made over the course of a lifetime. But Ecclesiastes is not just a depressing journal of an old king, it’s a reminder that someone like Solomon can have everything in life—money, fame, power, success, relationships—and still not be satisfied if God is not in the equation. His story is repeated countless times in our world. But by the end of the book, Solomon comes to a wonderful conclusion.
Wednesday Night Groups
Join us on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm beginning January 10! We have groups for Adults, Kids & Youth until May 1. Whether you’re new to Shawnee Alliance or have been here a long time, getting involved in a group is a great way to join community and deepen your faith! High schoolers are encouraged to attend adult groups or volunteer in Kids & Youth Ministries or Worship & Tech Team.
Click here to view all groups or click on a specific group below to learn more:
- Faith Track led by Brian Scott: meets Jan. 10-31 in Room A
- People of the Word led by Alli Jones & Kayla Latsha: meets Jan. 10-May 1 in the Sanctuary
- "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's Group led by Herman Bryant: meets Jan. 10-May 1 in Scout Room L
- Jesus in Our Generation led by Sarah Kennedy: meets Jan. 10-Feb. 21 in LifeWise Middle School Room J
- Street Smarts: Conversational Apologetics & Cultural Conversations led by Kathleen Castellanos: meets Jan. 10-May 1 in Avenue56 Room F
- Bible Institute led by Bur Shilling: meets Jan. 17-May 1 in Rooms B/C
- Grief Share led by MaryAnn Reichmanis: meets Feb. 7-May 1 in Hopeshakers Room D (alternate time: Thursdays at 10am)
- The Essentials of the Faith: Christianity 101 led by Brian Scott: meets Feb. 28-May 1 in Room A)
Interested in Volunteering during Wednesday Night Groups? Click below!
Ongoing Weekly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sunday during 9:30 or 11:00am services
- Life in the Spirit - Sundays from 9:30-10:45am
- "Ecclesiastes" Bible Study - Sundays from 10:45am-noon, Jan 14-Feb 25
- Pickleball - Sundays from 3-6pm
- Aerobic Walking Exercise Class - Monday-Friday from 8-9am
- Retired Men's Prayer Group - Mondays from 9-10:30am
- SonRise Seekers Women's Bible Study - Tuesdays from 6:30-8am
- Gingersnaps - Tuesdays from 9-11am
- Tuesday Open Gym Volleyball - Tuesdays from 6-10pm
- Moms in Prayer - Fridays until June 7 from 8:30-9:30am
- Stamp Ministry - 2nd Saturdays September-May from 9am-12pm
Ongoing Monthly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sundays at 8:20am or 8:45am
- Keenagers - 2nd Tuesdays at 11:30am
- Sewing Group - meets 2nd & 4th Mondays from 9am-2pm
Don't see a group you'd like to attend? Contact Pastor Brian at if you're interested in leading your own!
Parent Connections
HopeShakers Youth Ministry
Parents! One of our focuses in the new year is to be better connected with each of you. We want to invite parents of 5-12th graders to join our social platform “Band” as a resource and connecting point. We will post info regarding our monthly series, the Scriptures we’re covering so they can be further covered at home, resources to assist you in leading faith in your home with your preteens and teens, and info on our upcoming events and fundraising opportunities. Our hope is to work together to build the foundations for Christ to be the focus every day of the week in our homes.
Included in this month’s communication is a resource called Prayer for Spiritual Reset. It’s a guide for your families to engage together to remember that the God we follow is faithful. There are prayers of thanksgiving and hope to assist you in ushering in the new year, better connected with Jesus!
Josh Kennedy, Youth Pastor
Kids Ministry
This month in Kids Min we are studying Luke 6:31, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." We are learning that we have the responsibility to put others first. This isn't easy, but we serve a God who wants to help us! We can seek the Lord's help in all things. It's good to remember that we can trust God no matter what. God's word reminds us that God is so pleased when we choose to serve others. So, even in the moments when we might not feel like putting others first, it's still what God calls us to do. The amazing thing is, He doesn't call us to do it alone! He is with us, always! Parents, you can reinforce this at home by grabbing the Parent Cue paper from the Resource Wall near the Kids Min check in desk. The Parent Cue has a weekly devotion, talking points, and activities that go along with what we are learning in Kids Min.
