
Southern Miss Business Summer 2023 Newsletter

Minding Our Business

A monthly article written by Dean Becton

Empowering Excellence: The Entrepreneurial Mindset Advantage in Business and Beyond

A few years ago, the College of Business & Economic Development embarked on a strategic planning process that encompassed examining our vision, mission, values, and priorities. During this process, the entrepreneurial mindset became a major focus in our discussions. The entrepreneurial mindset was considered so important that it made its way into our mission statement. For reference, the Southern Miss Business mission statement reads in part, “Our purpose is to develop leaders who leverage an entrepreneurial mindset to create value and innovative business solutions...” At first glance, some may wonder why such a focus on the entrepreneurial mindset when we produce many graduates who most likely do not aspire to be entrepreneurs. To be clear, we do not expect all or even most of our graduates to launch a startup or develop a new product. Rather, we feel the entrepreneurial mindset is a way of thinking and approaching challenges that is often associated with entrepreneurs but can benefit individuals in various aspects of life, even if they're not entrepreneurs. Having an entrepreneurial mindset is advantageous to anyone regardless of their career path or occupation. Also, it is a skill set that any employer would want their employees to possess. In fact, many of the characteristics associated with the entrepreneurial mindset can be found in job announcements for companies across any industry and any position. Let's take a moment to examine the key characteristics of this mindset and how it can be generalized to any business context. These characteristics are:

  • Risk-taking: Entrepreneurs are willing to take calculated risks. This mindset can benefit anyone by encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone, try new things, and pursue opportunities they might have otherwise avoided.
  • Creativity & Innovation: Entrepreneurs constantly seek creative solutions to problems. This mindset can help individuals find innovative solutions in their personal or professional lives, leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Initiative & Self Reliance: Entrepreneurs take ownership of problems or projects without input or guidance and often face setbacks and failures but persist in their efforts. Developing such resilience can help individuals better cope with adversity and bounce back from setbacks.
  • Critical Thinking & Problem-solving: Entrepreneurs are adept problem solvers. This mindset can empower individuals to approach challenges analytically and find solutions in various contexts.
  • Opportunity Recognition: Entrepreneurs see and experience problems as opportunities to create solutions. They are also adept at doing what you can with what you have or doing more with less. This mindset can teach individuals to tackle problems with optimism, make the most of their resources, and find creative solutions with limited means.
  • Flexibility & Adaptability: Entrepreneurs often need to pivot and adapt to changing circumstances. This adaptability can be valuable for anyone navigating today's fast-paced world.
  • Future Orientation & Vision: Entrepreneurs have a clear vision of their goals and the path to achieve them. Having a vision can help individuals set and pursue meaningful goals in their personal and professional lives.
  • Communication & Collaboration: Entrepreneurs usually clearly express ideas to an intended audience, including persuading others to work towards a common goal and build strong networks. This can benefit individuals by providing opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and personal growth.

In summary, the entrepreneurial mindset fosters traits and skills that are valuable for personal and professional development, regardless of whether someone is an entrepreneur. It encourages individuals to be proactive, adaptable, and innovative in their approach to life's challenges and opportunities. Southern Miss Business is committed to providing our students with curricula and applied experiences to help them develop these important skills that will aid them throughout their careers. How do you see employees with an entrepreneurial mindset contributing to the innovation and growth of your company, and what strategies or initiatives do you have in place to harness their potential? I'd love to hear from you!

Give to Name the Attire Fund in Honor of Ms. Amy Johnson Sevier

Professor Amy Johnson Sevier was a beloved mentor, colleague, and friend to many in the College of Business and Economic Development. During her 27-year career, she taught more than 9,000 students, leaving behind a profound legacy. One of her passion projects was the Professional Attire Fund, created so that students in need were able to afford their first professional business suit. She was a faithful and consistent donor to the fund for years, and our goal is to continue her work and name the fund in her honor—The Amy Sevier Professional Attire Endowment Fund.

As we gather our collective efforts to establish the Amy Sevier Professional Attire Endowment Fund, we invite you to join us in commemorating her legacy. Just as Amy empowered students to excel and embrace their potential, your contribution will carry forward her vision of student success. Honoring Amy Sevier, we ensure that her spirit lives on, lighting the path for future students as they step confidently into their professional pursuits. Together, we can make a difference, one suit at a time.

