
Moorlands Primary PTA moorlands.primary.pta@outlook.com

We are a small group of parents and staff working to raise funds to benefit Moorlands Primary School students by organising fun events for students and their families. Each year the funds help school arrange enrichment activities for the students.

During the 2022/2023 academic year, we raised over £5600! All the money we raise goes straight back into school and benefits each child in school. These funds have been spent on:

  • A set of balance bikes
  • Subsidising transport and activities for school trips
  • History themed visitors
  • Having chicks to hatch
  • Music writing workshops
  • Year 6 leavers hoodies
  • Permanent storage for playground equipment
Thank you to all the families for their support! We could not have done it without you!

You can keep up to date with our activities by following our Facebook page:

Join us!

Come along to one of our informal meetings and help us support your child’s school. For more information, please email:


Did you know you can still help, even if you don't join the PTA?

Volunteer your time at our events

You don’t need to be part of the PTA to help us at the events we organise! We often need more volunteers to help staff discos and other events, so please do get in touch if you can help!

Easy Fundraising

If you shop online, this is one of the easiest ways to support and help raise funds for the PTA! easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra – the cost is covered by the brand! For more information, please visit:

My Name Tags

My Nametags offer a variety of personalised name labels that you can customize in various colours and designs. My Nametags will give the PTA 24% commission on your order. To order, please visit:

Quote our School ID 20488 at checkout.


Stikins provide name labels for clothing and all other personal items. Simply quote our fundraising number 15197 at checkout, Stikins will give the PTA 30% commission on your order.


If you prefer stamps to stickers or iron on labels, Stamptasitc have a great range of personalised stamps available. If you shop via our affiliate link:


Stamptastic will pay the PTA 15% commission.

Match Funding

Are you able to access match funding through work (often available in large companies, banks etc.)? Would you be willing to help at a PTA event and then access the match funding to maximise our funding efforts? If you can, please get in touch via email!

Support our events

Whether it is buying a raffle ticket, donating a raffle prize, attending the events we host, or using our affiliate links for online shopping or name tags, you are helping raise funds to benefit Moorlands Primary School students. Thank you!