Our goal is for the kids in our ministry to truly experience Jesus and to grow to have a relationship with Him. Our volunteers help make that happen; they truly are the hands and feet of Jesus! As a growing ministry, we are always looking for volunteers. A ministry this size needs about 20 volunteers each week to help things run safely and smoothly. If you feel called to serve in Kids Min, please reach out! We have so many opportunities, including check in desk, greeting our kids and making them feel welcome, behind the scenes activities like snack prep, and Bible story tellers. We would love to serve alongside you!
Erin Marshall, Kids Min Director
Nursery-PreK Ministry
This month the preschool class is memorizing Matthew 7:28: "The people were amazed at His teaching." Each week we talk about the importance of the Bible in our everyday life and focus on how Jesus teaches us important things. Most Sundays at pick-up we send each child home with a Parent Cue paper. The front of the Parent Cue paper is a brief outline of what our months lessons are, along with the memory verse. On the back are everyday prompts that encourage caregivers to talk/interact with their children about the lesson in creative ways. It is a privilege to teach these kids about Jesus and hear them say their prayers and verses each week! As a team it is our goal to maintain a safe environment while we love God, love others, and share Jesus. If you or someone you know shares this goal and believe God is laying it on your heart to serve in the Nursery, Toddler, or Preschool room please send me an email at
Shayla, Nursery-PreK Director
Christmas Eve Offering
Last month, we chose the Child Rescue Center in Conakry, Guinea, West Africa to support with our Christmas Eve Offering. On our mission trip to Guinea in November, our missions team saw a need for a new basketball court to bless the children in Guinea. The need was $3,000, and the total amount given was $4,234.62!! We are excited to provide this money as a gift to the Child Rescue Center, as a way to bless those children for years to come! Thank you for all who gave!
Supporting Emma Rex
"Hi, my name is Emma Rex. I grew up at Shawnee Alliance and am thankful to have called it my church home for so many years. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree this December, and am now taking the next steps toward working full time for campus ministry at Xavier through the Navigators. There is much prayer that has gone into this decision, and I believe that it is the next step I am meant to take in my service. In my position with the Navigators, I will be focusing on 1) raising up disciples that make disciples, 2) teaching and leading group discussions, and 3) being part of mission out into the communities around the campus.
This is a position that requires me to raise support for my salary. I know the generosity of our church and I am grateful for this opportunity. My hope is that together we can reach my yearly goal of $50,000."
To donate, please click below, and in Option 1, search for her name Emma Rex or the number 23840319. Thank you for blessing Emma in her next steps in following Jesus' leading for her life!
Current Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities to get more involved by serving together! Check out the list of volunteer opportunities below! Fill out a volunteer form or a connect card and our staff would be glad to connect you in serving at Shawnee Alliance or in our community in a way that uses your gifts, talents and passions!
Upward Basketball & Cheerleading
Upward Basketball and Cheerleading has officially begun, and we're always looking for volunteers who are interested in helping with this exciting ministry for grades K-4! If you are interested in being a referee, helping with setup/teardown, scoreboard, running concessions or cleanup, please register as a volunteer. Thank you! We look forward to serving together!
Wednesday Night Volunteer Opportunities
Are you interested in teaching kids about Jesus while their parents are learning in their own classes? Do you have a heart for teenagers and enjoy having conversations that help lead them toward Jesus? Or maybe you're interested in singing or playing an instrument on the Worship Team, or running lights or camera in the sound booth. Whether you'd like to volunteer weekly, monthly, or as needed, if you're interested in serving on Wednesday Nights we'd love to have you! Find out more at, or click below.
Upcoming Opportunities
Visitation Team
An important ministry is praying for and visiting those who are sick or in need. This might mean those in the hospital, in a nursing home, housebound, or just someone who could use a little extra prayer and an encouraging word. This group will include training on how to meet people and show compassion. After the initial training, people will be able to serve as their schedule allows.
There will be an information meeting on Wednesday, February 7 at 5:30pm in East Campus Room A. We will talk about how the ministry will run and answer any questions you have.