Fall 2023 in Full Swing

The Fall 2023 semester is in full swing, and Southern Miss Business hosted the annual Welcome Back Cookout to celebrate the beginning of another exciting semester with our business students, faculty, and staff. This annual tradition is one of our absolute favorites! Special thanks to Coca-Cola Hattiesburg, Frito-Lay, and Insomnia Cookies, who generously sponsored the event.

Upcoming September 2023 Events

Meet the Firms

September 7th | 5:00-7:00pm

The School of Accountancy invites you to attend Meet the Firms on Thursday, September 7, 2023, from 5:00 to 7:00pm at the Trent Lott Center on the Hattiesburg campus.

This dynamic career fair provides an opportunity for accounting students to learn more about internship and career opportunities, and network with representatives from accounting firms, companies, and other professional organizations to develop future contacts and employment prospects. The event also allows recruiting firms to meet and connect with potential candidates from USM to fill positions within their organizations. All accounting students and alumni are encouraged to participate, regardless of graduation date.

Whether you are representing an organization looking for a recruitment opportunity or you are an accounting student seeking your next professional connection, this event is for you!

Southern Miss Business Tailgates

Join Southern Miss Business before every home game this football season! Tailgate begins three hours prior to kickoff in the Scianna Hall Courtyard, facing THE ROCK.

  • September 2
  • September 16
  • September 30—Business Honors House and Eagle Scholars Reunion
  • October 7—Homecoming
  • November 4—School of Accountancy Alumni Reunion
  • November 25

Experience Business Casually

September 28th | 10:30-1:00pm

Experience Business Casually will be held on September 28, 2022, from 10:30-1:00pm in Scianna Hall Lock Commons. Students will have the opportunity to network with and gain valuable insight from various professionals in a casual environment and intimidation-free zone! The event will cover topics such as formulating elevator pitches, the importance of internships, perfecting handshakes, dressing for success, and so much more. If you are a professional interested in participating in the event, reach out to Amy Yeend at Amy.Yeend@usm.edu.

Celebrating Faculty and Staff

New Arrivals and New Responsibilites

  • Dr. Brigitte Burgess—Named Interim Director of the School of Marketing
  • Dr. Valerie Simmons—Transitioned from Instructor to Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Chris Smith—Transitioned from Visiting Assistant Professor to Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Allen Ryan—Transitioned from Visiting Assistant Professor to Assistant Professor
  • Mr. Glenn Terry—Transitioned from Visiting Instructor to Instructor
  • Dr. Chiquila Dolison—Hired as Academic Advisor for Undergraduate Academic Services
  • Ms. Crystal Tolible—Hired as Academic Advisor for Undergraduate Academic Services
  • Ms. Gayle Sollfrank—Hired as Academic Advisor for Undergraduate Academic Services
  • Ms. Alexis Cato—Hired as Administrative Specialist for the School of Marketing

Faculty Podcast Features

Dr. Bhagyashree Barhate, Assistant Professor of Human Capital Development in the School of Leadership, was a guest on one of the latest episodes of the Human Resource Development Masterclass podcast. The episode was titled "HRD & The Great Resignation." This podcast is presented by the Academy of Human Resource Development.

Dr. Chad R. Miller, Professor and MSED Program Coordinator, was the guest on the latest episode of the Econ Dev Show podcast. Dr. Miller paints a vivid picture of the ever-evolving landscape of economic development, tracing its roots from basic infrastructural necessities in developing nations to the data-driven approaches prevalent in developed countries like the US, Canada, Europe, and Mexico.

Celebrating Milestones

2023 Service Pinning Ceremony

Congratulations to the seven Southern Miss Business faculty and staff members who were honored during the 2023 Service Pin Ceremony! This year marked 10 years of service for Karen Bates, Mac Forsyth, Amber Hatten, and Tameka Sullivan and 20 years of service for Dr. Brandon Allen, Dr. Brigitte Burgess, and Dr. Joe Peyrefitte. Thank you to all for their many years of unwavering, dedicated service!

