Mentoring & Collaborative Professionalism

In order to support student well-being and learning, we must intentionally foster educator well-being and learning. The vision for collaborative professionalism outlined below coheres strongly with the power of mentoring to build connection, community and webs of shared learning within and across roles.

Vision for Collaborative Professionalism
  • Values all voices and is consistent with our shared responsibility to transform culture and provide equitable access to learning for all;
  • Takes place in and fosters a trusting environment that promotes professional learning;
  • Involves sharing ideas to achieve a common vision of learning, development and success for all;
  • Supports and recognizes formal and informal leadership and learning;
  • Includes opportunities for collaboration at provincial, district and school levels;
  • Leverages exemplary practices through the communication and sharing of ideas to achieve a common vision.
Collaborative Professionalism as a Lens for Growth
  • Thinking about your work together with your team, where are you collectively on your journey towards collaborative professionalism?
  • What challenges are you encountering personally and professionally?
  • What ideas, insights or approaches might enhance collaborative professionalism within your team moving forward?
Supporting Resources

Policy/Program Memorandum 159 - Collaborative Professionalism in Ontario

Connecting our Hearts

Relational Trust

Mentoring as Learning


“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

~African proverb.