Springview Manor Nursing Home Ministry
It is a great tragedy when those who have served the body of Christ throughout their lives find themselves alone, forgotten or in distress in their golden years. One way Shawnee Alliance can serve our widows and widowers is to provide a worship service at Springview Manor in Lima. This is a chance to talk to and pray with those who have served God for years, but are no longer able to travel to a church worship service. Beginning in March, we will meet at Springview Manor at 2:00pm the first Thursday of each month.
We will have an informational meeting on Sunday, February 11 at 12:15pm in Avenue56 Room F (after the 11:00am service). We will discuss how we can serve this community. Everyone’s voice is important, so please bring your own ideas about how to best serve! A wide variety of gifts will be useful in this ministry. If God gifts you to be out in front leading others, or if you prefer to work behind scenes or just to sit and pray with others, there is a place for you!
Ongoing Opportunities
- LifeWise Shawnee - We are consistently expanding our Bible-based education for students in grades 1-6 during the school day! Come join us!
- Worship & Tech Teams - Lead the congregation into worship through singing, playing instruments, or running sound, projection, lighting or cameras
- Kids & Youth Ministries - Help with Birth-12th grade ministries and events
- Prayer Team
- Go on a Mission Trip
- Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen - serve lunch to the community
- Hospitality Team - make coffee, greet people, usher or drive the shuttle
Remember, you can reach out to our staff at any time by filling out a connect card at the bottom of our website!
New Ministry Ideas
Maybe you're looking to serve in a different way. Do you see a need in our community or church family that God is placing on your heart to begin meeting? What next step is God calling you toward?
If God is calling us to something, it's worth doing, and it's worth doing well.
Do you have an idea for a new ministry? Please fill out the form below. We'd love the opportunity to walk alongside you and help determine next steps.
Bible Reading Plan
Bring transformation to your life by reading your Bible! You will get to know Jesus on a deeper level and learn wisdom for your everyday choices.
You can find a free Bible in any of our church lobbies. Please feel free to take one when you're with us at church on Sunday or download the YouVersion app on your phone.
Use this simple SOAP format to guide your interaction with God's Word:
- Scripture. Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you.
- Observation. What do you see God doing in the Scripture? What is God saying to you?
- Application. Ask yourself how you can apply this to your life right now.
- Prayer. Communicate with God and ask Him to help you apply this to your life.
Try adding a chapter from Proverbs every day to the below plan! This list is also posted every Sunday on our Facebook page.
- Thursday, January 25 - Genesis 18
- Friday, January 26 - Genesis 19
- Saturday, January 27 - Genesis 20
- Sunday, January 28 - Genesis 21
- Monday, January 29 - 1 Samuel 25
- Tuesday, January 30 - 1 Samuel 26
- Wednesday, January 31 - 1 Samuel 27
- Thursday, February 1 - 1 Samuel 28
- Friday, February 2 - 1 Samuel 29
- Saturday, February 3 - 1 Samuel 30
- Sunday, February 4 - 1 Samuel 31
- Monday, February 5 - Ezekiel 18
- Tuesday, February 6 - Luke 11
- Wednesday, February 7 - Matthew 3
- Thursday, February 8 - Matthew 4
- Friday, February 9 - Acts 26
- Saturday, February 10 - Romans 2
- Sunday, February 11 - Luke 15:3-7
- Monday, February 12 - Isaiah 55
- Tuesday, February 13 - Acts 2
- Wednesday, February 14 - Acts 3
- Thursday, February 15 - 2 Corinthians 7
- Friday, February 16 - 2 Peter 3
- Saturday, February 17 - Acts 17
- Sunday, February 18 - Luke 13:1-5
- Monday, February 19 - Ephesians 4
- Tuesday, February 20 - Galatians 3
- Wednesday, February 21 - Romans 6
- Thursday, February 22 - Colossians 2
- Friday, February 23 - 1 Peter 3
- Saturday, February 24 - 1 Corinthians 12
- Sunday, February 25 - Acts 22
- Monday, February 26 - 1 Chronicles 1
- Tuesday, February 27 - Ezekiel 38
- Wednesday, February 28 - Hosea 1
- Thursday, February 29 - Hosea 2
- Friday, March 1 - Hosea 3
- Saturday, March 2 - Hosea 4
- Sunday, March 3 - Hosea 5
- Monday, March 4 - Isaiah 9
- Tuesday, March 5 - Luke 2
- Wednesday, March 6 - Romans 15
- Thursday, March 7 - Philippians 4
- Friday, March 8 - James 1
- Saturday, March 9 - Ephesians 2
- Sunday, March 10 - John 14:27
- Monday, March 11 - John 20
- Tuesday, March 12 - 1 Peter 4
- Wednesday, March 13 - Mark 10
- Thursday, March 14 - 1 Thessalonians 5
A Note From Our Treasurer
Thank you for all who gave to our Christmas Eve Offering last month! On our mission trip to Guinea in November, we were made aware of a need for a new basketball court. They needed $3,000, and the total amount given was $4,234.62! We are excited to provide this money as a gift to the Child Rescue Center, as a way to bless those children for years to come!