Spring 2023 Awards Ceremony, Faculty & Staff Recipients

  • Dr. Melinda McLelland—Joseph A. Greene Excellence in Teaching Award
  • Dr. Joanne Tran—Louis K. Brandt Publication Award
  • Dr. Wei Wang—BAC Research Award
  • Dr. Alex Scrimpshire—BAC Research Award
  • Dr. Bradley Winton—BAC Research Award
  • Dr. Banu Bas—BAC Research Award; Business and Economic Development Service Award
  • Dr. Kristina Harrison—BAC Research Award
  • Dr. Chao Meng—BAC Research Award
  • Dr. Brigitte Burgess—BAC Research Award
  • Dr. Ali Fridley—BAC Research Award
  • Dr. Quincy Brown—Business and Economic Development Service Award
  • Dr. Joyce Powell—Outstanding Staff Member Award
  • Dr. Gallayanee Yaoyuneyong—Leadership in Research Award
  • Dr. Blaise Sonnier—Leadership in Research Award

School of Leadership Summer Conference Attendance and Presentations

  • Dr. Joyce Powell, Assistant Director of the School of Leadership and President of the USM Association of Office Professionals, attended the National Association of Educational Office Professionals 2023 Annual Conference in Omaha, Nebraska. She served as an advisory council delegate and was elected to serve on the national Professional Standards Program (PSP) committee.
  • Dr. Shuyan Wang, Professor of Instructional Technology and Design, was invited to speak at the Learning Sciences and Future Education Forum at Beijing University. Dr. Wang introduced a few practices of elementary teachers integrating technology into the classroom to demonstrate how instructional technology motivates student’s learning interests, improves their capabilities of communication and collaboration with peers, and helps students master the skills of learning.
  • Mr. Glenn Terry, Professor of Practice in the School of Leadership, Presented at the Mississippi Association of Public Accountants and the Tennessee Association of Accountants Joint Annual Convention. He provided continuing education sessions, which included the 2023 Accounting Standards Update, 2023 Auditing Standards Update, Insights on Business Valuations, Computer Fraud Update, United States Economic and Income Tax Update, and New Lease Guidance Implementation Challenges.
  • Dr. Bhagyashree Barhate, Assistant Professor of Human Capital Development in the School of Leadership, recently presented three research papers at the University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference (UFHRD) in Dublin, Ireland. This conference is the flagship event for academic researchers and practitioners working in people management and related fields.
  • Dr. Yuanyuan Zhang, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering Technology, was invited by the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at the University of California, Berkeley to present her research work on automating information harvesting from images at the research seminar on July 6, 2023. This seminar was open to the public, especially to university students and researchers who are professionals in the field of public health, traffic safety, urban planning, and transportation management.

USM Brings Bachelor’s in Accounting to Online Students

To assist in meeting market demand for accountants, the Southern Miss Business School of Accountancy has begun offering its undergraduate degree in accounting fully online. The program is designed to empower students to earn their degree while working full time. The initiative provides an opportunity for students with prior college credit or a degree in another field to earn their accounting degree in as little as two years.

The same faculty who teach the on-campus courses at USM’s Hattiesburg and Gulf Park campuses will be teaching in the fully online program. The USM School of Accountancy is one of only 194 accounting programs in the world that has been separately accredited by the Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Only one percent of schools worldwide offering a degree in business hold separate AACSB accounting accreditation. In addition, USM will be the only AACSB-accredited university in Mississippi offering its bachelor’s degree in accounting in a fully online format.

The accounting curriculum at USM provides foundations in theory, data analytics, analytical tools, and problem-solving methods. Students learn the core leadership, business, and accounting competencies necessary to succeed.

Southern Miss Online MBA Rankings by Fortune Education

The MBA program at Southern Miss has garnered noteworthy acclaim within online education. This acknowledgment comes from Fortune Education's esteemed rankings for Online MBA Programs. USM’s Online MBA program has earned several accolades, solidifying its position as a leader in delivering quality, flexible, and innovative business education.

