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Adobe XD Intro BadgE

How to obtain your "Intro Adobe XD Badge"

Thank you for your interest in Adobe Badging here at the University of Arizona. To obtain your Adobe XD workshop badge, please ensure you are an enrolled student, and then follow the instructions below:

If you were unable to attend our online or in-person workshop you can visit our Intro to Adobe XD. resource page by clicking the button below. It includes step-by-step instructions as well a recording of one of the sessions being taught. Use this as a guide to completing your badge requirements!

Create a Mobile App Prototype Using Adobe XD

  • Choose Your Product or Service: Begin by selecting a product or service that will serve as the foundation for your mobile app prototype. Be sure to include essential details such as names, product descriptions, and any other pertinent information that will help convey your concept effectively.
  • Create a Minimum of Two Linked Pages: Construct your mobile app prototype using Adobe XD, ensuring that it consists of at least two linked pages. These pages should reflect different aspects or screens of your app, such as a homepage and a product/service description page. Feel free to incorporate additional pages as needed to present your idea comprehensively.
  • Incorporate Photographs: Enhance the visual appeal and realism of your mobile app prototype by including at least six photographs related to your chosen product or service. These photographs can be used to illustrate features, products, or services within your app. Feel free to include more than six photographs if you believe it will enrich your project further.
  • Optional Interactive Components: While not mandatory, you have the option to incorporate interactive components into your prototype if you wish to enhance user experience. Interactive elements can add depth to your project, but remember that they are not a requirement for completing the badge.
  • Refer to the Resource Pages Project: Utilize the resource pages provided for this project as a guide throughout your design and construction process. These resources are designed to assist you in understanding the tools and techniques required to build a successful prototype.
  • Have some fun with it!

Submitting your design

  1. Click on the "Badge Request" link below and fill out the required information.
  2. Copy the link to your XD Prototype and press "Submit."
  3. Allow up to 2 weeks for badge processing.

We appreciate your dedication to learning and creativity, and we hope you continue to explore the exciting world of Adobe software. Stay tuned for more upcoming workshops and events!