Themes of Success from Ontario Mentors

In my work across Ontario we have engaged in an Appreciative Inquiry process where mentors in a variety of roles have shared their most meaningful experiences.

Below you'll see illustrative examples of themes of success shared by your colleagues. They echo the big ideas in this eBook and reflect the importance and beauty of mentoring relationships as opportunities for reciprocal learning.

Ideas from and for Mentors

  • Setting aside and being present in the moment
  • Listening deeply to the hopes, dreams and wishes of colleagues (and students)
  • Providing a safe space for discovery and sharing of challenges (aka learning opportunities)
  • Being aware of the importance of sense of care and trust in the relationship
  • Demonstrating congruence between our words and our actions
  • Remembering that a few words at an opportune time can make a huge difference
  • Acting as a resource rather than being the expert
  • Collaborating to problem solve
  • Thinking beyond 1 to 1 matching to help colleagues build a mentoring web
  • Demonstrating flexibility of stance and role (3C's) based on needs
  • Opening our minds (and hearts) to different approaches and acknowledging the complexity and messiness of learning
  • Listening with uncertainty
Growth Oriented
  • Engaging in reciprocal learning
  • Elevating and celebrating the quiet moments of beauty that occur every day in our classrooms, schools and beyond
  • Using scaling questions and appreciative inquiry as protocols for debriefing and checking in
  • Seeking out the strengths and gifts our colleagues bring
  • Letting go of mentor guilt
  • Creating our own web of support by continuing to connect with colleagues who bring us strength, energy, passion and hope