"Our business faculty and staff have continued to invest in and refine the online MBA program since it was established in 2014," said Dr. Steven Stelk, MBA Program Director. "We are implementing exciting curriculum changes this Fall while we welcome the second-largest MBA class in the program’s history."

What Were Our Business Students Up To This Summer?

Spilling the Tea About British Studies

Eighteen of our business students spent a month in London, England—a global powerhouse for finance, business, and entrepreneurship. The students were fully immersed in international business, gaining valuable insights from esteemed institutions like Lloyd's of London, the British Parliament, Ernst & Young Global Headquarters, Wimbledon, the Wedgwood Factory, and Twinings Tea. While learning about and navigating the intricacies of the British business, political, and economic landscape, the students also had the chance to absorb the vibrant atmosphere of one of the world's most dynamic cities.

Dr. Kristina Harrison and Ms. Julia Bradley led students on a fascinating journey into British history, culture, and the intricacies of the international business landscape. Guided walking tours covered financial districts, Silicon Roundabout, and sustainability-focused businesses. Beyond London, students visited Bath, a city acclaimed for its architecture, preserved Roman remnants, and film-worthy scenery. Students also ventured to Cambridge, home to one of the world's most respected universities, where they enjoyed a history-filled boat-punting adventure through the city's heart. Weekends provided an opportunity to explore nearby cities and countries such as Amsterdam, Italy, Stonehenge, Switzerland, and Paris. This kaleidoscope of experiences not only deepened their understanding of international business but also enriched their personal growth through immersion in diverse cultures and captivating landscapes.

Ciao to Business & Culture in Italy

For more than two weeks, sixteen business students visited Milan and Florence, Italy, soaking up Italian culture while visiting with business executives from a range of industries. First, students arrived at the world's fashion capital, where they observed the rich history and luxury of Milan. While there, the students met with an economist from Intesa San Paolo, the communications team of Campari, the COO of Uniqlo Italy, and more! Students chose to spend their free time exploring the city, attending mass at the Duomo di Milano, touring Castello Sforzesco, and shopping at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Among their business visits in Milan, the class favorite was the production tour and chocolate tasting at Guido Gobino in Turin, Italy.

Next, our students visited the birthplace of the Renaissance—Florence, Italy. Located along the banks of the Arno River, Florence is a bustling city full of captivating history, art, and culture. Students learned about the production of leather goods from the world-renowned Scuola del Cuoio, enjoyed a cappuccino while visiting the Mokaflor Espresso Academy, and were taught what to look for when distinguishing authentic Italian olive oil from others at Frantoio dei Colli Toscani. In addition to the fantastic business visits, the students viewed the iconic statue of David at the Accademia Gallery, visited the Uffizi Gallery, and explored Bobili Gardens. Drs. Jamye Foster and Kimberly Goodwin spearheaded this year's program, and thanks to them, the students received expert recommendations on where to find the best gelato!

Ka'Lon Duncanson Embarks on Eight-Week Academic Internship Experience in the Nation’s Capital

Ka'Lon Duncanson gained real-world experience this summer while interning with manufacturing giant Caterpillar, Inc. in their Corporate and Government Affairs Office in Washington, D.C. The opportunity was through The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) D.C. Summer Programs. TFAS works with more than 300 top organizations in Washington, D.C., for academic internship placement.

Additionally, Duncanson and Assistant Professor Dr. Bradley Winton published a research article in Tourism in Marine Environments based on Duncanson's honors thesis research. This research focused on the Mississippi Gulf Coast Blue Economy and the development of future tourism-focused industries. Duncanson is an international student from Freeport, Bahamas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's in marketing from the School of Leadership.

USM Beta Alpha Psi in Las Vegas

Our USM Beta Alpha Psi officers proudly represented Southern Miss Business at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas this summer!

Madison Calkins Completes Prestigious Internship with Lilly

Madison Calkins completed the prestigious Lilly Summer Sales Internship. While in Indianapolis, she participated in intense sales training that included mastering the language of pharmaceutical sales and participating in roleplay scenarios. Next, she served the Gulf Coast region alongside three fellow interns, calling on Hattiesburg and South Jackson territories. This incredible opportunity has allowed Madison to connect with students nationwide, from UCLA to Virginia Tech. Madison is currently pursuing a bachelor's in marketing and a certificate in professional selling.

