
Clinical Mental Health Track Central Virginia Counselor Development Symposium 2023

9:00 – 10:00 a.m. EST Advocating for Mental Health Within the Church: A Discussion of How and Why

Steps must be taken within this profession to help build relationships and teach church leaders and members how to respond to mental health issues within their communities to bridge the gap between counseling and churches. Christian counselors should understand how to educate and advocate within their churches.

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. EST How Professionals Impact the Abuse of Women in the Divorce Process

Current systems involved in divorce proceedings inadvertently further the abuse of domestic violence victims. We will discuss the different tactics abusers use to inflict further harm on their victims while in the divorce process. We’ll also share ideas for how to better support your clients and what collaborative advocacy efforts could look like.

11:30 – 12:20 p.m. EST The Effects of Vicarious Trauma: Practical ways for Counselors to Implement Self-Protective Measures in the clinical Setting

Counselors have the privilege to walk with clients through traumatic experiences with the hope of leading them through the healing process. In this session, counselors will develop a deeper understanding of vicarious trauma and protective measures as they walk alongside clients through their healing journey.

1:30 – 2:30 p.m. EST Handling Values Conflicts: Integrating Counselor Values into the Counseling Process

Mandating that counselors always work within the client’s value system can create moral distress that eventually can create a fragmentation of the counselor identity. The ethical limitations of a “no exceptions” mandate to bracket alternative values will be presented. A process of respectfully engaging clients in moral dialog will be proposed, along with ethical implications.

2:45 - 3:45 p.m. EST The CDCAS Framework: Integrating the Stages of Change Model and the INCOME Framework

Employment has been indicated as a contributor to positive outcomes for both people with addictions and those with disabilities. This session will provide a new treatment framework by integrating the Stages of Change Model for working with individuals with addictions and the INCOME framework for working with individuals with disability.

4:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST Counselors as healers in a toxic culture: Exploring Viewpoint Diversity as a strategy for building client resiliency

This presentation explores the impact that a strongly reactive political/social environment may have on mental health and Counselor Education and presents a synopsis of how an emerging development in the field of social science and education may provide some helpful answers.