Mentoring for Mentors Jim Strachan

Kayak Moments

For the past 25 years I have started each day in the kayak, watching the sun rise on Lake Ontario. For me the exercise is great but what is really powerful is the time to think about the day before and the day ahead…to wonder…to reflect…to centre my thoughts. To experience quiet moments of beauty.

As mentors, we are deeply committed to supporting our colleagues and ultimately our students but a question worth asking is how we are supporting ourselves?

As you explore Mentoring for Mentors, I invite you to think about your kayak moments – the places you go, the things you do, the people you spend time with that bring you strength, energy, passion and hope.

This resource is dedicated to the thousands of classroom, school and system mentors across Ontario I’ve had the privilege of working with and learning from. Thanking you for the learning, laughter, humanity and heart you bring to our work and wishing each of you a mentoring journey filled with many kayak moments and kayak people.

eBook at a Glance


Mentoring Webs




Learning Focused Conversations


Meaningful Feedback


Powerful Mentoring Designs


Guiding Questions for Mentors


Mentoring for Mentors eBook as a pdf


Mentoring for Mentors Online Resources

If you’re interested in continuing to explore mentoring ideas and approaches, please visit the Mentoring for Mentors space.

Wishing you all the best on your mentoring journey!

Jim Strachan