TeKatelyn McGill Earns Prestigious Accounting Scholarship

TeKatelyn McGill, a senior accounting major, has been selected as a 2023-24 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board - PCAOB Scholar. This marks the sixth year in a row that a Southern Miss Business student has been selected for one of these prestigious scholarships.

USM Delta Sigma Pi President Accepts Multiple Awards at National Conference in Houston

Delta Sigma Pi's 55th Grand Chapter Congress was held in Houston, Texas, this month. Hundreds of Delta Sigma Pi officers, including collegiate brothers and alumni, gathered for the event. Over the course of the week, Devin Rodriguez, USM Chapter President, attended multiple educational workshops and participated in legislative business sessions.

Ultimately, the USM Delta Sigma Pi Chapter was honored with 7 total awards—5 regional awards (Central Gulf) and 2 provincial awards (Southern Province). Winning the Southern Provincial R. Nelson Mitchell Outstanding Chapter denotes the USM Chapter as a top 5 chapter out of 220+ total chapters in the country.

Business Students Complete Internships in Dublin, Ireland

Southern Miss proudly partners with EUSA to place students in a seven-week internship program in Dublin, Ireland. Students go through a highly competitive selection process to determine if they are a good fit for the program based not only on their qualifications but also their confidence in living independently in a new country for close to two months. Students get a multifaceted opportunity that doubles as an internship and study abroad experience, staying on the campus of the University College Dublin. Dublin is home to governmental, for-profit, and nonprofit entities from around the world who choose to have their European headquarters in Ireland’s capital. This location is optimal as Dublin is a member of the European Union, English-speaking, has a low corporate tax rate, not to mention its historical and architectural charm. Ten students from Southern Miss participated in the program this summer, three of whom were business students.

  • Colby Felix is from Ocean City, New Jersey, and is getting his undergraduate degree in marketing.
  • Anna Roberson is from Crystal Springs, Mississippi, and is majoring in hospitality and tourism management.
  • DeAnthony Dickerson is from Starkville, Mississippi, and is earning his bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship.

Introducing the Business Advisory Council

Southern Miss Business is fortunate to have an advisory council that is actively engaged with our students, faculty, and staff. From mentoring students to providing valuable input on curricular and professional skills needs, the Business Advisory Council (BAC) makes a huge difference.

If you are interested in being a part of the BAC, email usmbac@usm.edu.

