Appreciative Inquiry for Reflection and Growth

Appreciative Inquiry at a Glance

Appreciative Inquiry is an “attributes-based” approach that can be used to facilitate reflective conversations either during formal professional learning sessions or as part of the ongoing dialogue between mentors and colleagues.

At the core of Appreciative Inquiry is the belief that all participants come to mentoring relationships possessing many strengths and that by building on these assets, the answers to the issues and challenges they face can be collaboratively constructed.

This thinking is why we always begin with an examination of what is working well in current practice (themes of success). Many of these themes can then be applied as actual strategies to collaboratively address specific challenges and issues.

Appreciative Inquiry Conversation Map

Below you’ll find some practical ideas for structuring mentoring conversations. The Appreciative Inquiry Commons is a great place to explore these concepts of in greater depth:

Before the Conversation: Power of Listening

At its core, listening shows we care. It is a powerful tool for establishing and building the relational trust essential for any mentoring relationship.

Reviewing the elements of listening sets the context for Appreciative Inquiry conversations and promotes an open, non-evaluative atmosphere conducive to meaningful sharing of thoughts and ideas.

Beginning the Conversation: Themes of Success

What’s already working well?

As you think about your commitment to making a difference for students, tell a story about the best experience you have had so far in your work this year?

  • Without being humble, what skills, values, and attitudes do you bring to your work that contributes to your ability to support and mentor others?

Often in our practice we can focus on what is not working – creating time for paired conversations about what is working well can help bring to the fore the strengths and attributes of both new colleagues and mentors as well as highlighting the successes they’ve experienced in the year.

Following this segment of the conversation, participants may note common threads or themes that ran through their stories of success.

Some of these “themes of success” may actually provide useful strategies for the challenges and issues participants encounter.

Continuing the Conversation: Issues and Challenges

What’s not working so well?

What issues you are encountering? (i.e. What are the stones in your shoe?)

  • Looking ahead, what are the “wishes” you have for your role?

Acknowledging the “real world” challenges both new and experienced colleagues encounter in their work brings authenticity to this process.

Often when someone expresses a challenge they have already given the issue a great deal of prior thought.

For mentors, awareness of flexibility of stance and role is critical at this point of the process. Based on what they are hearing, mentors may decide to:

  • Consult (offer support and resources)
  • Collaborate (create challenge and encourage growth)
  • Coach (facilitate professional vision)

As the listener in the conversation, it is important for mentors to remember their role is non-evaluative and supportive.

Concluding the Conversation: Practical Ideas and Next Steps

Collaborative Strategy Harvest of Ideas

What specific ideas, strategies, and resources are you considering to address the issue or concerns expressed?

  • So What / Now What – share an individual action plan of possible next steps (next day | next week | next month)

When next steps have been established, the mentor assists the speaker in developing some measures that will let them know if the approach they’ve chosen is working.

The mentor encourages the beginning teacher to respond with specific indicators that they would like to see. At this point the mentor may choose to affirm what they have heard and bring the conversation to a close.


Themes of Success from Ontario Mentors
