The Course Quality Enhancement & Monitoring [CQEM] process is an essential mechanism underpinning the development of a course-focused approach for the student experience. CQEM is an on-going process of review and development of courses at Coventry University.
It is a key aim of the Quality in Learning and Teaching committee (QuiLT) to increase student engagement within the Course Quality Enhancement Monitoring (CQEM) processes particularly during the course team meetings which takes place in Jan/Feb and in the Summer of every academic year.
The key objectives of the CQEM process
- Maintain academic standards against the QAA standard.
- Appraise the extent of student achievement against course learning outcomes.
- Review the student experience and quality of educational support to students.
- Determine alignment to the 2030 Group Strategy and the Education and Student Strategy 2030.
- Identify good practice by course teams and highlight areas for change.
- Meet Professional Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) / external requirements.
Student Representation
Coventry University requires for students' to contribute to the CQEM cycle. Student representatives are invited to attend either of the two CQEM meetings, allowing course teams to use the one that will be best for student engagement. Plus, the representatives must be provided with a copy of the CQEM report so they can provide a ‘Student Statement’ – a requirement for section 1 in the CQEM Template.
Course Directors will seek student volunteers and training will be provided by the Academic Development Team; training is provided throughout the year.
Why is Student Representation in the CQEM meeting important?
Based on feedback from staff and students', engaging students' in CQEM course team meetings provided:
- It provides a platform for students' and staff to work as partners in discussing and suggesting action plans on how to enhance their course using the CQEM report template.
- By involving students', it provides an avenue for the CQEM process to be transparent.
- Provides an opportunity for course teams to know the coherence of courses from students’ point of view.
- Provides an opportunity for course teams to understand the needs and priorities of students from their courses.
- Provides an opportunity for course teams to explore student's feedback when developing actions plans.
Let us look at the cycle of student representation in the CQEM process
Student Recruitment
Student Recruitment - Student representatives from each year are put forward by Course Directors or recruited by the Students Union.
Every course team is encouraged to involve at least four student's from across all levels in their CQEM meetings. Any student can be involved including the students reps.
Course directors are responsible for inviting their students to the CQEM course meeting.
Students' present the feedback in the form of a statement during the course team meeting. Based on the meeting action plan, the performance of all courses is reviewed regularly during the academic year.
After the CQEM meeting
- The course director will update the CQEM report and action plan following the meeting.
- Students' should be sent a copy of the draft report so they can add in their statement that also responds to the report and action plan.
- The course director will ensure that the students' are copied to receive a copy of the final report.
- An annual report on the percentage of courses where students' were engaged with the course team meetings will be presented at the QUILT committee meeting by the Student Engagement Research Officer.
- Students are awarded a 2-star Coventry University digital badge in recognition of their participation.
“It was extremely useful to have the students involved in the process and to share their ideas. A lot of what has been discussed we are already implementing on the PG courses and it has helped to validate the changes we want to make. A special thank you to the students themselves and for their support and participation in the scheme as it was invaluable and the staff left the session feeling much more motivated and proactive to continue to review our practices and make further changes for the benefit of the students themselves. It was probably the best CQEM meeting we have had for some time!” - Course director from FBL
Thanks for your time. If you have questions about CQEM please contact your course director, or email Jane Ojiako at
All images extracted from Adobe Beta Webpage.