Giving statements were generated on January 21. If you have an email on file, you should have received an email from Planning Center Giving with access to your statement. You can also log on to the Church Center App or online portal to access statements.
If you'd like to join your giving statements with another person, please email to have those donor profiles joined.
If you'd like to give over and above your regular giving, we have several Giving Opportunities below, LifeWise, and our Building Fund. We have just recently paid off our buildings, and now we are excited to improve our facilities to ensure that ministry to current and future generations is effective. You may have seen walls stripped so we can paint -- and this is only the beginning! Partner with us in giving below.
Thank you for giving to the ministries of Shawnee Alliance Church. Through your generosity and faithfulness, we continue to see life transformation happen in our church, community, and around the world!
Giving Opportunities
When the Lord has blessed you and you want to give over and above your regular giving, here are some of the ways you can invest in the church and the community:
Supporting Emma Rex
"Hi, my name is Emma Rex. I grew up at Shawnee Alliance and am thankful to have called it my church home for so many years. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree this December, and am now taking the next steps toward working full time for campus ministry at Xavier through the Navigators. There is much prayer that has gone into this decision, and I believe that it is the next step I am meant to take in my service. However, this is a position that requires me to raise support for my salary. I know the generosity of our church and I am grateful for this opportunity. My hope is that together we can reach my yearly goal of $50,000."
To donate, please click below, and in Option 1, search for her name Emma Rex or the number 23840319. Thank you for blessing Emma in her next steps in following Jesus' leading for her life!
Other Giving Opportunities
- LifeWise - help bring Jesus to Shawnee Schools!
- Missions - help bring Jesus to the world!
- Building Fund - help us improve our facilities to increase the effectiveness of our current and future ministries!
Ways to Give
- Online at
- Church Center App - download today
- In Person - place check or cash in offering box after Sunday services
Thank you for your generosity and partnership with our ongoing ministries!
Upcoming Events
Ladies Trip to "Do Good Restaurant" - February 3 (register by January 26)
Blanket Drive for Our Daily Bread - collecting February 4-18 in both lobbies
Congregational Update - February 4 at 6:30pm in East Campus Sanctuary
Visitation Team Meeting - February 7 at 5:30pm in Room A
Stamp Trimming - February 10 at 9am in East Campus Room C
Springview Manor Ministry Team Meeting - February 11 at 12:15pm, Avenue56 Room F
Keenagers Luncheon - February 13 at 11:30am in Kids Min Room
Ash Wednesday Service - February 14 at 6:30pm in East Campus Sanctuary
Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen - Volunteer Thursday - February 15 at 11am
Baptism - February 25 at 9:30 & 11am (register by February 11)
Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Volunteer Tuesday - February 27 at 11am
Stamp Trimming - March 9 at 9am in East Campus, Rooms B & C
Upward Basketball Sunday - March 10 at 11am
Centershot Archery - Mondays, March 11-May 6 (register by March 11)
Keenagers Birthday Luncheon - March 12 at 11am
Lifeway Women's Conference - April 20 (register by April 7)
Community Events
"Hope, Tea & Chocolate" Women's Event, sponsored by Cornerstone of Hope - March 2, 10am-12:30pm at Lima Community Church (register below)
Thank you for reading this edition of the Shawnee Alliance SnapShot! Please visit to view previous editions of this newsletter, watch sermons and testimony videos with links to our YouTube channel, and check out our Tuesday Talks with Shawnee Alliance podcast!