
The Eagle Weekly 9/10/23

September 10, 2023

The Week Ahead

Welcome Week Recap

The first week at MSE was awesome this year! As a staff, we decided that the rather than diving into curriculum and homework Week 1, we would hit pause and intentionally work on our school community. A dedicated team of staff members spent the summer planning lessons and activities to welcome kids back into school. We learned about things like different learning styles, our school counselors, about growth mindset, about our 4 new Character Traits and more! We finished off the week with a mini dance, field day, and service project before a school wide assembly! This was a great week for our students to feel a part of the East Community and build relationships that will last all year long!

Around East This Week

MSE Open House 9/14/23 6-8pm

All parents/guardians are invited to join us this coming Thursday, 9/14, at MSE for our annual Open House beginning at 6:00pm. We will begin the evening with an update from Mr. Hauser and Mr. MacIntosh before parents are sent off to follow their child's class schedule and meet their teachers to hear about curriculum, expectations, and how we can all work together to support your child's academic growth!

Fall NWEA Testing

The NWEA Test is given to students 3 times this year (in September, in January, and in May). Students are tested in Math, Science, and Language Arts. These are diagnostic tests for us as a staff to see student growth, areas for growth in their learning, and where students need to be supported. Scores are also taken into consideration for placement in advanced or support classes. More information to come next week!

MSE Parent Academy

This fall at MSE we will be starting a middle school parent academy. A middle school parent academy is a program or series of workshops designed to educate parents on various aspects of middle school education. The goal of a middle school parent academy is to provide parents with the tools and resources they need to support their children through the middle school years, which can be a challenging time for many students.

Some topics that might be covered in a middle school parent academy include: Understanding the middle school curriculum, Effective communication with teachers and administrators, Strategies for supporting academic success at home, Supporting social-emotional development in middle school students, Navigating the transition to high school.

Participation in a middle school parent academy can help parents feel more informed and confident in their ability to support their children through the middle school years. It can also strengthen the partnership between parents and educators, ultimately leading to better outcomes for students. Please join us for our first “Parent Academy” Thursday September 28th, 2023 at 6:00PM in the KIVA for a presentation from “Families Against Narcotics. Please RSVP by clicking on this link:

Teal Tuesdays

Some of you might know that one of MSE's Teachers, Michelle Wolff, has been battling Ovarian Cancer and we believe in a family approach support system at MSE. We will be doing Teal Tuesday’s for the month of September as a initiative to raise awareness for Ovarian Cancer during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, which is typically observed in September. Teal is the designated color for Ovarian Cancer awareness, and wearing teal clothing or accessories on Teal Tuesday is a way to show support for those affected by this disease and to promote awareness and early detection. Please join us in supporting this cause.

Education Benefit Form

This year, LCPS is excited to offer 1 free breakfast and 1 free lunch to all students starting this school year thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program! Even though the meals will be provided to students who want them, it is very important for families to fill out the Education Benefit Form in order for MSE to receive full access to federal and state funding for education programs that our students are entitled to. This form helps determine the state funding we get which includes things like: Instructional supports (staff, supplies, materials), non-instructional services (like counseling, social work, health services, etc), professional learning for staff, parent and community engagement supplies and activities, and technology. It takes less than 5 minutes to fill out the form and LCPS is asking that every family complete, please help us out!

Media Release Denial Form

2023 MSE Football


Mandatory Parent Meeting for all volleyball parents on Tuesday September 12 at 5:00pm in the MSE Kiva.


Wrestling Club

Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools