Dear parents and carers
Playford College was delighted to welcome over 50 dads and other older males to the Fathers' Day breakfast on September 1st. As a new event in our school, we were very pleased with the large attendance, the happy conversations, the delicious breakfast and the positive response to our communication.
For those who were able to come, their children were thrilled when dads and father-like figures visited classrooms. So many smiles and proud moments.
We are grateful to Marwa, Tahira, Trish, Racha, Tyron (cooked so many eggs!) and many others for the delicious breakfast and classroom teachers for welcoming our special guests.
We expect even more fathers to their next event!
Some of the points Mr Riemann mentioned in his talk are included in the following article:
With Blessings,
Chris Riemann and Racha Hammoud Makki
Heads of Schools
Head of Primary
Assalamualaikum dear parents/caregivers,
I hope and pray that you are all safe and healthy.
The last couple of weeks have certainly been busy. Teachers have worked tirelessly in preparing and carrying out a successful Book Week. One of the highlights was having the Secondary students read to the younger ones and Upper Primary reading to the Junior Primary. Politicians took time out of their busy schedules to visit our school and read some fantastic books for our students. It created a real sense of community.
- Teachers and students got creative with their door decorations and we all enjoyed seeing their favourite books on display.
- The Primary Custodians visited the Fatima Zahra Mosque. Mr Ali Zamini accompanied the students to speak about the history and function of the mosque, emphasising the role of a Muslim in the mosque and especially in prayer.
- The Custodians were inspired to bring their knowledge back to the school regarding prayer and share with their peers. They learnt the importance of prayer (namaz) and how to value it in the prayer hall.
- The students then went to Sofra Kebab House to have a delicious halal lunch while they discussed some future projects. A great and productive day overall.
- Science Week delivered a lot of fun, educational and hands-on activities. The teachers worked very hard to prepare the activities and the students benefited greatly.
- The Year 3 Camp took place in Week 5. I had the privilege of attending and saw how much the students enjoyed their time there, with a whole range of outdoor activities. Although none of us got enough sleep, we all left feeling satisfied.
- Father’s Day was a day to remember. Celebrating all the great dads and significant figures of the school was very special. Fathers made time to come and enjoy a beautiful breakfast prepared by our wonderful staff and visited their children in the classrooms. Mr Riemann gave a heartwarming talk that focused on all the great things dads do.
- Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the dads/father figures and the smiles of their children seeing them at school. The feedback about the school from the fathers was very positive. It is great to have such support from parents and caregivers.
There were many other activities, sports carnivals and excursions that took place. The students are in very safe and capable hands with our teachers and staff as they care about their learning and well-being.
Please continue to give feedback on ways to improve in all areas. We value your input and constant support.
Take care and Khuda Hafiz,
Head of Secondary
The term is soaring by, and Alhamdulillah, spring has now graced us with its presence. It has been a truly blessed and busy few weeks, filled with abundant opportunities for learning and a wealth of experiences.
Science Week offered opportunities for students to see how they could apply innovation to problem-solving and the fun that can exist in science. As we stand on the cusp of a new era, we are faced with a myriad of challenges, from environmental issues to global health crises. It is in these challenges that we discover the immense potential of science and innovation to create solutions for a brighter tomorrow. The Quran places upon everyone the responsibility to seek solutions to the problems that plague our world; innovation in science can be one part of this.
In our last assembly, we humbly recognised those students who excelled in Semester 1, both academically and through their unwavering efforts. The list of accomplishments was extensive, a testament to the dedication and determination of our students. Now, as we find ourselves deeply immersed in Semester 2, we witness the blossoming growth of our students in their cognitive abilities, comprehension, and their diligence towards their studies.
We implore you to continue nurturing this growth by encouraging your children in their homework assignments and ensuring they meet their deadlines. Rest assured, support is readily available, both within the classroom through their teachers, and outside, with many resources at their disposal. Let us remind our children that seeking assistance is a sign of strength, and everyone requires guidance on their journey.
For our Year 12 students, the challenges are mounting as they approach the pinnacle of their educational journey. We kindly request your support in promoting healthy sleep and eating habits, as well as providing them with balanced downtime. The workload is significant, with numerous deadlines looming at the end of the term. Therefore, it is essential for students to work diligently at home in addition to their efforts at school.
The subject selection process has commenced for our 2024 Year 11 and Year 12 students; we have reached a pivotal moment in their academic journey, where choices about their future education are to be made. Subject selection for Year 11 and 12 is not merely a decision about what to study; it is a bridge that connects your aspirations with the realities of your academic path. It is a choice that will shape their future, but is it more than simply attaining the minimum for the next step on their academic journey, but an opportunity to broaden their learning, for knowledge is a noble pursuit in Islam. Your choices in Year 11 and 12 are like seeds that you plant today, which will bear the fruits of success or hardship in the future. It is essential to make these choices wisely and with full awareness of your capabilities and interests. Students have been encouraged to ask questions and seek guidance from you and from school if they have any questions.
The dedicated teachers have already begun crafting the mid-Semester reports, which will provide you with valuable insights into your child's progress in each of their subjects. These reports not only include grades but also offer constructive advice on how to help your child reach their fullest potential. It is imperative that both you and your child read these reports with an open heart, celebrating their strengths, and identifying opportunities for further growth. These reports will be sent home in Week 10, so please be prepared to engage with them.
As we approach the Year 9 camp, and in the early stages of Term 4, the Year 8 and 7 camps await. These experiences are not merely recreational but serve as enriching opportunities to cultivate skills that extend beyond the classroom. Alongside the joy and excitement these camps bring, they also offer valuable life lessons. We wholeheartedly encourage all students to participate, ensuring that they relish these moments in a secure and supervised environment.
In the spirit of togetherness and with a heart full of gratitude, we look forward to the coming weeks and the continued growth and success of our students. May Allah's blessings guide them on this educational journey.
Faith in Our College
Members of the Playford College community embarked on an enriching journey to the Islamic Schools Association of Australia (ISAA) AGM and the 6th Annual Islamic Schooling Conference hosted at Minaret College in Melbourne, Australia. This event was a true celebration of learning, networking, and recognition.
Our delegation had the privilege of showcasing our commitment to education with three outstanding presenters: Abrahim Al-Zubeidi, Raazia Rashid, and Nazneen Wajid. Their insightful contributions added immense value to the conference discussions.
We are absolutely thrilled to share that Playford College left an indelible mark, winning three prestigious awards at the conference! Congratulations to Abdullah Kabi for securing a well-deserved learner award, Abrahim Al-Zubeidi for the educator award, and a heartfelt applause to The Playford College Team for the pedagogical renewal award.
This remarkable week was a testament to the dedication, passion, and excellence that defines our Playford College community. As we reflect on the experiences of presenting, networking, and celebrating together, we look forward to continuing this journey of growth and collaboration.
Book Week Highlights - Read. Grow. Inspire
Day 1
On the 21st of August, classes prepared for Book Week. Secondary students buddied up with Primary classes and read books.
Primary classes prepared for Book Week by decorating their class doors with different stories. 4L students displayed an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme. The week prior, 4L students had a successful art lesson, where they all participated in and enjoyed the fun experience whilst creating a brilliant display with strong teamwork skills.
Students explored each other's class door displays and visited different classrooms where the teachers read stories.
Mayor Glenn Docherty and Senator Simon Birmingham visited Playford College and read books to Primary School students. Inspiring authors Melanie Cellier and Deborah Grace White conducted a writer's workshop for Secondary School students.
Day 2
Playford College was blessed to have Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC visiting. She visited many areas of the College, particularly with Primary and Secondary Leadership teams.
Day 2 involved more Primary and Secondary buddy reading lessons! Students from Year 9 visited Year 2 students and read an array of stories.
The Year 3 classes dressed up for Book Week before venturing on camp!
Day 3
On day 3, Lee Odenwalder MP and Cr Chantelle Karlsen read stories to both Foundation classes.
Junior Primary and Upper Primary completed buddy activities including 'build a story' and reading!
Science Week Highlights
Science Week this year was a blast, with many exciting experiments conducted by Primary and Secondary classes. Below are highlights of some challenges during the week.
Oil Spilage Challenge: Primary classes enjoyed learning about oil spills and pollution. Students had to try cleaning the oil from the water to help save the oceans.
Bridge-building Experiment: Students worked in teams to create strong bridges that would hold different weights in a car.
Experiments in the Lab: Primary students had the opportunity to explore activities in the Secondary school laboratory.
Water Ping Pong Relay: Students enthusiastically competed in relay teams.
During the Secondary School Science Assembly, students engaged in many blasting experiments!
Fathers' Day Highlights
Playford College's first ever Fathers' Day breakfast and visiting classrooms was a success. Students enjoyed having their father, grandfather, brother or father figure at the school and visiting their classrooms.
Primary School Updates
Year 4 Excursion - SA Maritime Museum
The Year 4 cohort embarked on a historical journey to the SA Maritime Museum, where they engaged in three experiences: The Archie Badenoch Cruise, the self-guided museum tour, and an encounters session. The students built on and made connections to the learning covered in HASS, by exploring various ships on the Port River, exploring the redevelopment of buildings and various companies, as well as tuning into the map of Australia to explore how languages, people, and the names of Australia have changed. It was so beautiful to see the enthusiasm and engagement from all and to see how much everyone enjoyed themselves.
Year 3 Camp - Narnu Farm
In Week 5 the Year 3 students went on Camp to Narnu Farm. This was an amazing camp where students got to have a go at some very different experiences. Students started with using twine to make their own rope and learnt how, in the past, young children would spend all day making meters and meters of rope to sell. They then learnt about traditional blacksmithing and watched how a horseshoe is heated and bent in to shape. Students' favourite experiences involved feeding the farm animals breakfast and dinner, giving the calves and lambs their milk, holding guinea pigs and baby chicks. Students also had a go at cooking their own damper over a campfire and making butter using a traditional hand operated churn. By the end of the 3 days, students were starting to feel a bit tired, and they were very glad to live in a time where it is so easy to go to the shops!
Swimming Week
Swimming week is underway for Year 2s, 5s and 6s. Students have enjoyed learning many different swimming skills and techniques!
Secondary School Updates
Youth Advisory Panel
On 16th of August, students Nazish and Sana had a special invitation from Tony Piccolo MP to visit the Parliament House. This experience gave the students a unique insight into the functioning of the Parliament, the Senate and House of Representatives, and the history of South Australia. Below are reflections from the students:
"During our visit, we had the privilege of listening to guest speakers who talked about common issues faced in schools and how to address them. Their valuable insights provided us with a deeper understanding of the challenges that students and educators encounter on a daily basis. We learned about effective strategies to tackle these issues and create a positive learning environment.
Throughout our time at Parliament House, we were encouraged to ask questions and actively engage in discussions. This interactive approach allowed us to gain further knowledge about the legislative process and the role of MPs in representing their communities. We were inspired by the dedication and commitment demonstrated by Tony Piccolo MP and his colleagues.
Attending the afternoon lunch provided us with an opportunity to connect with other students from different schools. We shared our experiences, exchanged ideas, and fostered new friendships. It was a wonderful chance to broaden our perspectives and learn from each other.
Overall, our visit to the Parliament House was a truly remarkable experience. We not only gained a comprehensive understanding of how the Parliament functions but also developed a greater appreciation for the importance of civic engagement. We are grateful to Tony Piccolo MP for extending this invitation to our school and providing us with this invaluable opportunity.
Stage 1 Chemistry - Dry Ice Experiment
As part of Science Week, the Stage 1 Chemistry students conducted experiments with dry ice.
The Community Hub
The community hub had a chance to host Dr Nora who specialises in women's health. She visited the playgroup for a casual talk with the mothers about looking after themselves. She discussed issues which the women face and we are looking forward to Dr Nora becoming a regular visitor to the hub in the future. We thank all who participated and look forward to having many more of our families join us for such events.
Counsellor's Corner
Food and a child’s development 🍲 🍎 🍌 🍉
Children at each stage of life require different types of nutrition to grow up in the healthiest manner:
- Early childhood is the time when a child requires the necessary nutrition as it is the rapid growth stage in the child’s life.
- Schooling years for children seems to be one of the hardest times for the child to follow a healthy diet.
- Adolescence is a great opportunity for the child to adapt a healthy and lifelong nutrition. However, at times, the food choices students make can be influenced by their peers, as well as social media. which is a primary negative influencer on poor diets, which may lead to eating disorders and self-insecurity.
- There are many studies showing that poor nutrition, particularly during the early years, can cause permanent health issues. Recent research has found a connection between the child’s behaviour and the food they eat. There are certain foods which have a negative impact on a child’s health.
Here are some certain foods which are found unhealthy and may be a trigger to child’s health or behaviours.
- Artificial food colours, often found in packaged food such as juice boxes and sweet confectionaries and they may contribute to negative behaviours such as hyperactivity. The main colours to be aware of and avoided are: Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6.
- Gluten: For children who experience stomach ache issues, parents should check whether the child may have an intolerance to foods with gluten (wheat products).
- Junk foods: This includes unhealthy snacks with excess sugar, salt, fats, which are very poor in vitamins and minerals and can cause hyperactivity and behavioural changes. The link between junk food and children’s health particularly long-term physical health, is scientifically proven.
- Caffeine: It is not found just in coffees and teas; soft drinks have caffeine too, and it can disturb children’s sleep and cause long-term health issues. Furthermore, it has been scientifically proven that children with poor sleep will struggle in school as poor sleep is linked to a child’s concentration and moods.
- Foods with certain preservative: These include Nitrites and Nitrates, Sodium Benzoate, Monosodium Glutamate, all of which may cause problematic behaviours such as hyperactivity in children. These preservatives may exist in canned food or frozen foods.
To help your child grow both mentally and physically and function at their very best at school, here are some suggestions:
- Choose nutritious foods and encourage children to choose healthy food such as fruits, vegetables and meats/ fish.
- Encourage your children to drink water in the school instead of any sugary drinks such as juices or soft drinks.
- Try to have at least one family meal a day at home and include different healthy dishes with salads.
- Encourage children to eat a healthy breakfast each morning with compound carbohydrates as well as protein.
With blessings,
Term Dates
04/09/2023 - Primary Swimming Week Begins
11/09/2023 - Swimming Week (Foundations, Yr 1s, 3s and 4s) Begins
19/09/2023 to 21/09/2023 - Student Led Conferences (4pm to 6pm)
18/09/2023 to 22/09/2023 - Year 9 Camp to Kangaroo Island
29/09/2023 - End of Term 3
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