

Pictured above: Northeast Middle School and Midland High School Bands from their joint performance on September 8, 2023.

Midland Public Schools District Vision Statement: Lead with respect, trust and courage. Ensure an equitable, collaborative and inclusive culture. Enable all to achieve success.

September 11, 2023

Volume 11 Edition 5

MPS Multicultural Calendar

Dates of Interest for September:

  • Today, September 11: Patriot Day, United States (Remembrance Day for the victims of September 11, 2001)
  • September 15-17: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
  • September 16: Mexican Independence Day
  • September 19-25: International Week of the Deaf
  • September 21: International Day of Peace - UN
  • September 24-25: Yom Kippur (Jewish high holy day - Day of Atonement)

Calendar Highlight: National Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated in the United States every year from September 15 to October 15. It is a time to recognize and celebrate the diverse cultures, histories, and contributions of those living in the United States whose ancestors came from Mexico, the Caribbean, Spain, and Central and South America. The timing of the month-long celebration incorporates the independence days of seven Spanish-speaking countries between the 15th and 18th of September and also includes the recognition of Día de la Raza / Columbus Day on October 12. The theme of this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month is “Driving Prosperity, Power, and Progress”.

Nominations Now Open for the 2024-25 Michigan Teacher of the Year

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) announced that the nomination window for the 2024-25 Michigan Teacher of the Year, an annual program that recognizes outstanding teachers in our state, is now open.

Each year, ten Regional Teachers of the Year (RTOYs) are selected through a competitive application process, with one of the RTOYs being named Michigan Teacher of the Year.

MPS is honored to have 2023 Regional Teacher of the Year for Region 4, Bridgit Sova, as a Special Education Teacher at H.H. Dow High School!

All eligible nominees are invited to apply. To be eligible, a nominee must have a valid Michigan teaching certificate and at least five years of teaching experience in Michigan and be in good standing with their school or district.

People wishing to nominate a quality teacher for this recognition are asked to make nominations using the online form, which is available until Monday, October 16, 2023. Please consider nominating an outstanding teacher today using the button below!

Neighboring Week is a week-long event sponsored by The Cultural Awareness Coalition inviting Midland to participate in activities that foster inclusion and a sense of belonging within the community. This year Neighboring Week will be September 24-30, 2023. For more information and ideas visit the link to the Neighboring Week webpage here.

2023 Marching Band Showcase

Don't miss the 2023 Marching Band Showcase, on October 11th at Midland Community Stadium starting at 6 p.m.!

Michigan School Meals Program

The Michigan School Meals program allows all public school students to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch per day at school for the 2023-24 school year without worrying about qualifying! While that is exciting, we need everyone to understand that the paperwork is still needed from your income-eligible households. The eligibility determinations from the submitted application/form are used for state at-risk funding calculations, local distribution of Title I funding, waiving testing fees, and any reduced pay-to-participate activities available in our schools. Thank you for your assistance to continue funding programs at our schools! To complete your application, click on the button below, then select "Apply for Benefits".

Community Resources

TRAILS Suicide Awareness and Prevention for Caregivers and Communities

Space is limited to the first 500 registrants. To register, use the QR code below or the link here.

Screen Media Use and Child Development

Questions or concerns? Contact us via the MPS Connect button below.