Class Notes

  1. Dr. Gary Burrus and his team were recognized by HRM Director Magazine as one of the "Best HR Teams in the USA." Dr. Burrus is the Executive Director of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma's HR Department.
  2. Akeem Davis '16 was announced as a participant for the NFL's Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship. Davis is an NFL veteran and Laurel, Miss. native who created the AD47 Football Leadership Academy, dedicated to promoting leadership, citizenship, and healthy lifestyles since its inception in 2015. This summer, Davis led the 9th annual one-day football skills camp for ages 6-12. Like last year's event, the goal was to bridge the gap between the community and local law enforcement. WDAM interviewed Davis about the AD 47 Leadership Academy.
  3. Catalina Villegas '11 threw the first pitch at a Texas Rangers baseball game to help raise awareness for breast cancer. Villegas is the Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for MLB.
  4. Maxwell Greenough II '22 was hired as the Assistant Director of Athletic Communications at Southern Miss and started on June 1, 2023, just in time for the Auburn Regional and eventual Hattiesburg Super Regional. He worked with the Athletics Department throughout his junior year and as a Graduate Assistant.
  5. Jarvis Wilbert '15 & '20 was named among the Mississippi Business Journal's Top 40 Under 40 for 2023. Wilbert is a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative with Eli Lilly.
  6. Jordan Mabile '21 accepted a new position as the Mississippi State Athletic Academic Counselor.
  7. Dr. Wendi Lord has published her first book titled, Propel Your Potential: Learn to Flourish When You Have Enough but Don't Feel Like Enough. Dr. Lord was recently interviewed by WLOX about her book.
  8. Eric Anderson was promoted to Director of Learning & Development with Johnson Brothers.
  9. Leah Williams '17 & '19 received a promotion to Assistant Director, Marketing and Fan Experience at Kennesaw State University Athletics.
  10. Dr. Valeria Williams was recently accepted as a Fellow in the Mississippi Community College Policy Fellows Program (CPFP). Dr. Williams currently serves as the Director of Career and Technical Education for the Mississippi Community College Board.
  11. Riley Fitzpatrick '23 started his first fill time job as an Assistant Director of Marketing in Athletics at Vanderbilt University. He is working primarily with baseball, women's soccer, track & field, and the Mr. C's Kids Club.
  12. Landon McFarland '23 and USM marketing faculty member Dr. Joanne Tran had a manuscript accepted to the Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science for publication. The Journal has a 20% acceptance rate and ranked “B” in the ABDC journal listing. This manuscript entitled, “Antecedents and Consequences of the Disability Stigma for Frontline Employees: A Qualitative Study” was a part of McFarland’s Honors undergraduate thesis. McFarland started his marketing Ph.D. program at The University of Alabama this fall.
  13. Sophie Unson '23, Dr. Wei Wang, and Dr. Kristina Harrison have a manuscript accepted to the Journal of Convention & Event Tourism for publication. The Journal ranked “B” in the ABDC journal listing. This manuscript entitled, “Necessity is the Mother of Innovations: A Qualitative Study of Event Innovations during 'Shock' Events,” was a part of Unson’s Honors undergraduate thesis. Unson is currently the Venue manager at The Venue Hattiesburg.
  14. Lacey Wallace, Landon McFarland, and USM marketing faculty member Dr. Joanne Tran's submission to the 2023 Society for Marketing Advances was recently accepted for presentation. Their project, “Halos and Horns: The Positive and Negative Effects of Stereotyping Frontline Employees with Intellectual Disabilities,” further investigates the disability stigma in the services industry. Wallace is currently in pursuit of her doctorate at The University of Alabama.
  15. Jacorey Brown '23 is working with the New Orleans Saints and Pelicans as an Inside Ticket Consultant.
  16. Dr. Kady Pietz was named the 2023 Karen Sock Woman of Achievement-Woman of the Year by The Lighthouse Business and Professional Women organization on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
  17. Dr. Cherica Buckner was recently appointed Director of Talent Management for the Houston Independent School District.
  18. Dr. Holly Buckett presented an educational session, "Performance Improvement at the Speed Change," for the Association of Talent Development (ATD) International Conference & Exposition in Orlando, FL. She was also invited to be a part of the panel session "Future Ready: Are You Ready for Talent Development's Tomorrow?"
  19. Dr. Cory Wicker recently published research with current HCD Ph.D. student Tammy Rutland and others titled "Doctoral Virtual Writing Group: For Us, By Us" in New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development.
  20. Jordan Adams '19 recently transitioned from working as an Associate Athletic Trainer at Texas A&M University to 1st Assistant at Georgia Tech.
  21. Kapriatta Jenkins '18 earned her Ph.D. in Communication Culture and Media Studies from Howard University. Her dissertation was titled "The Impact of Social Media: Black Female Elite Athletes' Experiences with Coping and Mental Health." She is now an Instructor at Howard University in the School of Business, Department of Marketing.
  22. Hunter Martin '18 has been promoted to Associate AD for Sports Medicine after serving as the Assistant AD for Sports Medicine and Head Athletic Trainer for two years at McNeese State University. He now oversees the entire Sports Medicine department as well as the Strength and Conditioning department.
  23. Bryce Ducorbier '22 was promoted from Partner Services Coordinator to Associate Business Development within Learfield at Tulane Sports Properties.
  24. Rachel Bronson '20 recently became the Manager for the new Tickets for Less office in Omaha, NE. This summer, she concluded her first official College World Series as the leader of the office. Goals were set, and records were broken with the hard work of her and her team.

Business Alumni, What's New With You?

Southern Miss Business Alumni, we want to hear from you! Do you have good news to share? Maybe you got a new job, a promotion, or won an award! Please share your good news with us so we can help celebrate you and include your accomplishments in future newsletters. Click the link below to fill out the form.