
SOLIDARITY JOURNEY YMCA of San Diego County | November 1-7, 2023 | #SOJOCALI

Uniting to End Youth Homelessness

Every November, the YMCA of San Diego County aims to address youth homelessness through a powerful Solidarity Journey. Through this multi-day trek, we come together as a community, engaging partners, community members, and public officials to spread awareness and amplify our message far and wide.

In an inspiring move this year, the team will embark on a transformative two-week journey from San Diego to Sacramento, carrying a powerful message of hope and unity around this important cause. YMCA staff members Justin and David will lead the way, rallying over 550 squad members in coming together to create meaningful and lasting change.

“Throughout this experience we will laugh, learn, cry, and vibe out together each step of the way” -Justin Lipford

Our vision is crystal clear: to end youth homelessness in California. As experts in this field, YMCA Youth & Family Services has developed a proven response system that supports over 1,000 youth annually. But we won’t stop there. With your support, we aim to expand our impact, reaching thousands of young people who face homelessness on our streets every day. We believe the investment needed to support the expansion of our system will be found within our community of healers and hope dealers.

Watch a video recapping last year's Solidarity Journey.


Power Possibilites for Youth!

Your sponsorship of the Solidarity Journey expands the YMCA's intervention, prevention, and innovation capacity, making a profound impact on youth experiencing homelessness. We offer three clear tiers of sponsorship opportunities allowing you to choose the level of support that aligns with your commitment to the cause:

COMMUNITY HERO: $1,000-9,000

  • Your sponsorship fuels youth intervention services, providing immediate access to low-barrier housing assistance for young people in need
  • Your organization will be prominently featured in our campaign marketing materials, including T-shirts, advertising, YMCA newsletter, and social media channels

CHANGE MAKER: $10,000-$24,000

  • Your sponsorship goes even further, fueling both youth intervention and prevention services, providing life-changing support that prevents homelessness among youth
  • Your sponsorship strengthens our advocacy efforts to end youth homelessness within the state of California, amplifying our collective impact in driving policy change
  • Your organization will be prominently featured in our campaign marketing materials, including T-shirts, advertising, YMCA newsletter, and social media channels
  • Your employees will become official members of the Solidarity Squad, granting exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content and unique engagement opportunities throughout the journey

HOPE DEALER: $25,000 - $100,000

  • Your sponsorship fuels youth intervention, prevention, and innovation services, allowing us to provide limitless support within a limited system
  • Your sponsorship strengthens our advocacy efforts to end youth homelessness within the state of California, amplifying our collective impact in driving policy change
  • Your organization will be prominently featured in our campaign marketing materials, including T-shirts, advertising, YMCA newsletter, and social media channels
  • Your employees will become official members of the Solidarity Squad, granting exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content and unique engagement opportunities throughout the journey
  • Your organization will be intentionally incorporated into a stop along the Solidarity Journey, creating a meaningful and memorable event for your staff and community


Community Hero

About Us and Our Impact

For 55 years, YMCA Youth & Family Services has brought about meaningful and lasting change for youth, adults, and families by ensuring they have a safe place to live, connecting them to critical resources, building them a reliable support system, and empowering them to pursue their goals and dreams.

As San Diego faces one of the highest rates of youth homelessness in the nation, our Y swiftly responds with critical supports to prevent and divert young people from experiencing homelessness.

Just this past year we provided:

  • Housing resources and supportive services to 1,033 young people experiencing homelessness
  • Safe, stable transitional housing to 93 young people experiencing homelessness
  • 495 vouchers for young people experiencing homelessness to stay in hotels overnight
  • 53 young people with rental and deposit assistance for housing
  • 2,036 gateway supports such as hygiene kits, blankets, clothing, bus passes, and backpacks to young people experiencing homelessness
  • 1,316 groceries, meals, and snacks to young people at our TAY drop-in centers


BOOKMARK THIS LINK: This is a living page and will be updated as we have more information to share.

Please inquire with Justin Lipford to further discuss these opportunities: jlipford@ymcasd.org or call/text 619 370-4693


CRS Facebook | CRS Instagram

ELP Facebook | ELP Instagram

YFS Facebook | YFS Instagram